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Open3d learning note 4 [surface reconstruction]
2022-07-02 07:54:00 【Silent clouds】
open3d Surface reconstruction
Alpha shapes
Reconstruction with convex hull .
import open3d as o3d
mesh_ply = o3d.io.read_triangle_mesh("mode/bunny.ply")
# sampling
pcd = mesh_ply.sample_points_poisson_disk(750)
# Take a look at the convex hull
hull, _ = pcd.compute_convex_hull()
hull_ls = o3d.geometry.LineSet.create_from_triangle_mesh(hull)
hull_ls.paint_uniform_color((1, 0, 0))
o3d.visualization.draw_geometries([pcd, hull_ls], width=1280, height=720)
# Start surface reconstruction ,alpha Adjustable value
alpha = 0.1
mesh = o3d.geometry.TriangleMesh.create_from_point_cloud_alpha_shape(pcd, alpha)
o3d.visualization.draw_geometries([mesh], mesh_show_back_face=True, width=1280, height=720)
result :
Convex hull condition
Reconstruction effect ,Alpha=0.1
continue ,Alpha = 0.015
Rolling ball method
import open3d as o3d
mesh = o3d.io.read_triangle_mesh("mode/bunny.ply")
# Old rules , Sample first
pcd = mesh.sample_points_poisson_disk(3000)
# Here you can see the normal
o3d.visualization.draw_geometries([pcd], point_show_normal=True, width=1280, height=720)
# Start rebuilding
radii = [0.005, 0.01, 0.02, 0.04]
rec_mesh = o3d.geometry.TriangleMesh.create_from_point_cloud_ball_pivoting(pcd, o3d.utility.DoubleVector(radii))
o3d.visualization.draw_geometries([pcd, rec_mesh], width=1280, height=720)
effect :
Normal annotation
Reconstruction effect
Poisson surface reconstruction
The two above , The rolling ball method looks good , But in fact, both are chicken ribs , Is not smooth . Poisson reconstruction will be better in this regard .
There is only one adjustable parameter for Poisson surface reconstruction , That's it depth, This defines the depth of the octree , If the value is high, there will be more details .
import open3d as o3d
mesh = o3d.io.read_triangle_mesh("mode/Fantasy Dragon.ply")
pcd = mesh.sample_points_poisson_disk(3000)
with o3d.utility.VerbosityContextManager(o3d.utility.VerbosityLevel.Debug) as cm:
mesh, densities = o3d.geometry.TriangleMesh.create_from_point_cloud_poisson(pcd, depth=9)
# Paint him a color
mesh.paint_uniform_color([1, 0, 0])
o3d.visualization.draw_geometries([mesh], zoom=0.664,
front=[-0.4761, -0.4698, -0.7434],
lookat=[1.8900, 3.2596, 0.9284],
up=[0.2304, -0.8825, 0.4101],
Next, let's go through the process , Look at the density of points .
print('visualize densities')
densities = np.asarray(densities)
density_colors = plt.get_cmap('plasma')(
(densities - densities.min()) / (densities.max() - densities.min()))
density_colors = density_colors[:, :3]
density_mesh = o3d.geometry.TriangleMesh()
density_mesh.vertices = mesh.vertices
density_mesh.triangles = mesh.triangles
density_mesh.triangle_normals = mesh.triangle_normals
density_mesh.vertex_colors = o3d.utility.Vector3dVector(density_colors)
o3d.visualization.draw_geometries([density_mesh], zoom=0.664,
front=[-0.4761, -0.4698, -0.7434],
lookat=[1.8900, 3.2596, 0.9284],
up=[0.2304, -0.8825, 0.4101],
Purple is low density , Yellow is high density , You can screen out some with low density . give the result as follows :
There seems to be no change . Sampling point 3000 In the case of reconstruction , There are still some scattered noises . To remove noise , There are two ways : The first one is : Continue to reduce sampling points ; The second kind , Increase sampling point . Reducing sampling points will lose more details , So it's not recommended .
Let's see the effect of increasing sampling points .
Sampling point =10000
Almost restored the original appearance , But what if the low-density area is removed ?
Become incomplete . So use the delete function depending on the situation .
Let's take a look at reducing sampling points .
Sampling point =1000
As expected , Although the original scattered points are gone , But at the same time, many details have been lost , Do more harm than good .
Next, change the model to see the reconstruction effect .
Sampling point 15000
Close to the limit , Even the sampling points basically cover the whole model , Some details will still be lost .
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【Paper Reading】
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【Mixed Pooling】《Mixed Pooling for Convolutional Neural Networks》
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