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2022-07-02 06:28:00 【Villanelle#】
"code-runner.executorMap": {
"c": "cd $dir && gcc $fileName -o E:/VSCodeExercises/exe/$fileNameWithoutExt && E:/VSCodeExercises/exe/$fileNameWithoutExt",
"cpp": "cd $dir && g++ $fileName -o E:/VSCodeExercises/exe/$fileNameWithoutExt && E:/VSCodeExercises/exe/$fileNameWithoutExt"
- CONDA common commands
- 用C# 语言实现MYSQL 真分页
- 【DIoU】《Distance-IoU Loss:Faster and Better Learning for Bounding Box Regression》
- Open3d learning notes 1 [first glimpse, file reading]
- 笔记本电脑卡顿问题原因
- 将恶意软件嵌入到神经网络中
- 【Cascade FPD】《Deep Convolutional Network Cascade for Facial Point Detection》
- Gensim如何冻结某些词向量进行增量训练
- Replace self attention with MLP
- Correction binoculaire
Target detection for long tail distribution -- balanced group softmax
Replace convolution with full connection layer -- repmlp
【TCDCN】《Facial landmark detection by deep multi-task learning》
Remplacer l'auto - attention par MLP
Feature Engineering: summary of common feature transformation methods
Open3d learning notes 1 [first glimpse, file reading]
How to clean up logs on notebook computers to improve the response speed of web pages
Specification for package drawing
What if the laptop task manager is gray and unavailable
联邦学习下的数据逆向攻击 -- GradInversion
【MobileNet V3】《Searching for MobileNetV3》
Backup, recovery and repair of XFS file system
Prompt 范式简述
On the confrontation samples and their generation methods in deep learning
Go functions make, slice, append
A brief analysis of graph pooling
Global and Chinese market of snow sweepers 2022-2028: Research Report on technology, participants, trends, market size and share
Nacos service registration in the interface
【BiSeNet】《BiSeNet:Bilateral Segmentation Network for Real-time Semantic Segmentation》
(15) Flick custom source
CPU register
Data reverse attack under federated learning -- gradinversion
Where do you find the materials for those articles that have read 10000?
Sequence problem for tqdm and print
EKLAVYA -- 利用神经网络推断二进制文件中函数的参数