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【Sparse-to-Dense】《Sparse-to-Dense:Depth Prediction from Sparse Depth Samples and a Single Image》
2022-07-02 06:26:00 【bryant_meng】
1 Background and Motivation
深度感知和深度估计在 robotics, autonomous driving, augmented reality (AR) and 3D mapping 等工程应用中至关重要!
1)3D LiDARs are cost-prohibitive
2)Structured-light-based depth sensors (e.g. Kinect) are sunlight-sensitive and power-consuming
3)stereo cameras require a large baseline and careful calibration for accurate triangulation, and usually fails at featureless regions
然而,the accuracy and reliability of such methods is still far from being practical(尽管这些年有了显著的提升)
作者在 rgb 图像的基础上,配合 sparse depth measurements,来进行深度估计,a few sparse depth samples drastically improves depth reconstruction performance
2 Related Work
- RGB-based depth prediction
- hand-crafted features
- probabilistic graphical models
- Non-parametric approaches
- Semi-supervised learning
- unsupervised learning
- Depth reconstruction from sparse samples
- Sensor fusion
3 Advantages / Contributions
rgb + sparse depth 进行单目深度预测
ps:网络结构没啥创新,sparse depth 这种多模态也是借鉴别人的思想(当然,采样方式不一样)
4 Method
采用的是 encoder 和 decoder 的形式
UpProj 的形式如下:
2)Depth Sampling
根据 Bernoulli probability 采样(eg:抛硬币,每次结果不相关), p = m n p = \frac{m}{n} p=nm
伯努利试验(Bernoulli experiment)是在同样的条件下重复地、相互独立地进行的一种随机试验,其特点是该随机试验只有两种可能结果:发生或者不发生。我们假设该项试验独立重复地进行了n次,那么就称这一系列重复独立的随机试验为n重伯努利试验,或称为伯努利概型。
D ∗ D* D∗ 完整的深度图,dense depth map
D D D sparse depth map
3)Data Augmentation
Scale / Rotation / Color Jitter / Color Normalization / Flips
scale 和 rotation 的时候采用的是 Nearest neighbor interpolation 以避免 creating spurious sparse depth points
4)loss function
- l1
- l2:sensitive to outliers,over-smooth boundaries instead of sharp transitions
- berHu
berHu 综合了 l1 和 l2
作者”事实说话”采用的是 l1
5 Experiments
5.1 Datasets
464 different indoor scenes,249 Train + 215 test
the small labeled test dataset with 654 images is used for evaluating the final performance
KITTI Odometry Dataset
The KITTI dataset is more challenging for depth prediction, since the maximum distance is 100 meters as opposed to only 10 meters in the NYU-Depth-v2 dataset.
RMSE: root mean squared error
REL: mean absolute relative error
δ i \delta_i δi:
- card:is the cardinality of a set(可简单理解为对元素个数计数)
- y ^ \hat{y} y^:prediction
- y y y:GT
更多相关评价指标参考 单目深度估计指标:SILog, SqRel, AbsRel, RMSE, RMSE(log)
1)Architecture Evaluation
DeConv3 比 DeConv2 好,
UpProj 比 DeConv3 好(even larger receptive field of 4x4, the UpProj module outperforms the others)
2)Comparison with the State-of-the-Art
NYU-Depth-v2 Dataset
sd 是 sparse-depth 的缩写,也即输入没有 rgb
KITTI Dataset
3)On Number of Depth Samples
sparse 1 0 1 10^1 101 这个数量级就可以和 rgb 媲美, 1 0 2 10^2 102 飞跃,
采样越多,和 rgb 关系就不大了(performance gap between RGBd and sd shrinks as the sample size increases),哈哈哈
This observation indicates that the information extracted from the sparse sample set dominates the prediction when the sample size is sufficiently large, and in this case the color cue becomes almost irrelevant. (全采样,怎么输入我就怎么给你输出出来,别说跟 rgb 关系不大,跟神经网络关系也不大了,哈哈哈)
再看看 KITTI 上的影响
4)Application: Dense Map from Visual Odometry Features
5)Application: LiDAR Super-Resolution
6 Conclusion(own) / Future work
《Multi-modal Auto-Encoders as Joint Estimators for Robotics Scene Understanding》
Robotics: Science and Systems-2016
《Parse Geometry from a Line: Monocular Depth Estimation with Partial Laser Observation》
- 【信息检索导论】第三章 容错式检索
- 腾讯机试题
- 【Paper Reading】
- 【MEDICAL】Attend to Medical Ontologies: Content Selection for Clinical Abstractive Summarization
- Feeling after reading "agile and tidy way: return to origin"
- Use Baidu network disk to upload data to the server
- 【Hide-and-Seek】《Hide-and-Seek: A Data Augmentation Technique for Weakly-Supervised Localization xxx》
- SSM personnel management system
- Generate random 6-bit invitation code in PHP
- Mmdetection installation problem
Faster-ILOD、maskrcnn_ Benchmark trains its own VOC data set and problem summary
Cognitive science popularization of middle-aged people
【Paper Reading】
[in depth learning series (8)]: principles of transform and actual combat
《Handwritten Mathematical Expression Recognition with Bidirectionally Trained Transformer》论文翻译
Regular expressions in MySQL
label propagation 标签传播
SSM supermarket order management system
Mmdetection installation problem
ERNIE1.0 与 ERNIE2.0 论文解读
【Mixup】《Mixup:Beyond Empirical Risk Minimization》
[introduction to information retrieval] Chapter 7 scoring calculation in search system
SSM personnel management system
【信息检索导论】第三章 容错式检索
Comparison of chat Chinese corpus (attach links to various resources)
【Random Erasing】《Random Erasing Data Augmentation》
The difference and understanding between generative model and discriminant model
Two dimensional array de duplication in PHP
Use Baidu network disk to upload data to the server
Calculate the difference in days, months, and years between two dates in PHP
实现接口 Interface Iterable<T>
Traditional target detection notes 1__ Viola Jones
Calculate the total in the tree structure data in PHP
【模型蒸馏】TinyBERT: Distilling BERT for Natural Language Understanding