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Use "recombined netlist" to automatically activate eco "APR netlist"

2022-07-08 01:11:00 NanDigits

NanDigits Of GOF ECO Support with “ Recombined netlist ” It's automatic ECO“APR Net watch ” The process of .

Here's the picture , In this process , The user to change RTL After that, you just need to run the comprehensive script again , Compare the recombined net list with the previous version APR Send the net watch together GOF ECO that will do .GOF ECO It will automatically analyze the differences between the two netlists , Produce the smallest Patch, And the output ECO Script or ECO Net watch . Back end tools , Such as Innovus、ICC/ICC2 Get ECO Script or ECO After net list , do ECO Route.

  Net watch ECO technological process

Here's an example , Demonstrates how to base on “ Recombined netlist ( Refer to the net list )” To automatically modify “APR Net watch ( Realize net list )”, And make them logically equivalent . say concretely ,GOF ECO Will check the logical equivalence between the reference netlist and the top level of the implementation netlist and its sub modules , Locate the points that are not equivalent , Then the patch with the minimum number of gates is generated , Apply the patch to the implementation of net list , Make it equivalent to the reference netlist .

Automatically ECO Script example ( Pay attention to the notes ):

use strict;
undo_eco;  #  Remove the previous ECO operation 
setup_eco("eco_example");  #  Set up ECO Name 
read_library("art.90nm.lib"); #  Read in lib library 

#  Read in the recombined weblist 
read_design("-ref", "reference.gv");
#  Read in needs ECO Implementation of netlist 
read_design("-imp", "implementation.gv");

set_top("topmod"); #  Set top-level module 
set_ignore_output("TEST_SO*"); #  Avoid test loop effects ECO
set_pin_constant("TEST_EN",0); #  Avoid modifying to test logic 

#  Set high ECO Grade , Note that quick tests can be done 
#  Fix the top layer and sub modules 

report_eco();  #  Output ECO The report 
write_verilog("eco_verilog.v"); #  Output ECO After Verilog Net watch 
write_soce("eco_soce.tcl"); #  Output SOC Encounter Format ECO Tcl Script 

exit; #  sign out , Or comment out this line and enter mutual debugging 

from Termial Run the above script in :

gof -run auto_eco.pl

  from ECO The script shows ,GOF ECO The process is very simple ,“ One Button” Get it done ECO.

