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Detailed explanation of nodejs

2022-07-06 11:36:00 Advanced diary


  1. install nodejs
  2. Package manager npm
    npm init  initialization 
    npm install  Download dependency  && npm install  Download dependency @ Version number  // Installation package  
    -S -save  Abbreviation   Used in the production of ( go online ) In the environment , The package name will be registered in package.json Of dependencies Inside , In the production environment, the dependency of this package still exists ;
    -D -dev( production )  The package name will be registered in package.json Of devDependencies Inside , Packages that exist only in the development environment -D, Such as babel,sass-loader These parsers 
    devDependencies , These are some packages that we need to use when developing , It only needs to be used in the development phase , You don't need these packages when you really pack them online , Because these tools are just what you use to package code , Is used to identify specific files and codes , Help us produce the final documents 
    dependencies, This needs to be released to the production environment , For example, if you want to run a race based on vue Project , So we need to vue.js To support , And this vue.js Documents need to follow the project to the final production environment 
    -g  Global installation 
    npm uninstall  Package name  // Uninstall package 
    npm run  Run the project 
  3. nrm
    nrm ls // Check the optional download source 
    nrm use name // Switch download source 
    nrm add registry  Download source  // Add download source 
    nrm del name // Delete download source 
    nrm test// Test Download response time 
  4. nvm management node edition
    nvm list available // List all the... That can be installed node edition 
    nvm install 17.2.0  //node Version number download 
    nvm ls // Show downloaded node edition   Front belt * Is currently in use node edition 
    nvm use 17.2.0 // Use node edition 
  5. npx
    npx @vue/cli -V amount to npm install @vue/cli -g   +  vue -V
    1、 Temporarily install executable dependent packages , No global installation , Don't worry about long-term pollution .
    2、 You can execute commands in dependent packages , The installation is complete and runs automatically .
    npx create-react-app my-react-app // Download to the temporary directory and delete it automatically after use 
    3、 Automatic loading node_modules Dependent packages in , Don't have to specify $PATH.
    node-modules/.bin/mocha --version
    npx mocha --version
    4、 You can specify node edition 、 The version of the command , It solves the problem that different projects use different versions of commands .
    npx [email protected] -v
  6. modularization
     Three ways to export modules 
    module.exports = {
    	function add(a,b){}
    		return a+b
    module.exports.name = 'zs'
    exports.num = 18
     Use require The import module 
    const index = require('./index');
  7. fs modular
    fs.writeFile(path,' Content ',callback)
    //  Import fs
    const fs = require('fs')
    //  call fs.writeFile() Method write file 
    //  Parameters 1: Write the storage path of the file 
    //  Parameters 2: Write the contents of the file , The format is generally utf8
    //  Parameters 3: Callback function 
    fs.writeFile('./node.txt','asdfsaf',function (err) {
    	if (err) {
    		return console.log(' File write failed ',err.message);
    	console.log(' File written successfully ');
     //  call fs.readFile() Method to read the file 
    //  Parameters 1: Read the storage path of the file 
    //  Parameters 2: The encoding format used when reading the file , It's usually utf8
    //  Parameters 3: Callback function , Get the results of failure and success 
    fs.readFile('./node.txt','utf8',function (err,succeed) {
    	if (err) {
    		return console.log(' File read failed ',err);
    	console.log(' The content of the document is :',succeed);
  8. dirname
    //__dirname Indicates the directory where the current file is located 
    // Output E:\nodeStudy
     It can be used __dirname+'./node.txt' Splicing file path 
  9. path modular
    path.join() // Splicing file path 
    path.basename()  // Get the file name in the file path 
    path.extname()	// Get the file extension name in the path 
    // Import path modular 
    const path = require("path")
    const pathStr = path.join('a','b','c','..','d/f')
    path.join(__dirname+'/node.txt')// Splicing file path 
    path.fpath = 'a/b/c/index.html'
    console.log(path.basename(fpath))// Get the file name index.html
    console.log(path.basename(fpath,'.html'))// Get the file name prefix index
  10. http modular
    //  Import http modular 
    const http = require("http")
    //  establish web Server instance 
    const serve = http.createServer()
    //  Bind to the server instance request event , Listen for client requests 
    // req For the object of the request , Contains data and properties related to the client 
    //res The response object , It contains data and attributes related to the server 
    	console.log('request event ');
    	res.setHeader("Content-Type","text/html;charset=utf-8");// If you do not set the encoding format and use Chinese, the code will be garbled 
    	res.end(" The request successfully returned data ")
    //  Start the server 
    	console.log(" Server started successfully :");

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