2022-07-07 21:54【科技新观察】
package cn.daheww.demo.juc.reentrylock; import sun.misc.Unsafe; import java.lang.reflect.Field; import java.util.concurrent.locks.LockSupport; // / / ...
2022-07-07 21:54【daheww】
旋转编码器驱动 1、旋转编码器介绍 旋转编码器,也称为轴编码器,是一种机电设备,可将轴或轴的角位置或运动转换为模拟或数字输出信号。 旋转编码器主要有两种类型:绝对式和增量式。 绝对编码器的输出指示当前轴位置,使其成为角度传感器。 增量编码器的输出提供有关轴运动的信息,这些信息通常在其他地方处理成位...
2022-07-07 21:55【视觉智能】
阅读更多How to measure whether the product is "just needed, high frequency, pain points"
How to measure whether the product “ Just need to 、 high frequency 、 Pain points ” https://img
2022-07-07 23:57【Liu Chu, Ge Nian】
阅读更多Database query - what is the highest data?
List of articles Data sheet 1 subject 2: The second highest salary 2 14 answer 58 subject 3: The first N High salary 3N 71 answer 113 Da...
2022-07-07 23:57【Liu Chu, Ge Nian】
阅读更多Usage of limit and offset (Reprint)
limit And offset Usage of stay mysql Generally used in limit To implement paging 1、LIMIT Followed by a parameter , Indicates the quantity to be e...
2022-07-07 23:57【Liu Chu, Ge Nian】
阅读更多How does starfish OS enable the value of SFO in the fourth phase of SFO destruction?
7 month 5 Friday night (utc Time ),Starfish OS Ushered in the fourth destruction of its ecological pass , The total amount destroyed this time 11,15...
2022-07-07 23:58【InfoQ】
阅读更多Linkedblockingqueue source code analysis - add and delete
LinkedBlockingQueue Source code analysis Add and delete newly added put Method , hold e Add to the end of the queue , If there is room to add , ...
2022-07-07 23:58【InfoQ】
阅读更多[basis of recommendation system] sampling and construction of positive and negative samples
List of articles One 、 review word2vec Negative sampling in word2vec 2 1.1 The sliding window 11 11 1.2 Objective function 12 14 1.3 Predict...
2022-07-07 23:58【Evening scenery at the top of the mountain】
阅读更多Two small problems in creating user registration interface
Today, when creating the user registration interface , There are two small problems :① Use the method of traversing the object to determine w...
2022-07-07 23:58【Xiao Zhang, run quickly.】
阅读更多Common selectors are
Common selectors are : 1、 tag chooser ;2、 Class selectors ;3、ID Selectors ;4、 Global selector ;5、 Combination selector ;6、 Inheritance selec...
2022-07-07 23:58【Xiao Zhang, run quickly.】
阅读更多When creating body middleware, express Is there any difference between setting extended to true and false in urlencoded?
One 、 Differences in modules used If set to false, So right. URL encoded The analysis of data adopts querystring library ; If set...
2022-07-07 23:58【Xiao Zhang, run quickly.】
阅读更多Relevant methods of sorting arrays in JS (if you want to understand arrays, it's enough to read this article)
Our front-end programmers are working , In addition to enjoying what you write every day “ Beautiful pages and code groups ” outside , What ...
2022-07-07 23:59【Xiao Zhang, run quickly.】
阅读更多The difference between -s and -d when downloading packages using NPM
npm install name save dve Abbreviation (npm install name D) Automatically add the module and version number to devdependencies. npm install name sav...
2022-07-07 23:59【Xiao Zhang, run quickly.】
阅读更多Trust orbtk development issues 2022
Used in the past orbtk No problem at all But in recent use , Inexplicably, other code names are wrong , Cause unexpectedly V1 It has been written. ...
2022-07-07 23:59【m0_ fifty million four hundred and fifty thousand five hundred 】
阅读更多The difference between get and post
get and post The main differences are as follows : Essential difference : GET It's from the server Get data ;POST Is to the server To transfer ...
2022-07-07 23:59【Xiao Zhang, run quickly.】
阅读更多C language 005: common examples
3、 ... and 、 Program analysis questions 1、 When a=1,b=3,c=5,d=4 when , After executing the following procedure x What's the value of ? / include st...
2022-07-07 23:59【Cloth scholar Python】
阅读更多Reading notes 004: Wang Yangming's quotations
Wang Yangming Two and a half saints 1 Wang Yangming 11 Years old, famous in creation 《 Moon Mountain House 》 The poem 11 13 Excerpt from Wang ...
2022-07-08 00:00【Cloth scholar Python】
旋轉編碼器驅動 1、旋轉編碼器介紹 旋轉編碼器,也稱為軸編碼器,是一種機電設備,可將軸或軸的角比特置或運動轉換為模擬或數字輸出信號。 旋轉編碼器主要有兩種類型:絕對式和增量式。 絕對編碼器的輸出指示當前軸比特置,使其成為角度傳感器。 增量編碼器的輸出提供有關軸運動的信息,這些信息通常在其他地方處理...
2022-07-08 00:00【視覺智能】
阅读更多Stm32f1 and stm32cubeide programming example - rotary encoder drive
Rotary encoder drive 1、 Introduction to rotary encoder Rotary encoder , Also known as shaft encoder , It is a kind of electromechanical equipment...
2022-07-08 00:02【Visual intelligence】
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- The state cyberspace Office released the measures for data exit security assessment: 100000 information provided overseas needs to be declared
测量楼的高度 查看原文 Is the Height of Your School Building/ https://img 你有没有想过你的教学楼的高度?您认为需要非常精密的测量仪器吗?...
🧸🧸🧸各位巨佬大家好,我是猪皮兄弟🧸🧸🧸 https://img pic center 这里是下面要讲的知识内容🥳🥳🥳 *前言 今天我们学习的内容是 数据的存储(包括大...
Markdown Study title : It can be used / Add space bar for quick setting , Just use a few... For several levels of titles / , The lowest is the six...
PA30 https://img select PERNR PA0001~SNAME Pa0023~BEGDA PA0023~ENDDA PA0023~ARBGB PA0023~ORT01 PA...
整个项目包含了:开题报告 + 开题报告PPT + 任务书 + 中期报告 + 论文模板 + 答辩PPT等 + 项目源码 主要安介绍了系统在开发过程中所应用到的一些关键的技术,主要包括了前端小程序开发的MINA框架;后台开发java的框架springboot、模板引擎 thymeleaf程序技术;MyS...
Class hour 10 Review and learning objectives https://img https://img
详细安装过程推荐博文 icon default.png?t=M5H6 editor html/release2.1.4/ckeditor/plugins/CsdnLink/icons/icon default.png?t=M5H6 35124072/article/details/1228...
摘要: 高斯Redis 搭建业务二级索引,低成本,高性能,实现性能与成本的双赢。 本文分享自华为云社区《 华为云GaussDB for Redis 揭秘第21期:使用高斯Redis实现二级索引 source=csdn utm medium=bbs ex utm campaign=databas...
新手打怵老手头疼的业务; 一、业务背景 通常在业务体系中,都会或多或少的涉及到支付相关的功能;对于一些经验欠缺同学来说,最紧张的就是面对这类支付结算的逻辑,因为流程中的任何细节问题,都可能引发对账异常的情况; 错误发生之后,再想去修复流程,花费的时间成本又是高昂的,还牵扯错误数据的调平问题,最终很可...