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Some notes of MySQL

2022-07-06 11:00:00 Sanli akaman

Three paradigms of database

  • First normal form : emphasize The atomicity of a field , The meaning of a field is indivisible , Accurately express the meaning of its field ;

  • Second normal form : emphasize Uniqueness of records , A primary key can uniquely identify a data , No redundant data ;

    surface : Student number 、 The student's name 、 Course 、 credits

  • Third normal form : emphasize Redundancy of fields , Any field of a table cannot be derived from other fields , The required field is not Rongyou , namely There is no transitive relationship ;

    surface : Student number 、 full name 、 Age 、 The name of the College 、 College phone ;

    • There are transitive dependencies , Student number -> Student -> My college -> College phone

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