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Intel distiller Toolkit - Quantitative implementation 3
2022-07-06 08:57:00 【cyz0202】
This series of articles
Intel Distiller tool kit - Quantitative realization 1
Intel Distiller tool kit - Quantitative realization 2
Intel Distiller tool kit - Quantitative realization 3
- The above article introduces Distiller And Quantizer Base class , Post training quantizer ; Base classes define important variables , Such as replacement_factory(dict, Used to record to be quantified module Corresponding wrapper); In addition, the quantitative process is defined , Include Preprocessing (BN Fold , Activate optimization, etc )、 Quantization module replacement 、 post-processing And other main steps ; The post training quantizer realizes the function of post training quantization based on the base class ;
- This article continues to introduce inheritance from Quantizer Subclass quantizer of , Include
- PostTrainLinearQuantizer( above )
- QuantAwareTrainRangeLinearQuantizer( this paper )
- PACTQuantizer( follow-up )
- NCFQuantAwareTrainQuantizer( follow-up )
- There are many codes in this article , Because I can't post them all , Some places are not clear , Please also refer to the source code ;
- Quantization perception training quantizer ; Insert the quantification process into the model code , Train the model ; This process makes the model parameters fit the quantization process , So the effect of the final model It's generally better than The post training quantitative model is better ;
- QuantAwareTrainRangeLinearQuantizer The class definition of is as follows : It can be seen that the definition of post training quantizer is much simpler ;
- Constructors : Check and default settings are all in the front ; The core is in the red box Yes Parameters 、 Activation value Set up Quantitative perception The way ;
- activation_replace_fn: This is the realization of quantitative perception of activation value , And the quantitative use of the previous post training Module replacement equally , I.e. return to a wrapper, Here is FakeQuantizationWrapper
- FakeQuantizationWrapper: The definition is as follows ,forward Input in the first pass through the original module Calculation ( Get the original activation output ), Then output ( next module The input of ) Do pseudo quantification (fake_q);
- FakeLinearQuantization: The definition is as follows , The module What I do is Pseudo quantize the input ; Details include The training process is determined Activate the range of values and update scale、zp(infer Then directly use the last of the training process scale、zp); Use LinearQuantizeSTE(straight-through-estimator) Realize pseudo quantization ;
class FakeLinearQuantization(nn.Module): def __init__(self, num_bits=8, mode=LinearQuantMode.SYMMETRIC, ema_decay=0.999, dequantize=True, inplace=False): """ :param num_bits: :param mode: :param ema_decay: The activation value range uses EMA Tracking :param dequantize: :param inplace: """ super(FakeLinearQuantization, self).__init__() self.num_bits = num_bits self.mode = mode self.dequantize = dequantize self.inplace = inplace # We track activations ranges with exponential moving average, as proposed by Jacob et al., 2017 # https://arxiv.org/abs/1712.05877( The activation value range uses EMA Tracking ) # We perform bias correction on the EMA, so we keep both unbiased and biased values and the iterations count # For a simple discussion of this see here: # https://www.coursera.org/lecture/deep-neural-network/bias-correction-in-exponentially-weighted-averages-XjuhD self.register_buffer('ema_decay', torch.tensor(ema_decay)) # Set up buffer,buffer For nonparametric storage , Will be stored in model state_dict self.register_buffer('tracked_min_biased', torch.zeros(1)) self.register_buffer('tracked_min', torch.zeros(1)) # Save unbiased values self.register_buffer('tracked_max_biased', torch.zeros(1)) # Save biased values self.register_buffer('tracked_max', torch.zeros(1)) self.register_buffer('iter_count', torch.zeros(1)) # Save iterations self.register_buffer('scale', torch.ones(1)) self.register_buffer('zero_point', torch.zeros(1)) def forward(self, input): # We update the tracked stats only in training # # Due to the way DataParallel works, we perform all updates in-place so the "main" device retains # its updates. (see https://pytorch.org/docs/stable/nn.html#dataparallel) # However, as it is now, the in-place update of iter_count causes an error when doing # back-prop with multiple GPUs, claiming a variable required for gradient calculation has been modified # in-place. Not clear why, since it's not used in any calculations that keep a gradient. # It works fine with a single GPU. TODO: Debug... if self.training: # Receipts should be collected during training with torch.no_grad(): current_min, current_max = get_tensor_min_max(input) # input Is the output value of the activation function self.iter_count += 1 # The biased value is the normal weighted value , The unbiased value is Biased value /(1-decay**step) self.tracked_min_biased.data, self.tracked_min.data = update_ema(self.tracked_min_biased.data, current_min, self.ema_decay, self.iter_count) self.tracked_max_biased.data, self.tracked_max.data = update_ema(self.tracked_max_biased.data, current_max, self.ema_decay, self.iter_count) if self.mode == LinearQuantMode.SYMMETRIC: max_abs = max(abs(self.tracked_min), abs(self.tracked_max)) actual_min, actual_max = -max_abs, max_abs if self.training: # The range value of the activation value is EMA Recalculate after update scale and zp self.scale.data, self.zero_point.data = symmetric_linear_quantization_params(self.num_bits, max_abs) else: actual_min, actual_max = self.tracked_min, self.tracked_max signed = self.mode == LinearQuantMode.ASYMMETRIC_SIGNED if self.training: # The range value of the activation value is EMA Recalculate after update scale and zp self.scale.data, self.zero_point.data = asymmetric_linear_quantization_params(self.num_bits, self.tracked_min, self.tracked_max, signed=signed) input = clamp(input, actual_min.item(), actual_max.item(), False) # Perform quantification 、 Inverse quantization operation , And the process does not require additional gradients input = LinearQuantizeSTE.apply(input, self.scale, self.zero_point, self.dequantize, False) return input
- LinearQuantizeSTE: This is the core of pseudo quantization , The definition is as follows ; It is defined as torch.autograd.Function, Specifies how to back propagate (STE The way )
- Next, let's look at the implementation of quantitative perception of parameters (linear_quantize_param), Use it directly LinearQuantizeSTE
- notes :distiller Although the quantization perception training quantizer defines how Do quantitative perception training for parameters , But it doesn't use , It's a little strange. ;
- This paper introduces distiller Quantizer base class Quantizer A subclass of :PostTrainLinearQuantizer;
- The core part is Activation value 、 Parameter value Realization of quantitative perception training ; The realization of quantitative perception of activation value still adopts wrapper The way , Parameters are used directly STE; Specific details include FakeQuantizationWrapper、FakeLinearQuantization、LinearQuantizeSTE;
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