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Detailed explanation of three ways of HTTP caching

2022-07-06 14:00:00 Step on the snow without trace

Browser cache

The so-called browser cache actually refers to opening a memory area in the local computer , At the same time, a hard disk area is also opened up as a buffer for data transmission , Then use this buffer to temporarily store the information previously accessed by the user .

HTTP Caching is mainly through the correspondence between request and response header Header Information , To control the caching strategy .

HTTP Caching can shorten the distance between web pages requesting resources , Reduce the delay , Save network traffic , And because the cache file can be reused , Reduce network load , Improve client response .

Re initiate the request to the server according to whether it is necessary , Can be divided into Strong caching and negotiation caching

Strong cache

Definition : When hit the strong cache , The client will no longer request the server , Read content directly from the cache , And back to HTTP Status code 200.

Mandatory cache , In the response header by Expires、Cache-Control and Pragma control

  • Expires: The value is the expiration time returned by the server , When the browser loads the resource again , If within this expiration time , Then hit the strong cache .(HTTP1.0 Properties of , The disadvantage is that the time inconsistency between the client and the server will lead to a hit error )
  • Cache-Control:HTTP1.1 attribute , Higher priority , The following are common attributes
    • no-store: Disable caching
    • no-cache: Do not use strong cache , Every time you need to verify with the server whether the cache is invalid
    • private/public:private Refers to a single user ,public Can be any middleman 、CDN Equal cache
    • max-age=:max-age Is the number of seconds from the time the request was initiated
    • must-revalidate: You can use it before the cache expires , After expiration, you must verify with the server
  • Pragma
    • no-cache: Effect and cache-control etc. no-cache Agreement .

priority Pragma > Cache-Control > Expires

Strong cached resource storage location
state Network - Size meaning
200from memory cache Do not request network resources , Resources are in memory ,
Usually script 、 typeface 、 picture , Browser closed , The data will be released
200from disk cache Request network resources , Resources on disk ,
It's usually css etc. , The closing data is still
200 Resource size Download the latest resources from the server
304 Message size The requesting server found that the resource was not updated , Using local resources

Negotiate the cache

Definition : Send request to server , The server will judge whether the negotiation cache is hit according to some parameters of the request header , If hit , Then return to 304 The status code and the new response header inform the browser to read resources from the cache

Negotiate the cache , There are two field marking rules in the response header

  • Last-Modified / If-Modified-Since
    • Last-Modified Is the first browser to request resources , Server response header field , Is a resource file Last change time ( Accurate to seconds ).
    • The next time you send a request , Ask for If-Modified-Since That's what happened before Last-Modified
    • The server makes the last modification to determine the hit time , If hit ,http by 304 And do not return resources 、 No return last-modify
  • Etag / If-None-Match:Etag The verification priority of is higher than Last-Modified
    • Etag When loading resources , The response header field returned by the server , Is the unique mark of the resource , The value is hash code .
    • The next time the browser loads a resource and sends a request to the server , Will return the last time Etag It's worth the request If-None-Match in
    • The server received If-None-Match After the value of , I'll bring it to the resource file Etag value compare , If the same , It means that the resource file has not changed , Hit negotiation cache .

In terms of accuracy ,Etag Is better than Last-Modified,Last-Modified In seconds , If a file is in 1 I changed it many times in a second , So their Last-Modified It doesn't actually reflect the modification , however Etag It changes every time to ensure accuracy

In performance ,Etag To be worse than Last-Modified, After all Last-Modified Just record the time , and Etag You need the server to calculate one using an algorithm hash value . In priority , Server validation is preferred Etag.

The impact of user behavior on strong caching and negotiation caching

The user action Expires/cache-controlLast-modified/Etag
Address bar enter
Page link jump
New window
Forward 、 back off
It works It works
F5 Refresh Invalid It works
Ctrl + F5 Refresh ( Forced to refresh ) Invalid Invalid

Heuristic cache

MDN explain : For requests with specific header information , Will calculate the cache lifetime . such as Cache-control: max-age=N The head of the , The corresponding cache lifetime is N. Usually , For requests that do not contain this attribute, you will check whether they contain Expires attribute , By comparison Expires The value of and in the header Date Property to determine whether the cache is still valid . If max-age and expires No attributes , Look in the change Last-Modified Information . If there is , The lifetime of the cache is equal to that in the header Date The value of minus Last-Modified Divided by 10( notes : according to rfc2626 In fact, it is multiplied by 10%)

In short , Only when there is no explicit cache policy , Will activate the heuristic cache . So set the cache properly , Otherwise, the cache time will not be set , Cause the content cache not to refresh .

// Date  subtract  Last-Modified  It's worth it  10%  As cache time .
// Date: Date and time of message creation , Last-Modified  The server states when the document was last modified 
  response_is_fresh = (Date -  Last-Modified) % 10
 Copy code 

attach :

One 、 Set the method of not caching
  1. html File settings meta;
<meta http-equiv="pragma" content="no-cache"> 
<meta http-equiv="Cache-Control" content="no-cache, must-revalidate"> 
<meta http-equiv="expires" content="Wed, 26 Feb 1997 00:00:00 GMT">
 Copy code 
  1. Server response add Cache-Control:no-cache,must-revalidate Instructions ;
  2. Modify request header If-modified-since:0 or If-none-match;
  3. request url Add timestamp after ;
  4. Server settings Cache-Control:private Instructions , Prevent proxy server from caching resources
Two 、 Why is the same resource sometimes from memory cache Sometimes from disk cache?

Chrome It will determine where the cache is stored according to the local memory usage , If memory usage is high , Put it in the disk , Memory usage is very high and will be temporarily placed in memory

3、 ... and 、Cache-Control: max-age=0 and no-cache What's the difference ?

max-age=0 and no-cache It should be different in tone .max-age=0 Is to tell the client that the cache of resources expires should Verify the validity of the cache to the server . and no-cache Tell the client before using cache must Verify the validity of the cache to the server .

Reference documents


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