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Uncover the seven quirky brain circuits necessary for technology leaders

2022-07-05 04:23:00 Software testing network

technology Leader It is a post with very high requirements for comprehensive quality , It is not only necessary to have the ability to solve specific technical problems , Also have the ability of team management , We need to lead the direction and the team / The ability of the platform to advance to the next level through confusion . So generally speaking, technology Leader Most of the skills are the combination of virtual and real , Too much complicated work . For this reason, I have sorted out the thinking skills that I often use in my work .


Common thinking methods of Technology

One 、 Think ahead , Push backwards

The meaning of this way of thinking is :

When thinking about a proposition, you can take a future perspective , First make a prediction about the future development , Then, based on your judgment, push back what should be done now , Finally, key milestones and rhythms are worked out .

This thinking model is often used in the scenario of technology planning , Unfortunately, many teams' technical planning is based on current problems , How many resources are there , Then take the method of doing what you can to prioritize the items . This is not really planning , At best, it's a plan ( If it's not done well , Plans don't count , It can only be regarded as a list ).

This thinking model has several key misconceptions :

1、 Dare not think forward , Worry about the wrong judgment about the future

I believe a lot Leader All have this fear , Will the team fail to get the results because of their lack of thinking and misjudgment . It is understandable that there is such a worry, but it is meaningless to promote the matter , because :

Be more careful about your information , Your information is more comprehensive , If you can't make a good judgment about the future , How others can make judgments on your behalf . So be confident .

As long as your judgment is reasonable and logical , Be able to reach a consensus with everyone , That at least means that this judgment will not be too bad , It's also a good idea at present , It is not necessary to pursue absolute correctness , Besides, whether it is true or not is only known when it becomes history ( Sometimes history cannot answer this question ).

The team is not always the most sure 、 The most correct thing , It is more important for the team to make a hole than to pursue philosophical correctness .

So we need to Leader Full exchange and sharing of information , Make reasonable judgments about the future with confidence , And reach consensus with relevant roles .

2、 Only think forward , There is no backward push

I have also seen technical planning that only thinks forward but does not push back at all , This is a typical floating in the sky , A pile of metaphysical concepts . But in fact, the essence of this thinking model is the combination of backward pushing :

  • Moving forward is, in a sense, an answer to to be ( What to make ) The problem of , But pushing back is actually an answer have ( What's going on right now ) as well as have to do( What must be done ) The problem of .
  • to be It is to stimulate people's imagination , Let us all agree on our ideals , This is what motivates the team .
  • have as well as have to do In fact, I am looking for to be Between GAP, seek GAP Is to go further and find the solution , This is a further landing .
  • Only when the two are combined can idealism find the future , Can also make progress in a pragmatic way . I think this is about looking up at the sky , Down to earth interpretation .

Two 、 Target and path

The meaning of this way of thinking is :

When thinking about a proposition, we should focus on what is the goal , What is the path and the relationship between the target and the path . The goal of leaving the path is empty talk , The path away from the target is foolishness , So the goal and the path are one and two sides , Leaving any one without talking about it is not true .

Similarly, in the context of Technology Planning , You can have a close look at , Many plans are goal oriented ( In fact, this has been done very well , Because everyone's consciousness has awakened , No goal, no further discussion , So no matter whether the goal setting is good or bad, at least there are ), But few plans are clear about the path .

Although this thinking model is easy to understand , But there are also some mistakes in this thinking model :

1、 Goals must be achieved

Leader They all have to bear the pressure of performance , So naturally there will be a misunderstanding that every goal must be completed meticulously . But a low value 100% Goals accomplished And A high value 90% Goals accomplished , Not necessarily 100% Get high performance when you finish , The key is to see the value contribution to the organization .

therefore Leader We should look at this problem dialectically , When setting goals, goals should have strong traction , It is to let the team jump to achieve , Let the team have fighting spirit ; When you accomplish your goals, you should also lead the team to strive forward , Try every means to get results towards high goals , But also observe the team status at any time , You can't do anything to achieve your goals or kill your team .

2、 When the path is executed, it is carried by inertia

When refining the execution path of the target , We usually get more detailed ACTION, There will even be special personnel to manage and track these ACTION. But the most common deviation is , As we do it, we forget our original intention , Put the goal behind you . Typical is to follow the established route , We didn't look back at the goal based on the situation at that time , Find out if there is a better path . So always reflect on what is the purpose , What is the means , We should not take the means as the end and blindly implement .

3、 ... and 、 End to end thinking

The meaning of this way of thinking is :

When thinking about a proposition, we should pay attention to the whole link as much as possible , Not the railway police .

This scenario is used for online problem management and optimization , Especially on the subject of customer experience or efficiency improvement . This mode of thinking is also very simple , But there are also many mistakes :

1、 I didn't know where to go from end to end

It is very good to think and solve problems end-to-end , And you can understand what you want to do . But the biggest mistake of this thinking mode is that it only exists in everyone's mind , Instead of writing it down in black and white . The most typical scenario is this B Put forward end-to-end thinking to solve the problem of their own domain , but A Not carefully identified , As soon as I heard of end-to-end, I took it for granted that B It also solved A The problem of . But in fact, it is not the same thing to find out ,A Make complaints about it. B The promise was not fulfilled ,B Make complaints about A Nonsense .

It's actually quite easy to crack this misunderstanding , Is to draw the whole process , Let's first reach an agreement on the process based on objective facts , Then circle the specific end-to-end segment in the process .

2、 The effect does not state the assumptions

End to end, on the one hand, is to see the whole problem , On the other hand, the most important thing is the overall delivery value . There is also a big misunderstanding about the overall end-to-end delivery value , The assumption is not clearly stated . Take end-to-end efficiency improvement as an example , In order to improve efficiency, it is necessary to clarify the business scope on which the end-to-end efficiency improvement is based , And what effect can be achieved . A better way is , List the conditions clearly in the form of a table , Then give a clear performance conclusion of end-to-end efficiency improvement . There is no end to the matter of raising efficiency , As long as you can't 0 Investment must give certainty to efficiency 、 Comparatively speaking, what we fear most is that the uncertain efficiency will disrupt the original production plan , It is not necessary to deduct several person days to improve the efficiency .

Four 、 Closed loop thinking

The meaning of this way of thinking is :

This is actually a very vivid logical thinking method , When thinking about a proposition, we should start from the original mind and return to the original mind , To avoid major deviations . This model is not complicated to understand , But there are also some misunderstandings :

1、 Metaphysical false closed loop

This is actually a lot Leader It is very easy to fall into the wrong zone , There is no analysis and Discussion on multiple links of the proposition , Pass this requirement to the team and ask for closed-loop thinking , That is, only management requirements but lack of technical leadership insight . Generally speaking , There are the following steps to solve a technical proposition from the beginning to the landing :

  • perceive / cognition ( Aware of existing platforms / System problems , I feel that I need to do architecture tuning and upgrading )
  • Concept / principle ( Discover the essence behind the problem , From the business principle / The concept and essence are extracted from the bottom of technical principles )
  • understand / Consensus ( Explain the nature of the problem , Reach understanding and consensus from top to bottom )
  • The goal is / route ( Put forward the target , Disassemble the implementable path )
  • form / indicators ( Propose measurement indicators and specific ACTION, The best thing is to follow up with the form )
  • A small victory is a celebration ( Celebrate the achievement of milestones , Of course, this is also the key point to keep the business value )
  • Follow up on ( A small victory is a celebration, and we can't relax our vigilance , Still need to continue to advance to the next task )
  • Flexibility ( Adjust the priority according to the actual situation , It is also to stick to the business value rather than stick to the previous task table )
  • The goal is achieved ( Completion standard is not a new platform / System capacity building completed , It is to complete model unification , Traffic migration completed , Old code offline, etc )
  • The next awareness ( Open the next platform / System architecture tuning and upgrading cycle )

Many times we don't really think and follow up in a closed loop , For example, some nodes are missing , Or some nodes exit prematurely :

  • For example, many platforms are built in the 4) When the step is finished, let it happen , Lack of table tracking mechanism , The final effect is procrastination 、 Whet and haw can't get the result .
  • For example, many platforms are handed over to others when they are finished , Follow up on serious problems , It will lead to inflexible adjustment and serious construction obstacles .

2、 The next step of the advanced level is missing

In a sense, closed-loop thinking should be said to be a spiral process of interlocking , In this way, we can continuously drive the next round of evolution . But many Leader Not well aware of this problem . With the above closed loop 10 Take steps as an example ,Leader It should start thinking about the next awareness when a small victory is celebrated , Starting the next round of thinking before the apex of the parabola can ensure that the next closed loop can be opened in time , Enter the spiral optimization process .

5、 ... and 、 Quantitative thinking of indicators

The meaning of this way of thinking is :

There is no optimization without quantification , So when defining and promoting a proposition , Try to quantify the problems encountered in the way of data indicators . There are also some misunderstandings in the same thinking mode :

1、 Lack of quantitative dimension leads to lack of objectivity

The essence of quantification is actually coercion Leader More comprehensive , Understand the problem more objectively . But if there is a problem through the data more objectively , It still needs some skills , Otherwise you will fall into the heart of the answer , It's just a dilemma to prove through data . In particular, the larger the team, the more attention should be paid to this problem , Generally speaking, the organization of this group has its own preferences , It is also the motivation and willingness to promote what the organization prefers . For example, technology makers tend to prefer to lead to architecture optimization , Business people tend to lead to completion KPI Up , But in fact, what is more objective is how to efficiently meet customer value .

How to break through this misunderstanding , The empirical thinking I get is the matching degree between the presented data dimension and the objective world , The higher, the more objective , The more objective it is, the more conducive it is to solving problems . Only by quantifying the data can we find a possible solution to this problem , Only then can there be a choice in the subsequent scheme selection , We can't put the cart before the horse because we have chosen a plan and then use the data to demonstrate the rationality of the choice .

2、 The deception of quantitative data after fault interpretation

The objective reflection of the data is only the first step , How to interpret determines the utilization value of data . Not afraid not to see the truth , Only afraid to see part of the truth , Improper interpretation will let us see the truth and draw wrong conclusions . For example, average your wealth with that of the richest man , The feeling is that the income of the whole people has soared .

Common data interpretation methods are as follows :

  • High value VS Low value VS Average VS quantile : You can see the actual distribution of the data .
  • Year on year and month on month : You can see the development trend of data in each dimension .
  • overall situation VS Local : After reading the overall indicators , Be sure to match them Local data according to multiple dimensions . For example, after reading the national per capita income still more Look at the data of each province , Even the data should be broken down into various industries .
  • Horizontal comparison of local data : It can be compared and classified .

Data index quantification can be used in any scenario , But many people's trigger mechanism is not very sensitive , Often forget this thinking model . Many things are actually caused by feeling , Things that depend on feeling don't last long , Sometimes right and sometimes wrong . The more abstract and empty it is, the easier it is to talk about feelings, which is just a good time to practice , The next time you feel that the team is not in the right state , You can try to think about how to use the method of data indexing , See which dimensions of data can be quantified .

6、 ... and 、 Story and image thinking

The meaning of this way of thinking is :

technology Leader When I explain my thinking to you , Pay attention to thinking through the image of the story , Try to explain the problem as clearly as possible , Let everyone understand . This is a point that many technical people do not pay special attention to , They often think so :

1、 It is much more important for a technician to be practical and able to work than to be able to talk , The former is the real hard core skill

This reflects the subconscious thoughts of many technical people , Especially the students at the bottom . But we forget that the essence of human collaboration is based on common imagination , If we can't explain clearly what we have to do , How to motivate people to do things together . As technology Leader It must be abandoned , Technical skills and good communication skills .

2、 The professional has its own threshold , Why waste time and energy talking to people who don't understand

Many people hold this view , I think the major should have a certain sense of mystery , It gives people a feeling of ignorance . But in fact, the real specialty is to be simple , Explain complex things to others in plain English . Most of those who can't speak clearly in plain English are still half full of water , Not really a major yet .

The best way to overcome these problems is to tell stories, such as this kind of visual thinking model , Actually PPT It is to use pictures to express complex thinking logic . As for how to tell a good story, I think it's good to think about journey to the West :

  • Determine the initial intention and goal 、 And the meaning . Journey to the west is to learn from scriptures to help all living beings in the world .
  • There are many difficulties along the way , But we can always overcome difficulties without forgetting our original intention . Whether it's the contradiction between the master and the apprentice , Or to subdue demons and demons is the difficulty that we constantly encounter and overcome .
  • Visit the Buddha and get the Sutra , Spread to all living beings . After going through calamities, I got the Scripture , Then he went back to the eastern Tang Dynasty to preach to people all over the world .

technology Leader Build a platform in the leadership team / System time , You can also use this kind of story telling to motivate everyone . Of course, telling a good story is not only such a structure , But the essence of the original intention is to think about technology Leader Be able to add visual thinking , By analogy , Let people deeply understand what you want to do through the story , Only in this way can we better coordinate towards the goal .

7、 ... and 、 Multiplier effect

The meaning of this way of thinking is :

technology Leader When thinking about a technical proposition , Take full account of the impact of this matter , For example, some decisions may affect 10 personal , Some decisions may be made indirectly 100 people , This multiplier effect must be technical Leader To be considered carefully , The bigger Leader Pay more attention to .

Multiplier effect can be said to be a double-edged sword , A good multiplier effect can allow large teams to enjoy dividends , But bad events can also affect everyone . Therefore, there are the following practices :

1、 Top down decisions should be carefully reviewed , Fully consider the multiplier effect

As a team Leader Especially the second line TL, Be sure to consider the power of the multiplier effect when making some decisions ( Sometimes second-line Leader And the front line Leader The difference is in managing the multiplier effect ), There are often two misunderstandings :

  • The difficulty of implementation has not been fully estimated , Amplified by the multiplier effect . Many decisions seem quite right and valuable , But the starting point may be based on management needs rather than the necessity of front-line students' work . The problem with this is that it is too late to land , There are policies at the top and Countermeasures at the bottom .
  • The execution result is not CHECK, Actually, it is completely deviated . If Leader Too confident , There is no such closed-loop thinking method to follow up specific matters with multiplier effect , In the end, there will be a dilemma . Because most of them deviate, and it is impossible to move forward , But because there are too many sunk costs, I am reluctant to give up .

2、 Actively manage the bottom-up multiplier effect

In order for the organization to flourish , We must encourage front-line students to give full play to the multiplier effect , So that the big team can enjoy the bonus . but Leader Be sure to actively identify and manage these matters with multiplier effect , The possible problems should be corrected and intervened in time , The typical rectification is to prevent repeated construction and internal involution . But for those who really benefit the overall situation , To do a good job in timely promotion and take the initiative to help solve the obstacles in the promotion process , Let the big team enjoy the dividend as much as possible . But anyway , For this kind of multiplier effect, there must be a management list , Encourage innovation but make decisions carefully .


technology Leader Is a set of architects , managers , A comprehensive position for a leader , After years of practice, I have only seen part of it . So the above is just a little bit of thinking skills , Of course, it is impossible to solve all practical problems . I hope these thoughts will be helpful to everyone Leader There is some help .


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