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QML control type: Popup

2022-07-06 09:11:00 Friendly, friend

One 、 describe

Popup yes Pop up interface control Basic type . It can work with Window or ApplicationWindow Use it together .

import QtQuick.Window
import QtQuick.Controls

ApplicationWindow {
    id: window
    width: 400
    height: 400
    visible: true

    Button {
        text: "Open"
        onClicked: popup.open()

    Popup {
        id: popup
        x: 100
        y: 100
        width: 200
        height: 300
        modal: true
        focus: true
        closePolicy: Popup.CloseOnEscape | Popup.CloseOnPressOutsideParent

To ensure that the pop-up window is displayed above other items in the scene , It is recommended to use ApplicationWindow.ApplicationWindow Also provide Background dimming effect , Pictured above , The color of the pop-up window changes .

Popup Do not provide your own layout , Users need to locate their content , For example, by creating RowLayout or ColumnLayout.

Declare as Popup The items of the children of are automatically made Popup Of contentItem Parent of . Dynamically created projects need to be explicitly defined as contentItem The father of .

1.1、Popup Layout

The following figure illustrates the window Popup Layout : 

Popup Of implicitWidth and implicitHeight Usually based on background and  contentItem The implicit size of and insets  Insert and paddings. These attributes determine that there is no explicit specification width or height when  Popup Size .

contentItem The geometric shape of is determined by padding determine . stay  Popup Between the boundary of and its content 10 Pixel filling :

Popup {
    padding: 10

    contentItem: Text {
        text: "Content"

background  fill  Popup Full width and height of , Unless it has been assigned insets  Or definite size . 

negative insets  Can be used to make the background larger than  Popup . The following example uses negative  insets  stay  Popup Place shadows outside the boundary :

Popup {
    topInset: -2
    leftInset: -2
    rightInset: -6
    bottomInset: -6

    background: BorderImage {
        source: ":/images/shadowed-background.png"

1.2、Popup size

If in Popup Only a single project is used in , It will resize to fit the implicit size of its containing items . This makes it particularly suitable for use with layouts .

Popup {
    ColumnLayout {
        anchors.fill: parent
        CheckBox { text: qsTr("E-mail") }
        CheckBox { text: qsTr("Calendar") }
        CheckBox { text: qsTr("Contacts") }

Sometimes Popup There may be two items in :

Popup {
    SwipeView {
        // ...
    PageIndicator {
        anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
        anchors.bottom: parent.bottom

under these circumstances ,Popup Unable to calculate a reasonable implicit size . Can be PageIndicator Anchor at SwipeView On , You can simply set the content size to the implicit size of the view :

Popup {
    contentWidth: view.implicitWidth
    contentHeight: view.implicitHeight

    SwipeView {
        id: view
        // ...
    PageIndicator {
        anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
        anchors.bottom: parent.bottom

1.3、 Pop up positioning

Popup Of x and y The coordinates are relative to its parent . for example , Open as Button A child's pop-up window will cause the pop-up window to be positioned relative to the button .

The following example uses additional Overlay.overlay Property will be  Popup Locate in the center of the window :

Button {
    onClicked: popup.open()

    Popup {
        id: popup

        parent: Overlay.overlay

        x: Math.round((parent.width - width) / 2)
        y: Math.round((parent.height - height) / 2)
        width: 100
        height: 100

The other is centered in the window  Popup The way to ignore its parent is to use anchors.centerIn

ApplicationWindow {
    id: window
    // ...

    Pane {
        // ...

        Popup {
            anchors.centerIn: Overlay.overlay

To make sure  Popup Located within the boundary of the closed window , Can be margins  Property is set to a non negative value .

1.4、Popup transition (Transitions)

After the exit conversion , The following attributes are restored to their original values before entering the transformation :

  • opacity
  • scale

This allows built-in styles to animate these attributes , Without losing any clearly defined values .

1.5、Back / Escape Event handling

By default , If you press Escape or Back key ,Popup Will close . This is for projects that contain projects that want to handle these events themselves  Popup There may be a problem . There are two solutions :

  • take Popup Of closePolicy Set to exclude Popup.CloseOnEscape Value .
  • Handle Keys Of shortcutOverride Signal and in Popup Accept the event before .

Two 、 Attribute members

1、【 read-only 】activeFocus : bool

Whether there is active focus .

2、anchors.centerIn : Object

Anchor point . It makes it easy to pop up a window in the middle of the window from the component .

Be careful :Popup Can only be centered in its immediate parent or window overlay ; Trying to focus on other projects will generate warnings .

3、【 read-only 】availableHeight : real

In from  Popup Deduct the vertical fill from the height of (padding ) After the value of , namely  contentItem Available height .

      【 read-only 】availableWidth : real

In from  Popup Subtract horizontal fill from the width of (padding ) After the value of , namely  contentItem Available width .

4、background : Item

Background items .

If the size of the background item is not specified , It will automatically follow  Popup Size . in the majority of cases , You do not need to specify a width or height for the background item .

Be careful : majority  Popup Use the implicit size of the background item to calculate  Popup Implicit size of itself . If you replace the background item with a custom item , You should also consider giving it a reasonable implicit size ( Unless it's like Image Such a project , It has its own implicit size ).

5、bottomInset : real、leftInset : real、rightInset : real、topInset : real

See above .

6、bottomMargin : real、leftMargin : real、rightMargin : real、topMargin : real

See above .

      margins : real

The default is -1.

7、bottomPadding : real、leftPadding : real、rightPadding : real、topPadding : real

See above .

      padding : real

Default fill .

      horizontalPadding : real / verticalPadding : real

level / Vertical fill . Unless it is explicitly set , Otherwise, the value is equal to padding.

8、clip : bool

Whether to enable cropping . The default is false.

9、closePolicy : enumeration

This attribute determines how the pop-up window closes . These flags can be combined to allow multiple ways of closing pop-up windows .

The default value is Popup.CloseOnEscape | Popup.CloseOnPressOutside.

  • Popup.NoAutoClose: Popup It will only be turned off when manually instructed .
  • Popup.CloseOnPressOutside: When the mouse is pressed outside , Popup Will close .
  • Popup.CloseOnPressOutsideParent: When the mouse is pressed outside its parent , Popup Will close .
  • Popup.CloseOnReleaseOutside: When the mouse goes away  Popup when , Popup Will close .
  • Popup.CloseOnReleaseOutsideParent: When the mouse is released outside its parent , Popup Will close .
  • Popup.CloseOnEscape: When  Popup Press the exit key when there is active focus , Popup Will close .

Be careful :Popup.CloseOnReleaseOutside and Popup.CloseOnReleaseOutsideParent The policy applies only to modes (modal) Popup .

10、contentChildren : list<Item>

List of content sub items . The list contains information that has been in QML Declared as  Popup All items of sub items .

And contentData Different ,contentChildren Does not contain non visual QML object .

11、【default】contentData: list<Object>

Content data list . The list contains information that has been in QML Declared as  Popup All objects of children .

And contentChildren Different ,contentData Contains non visual QML object .

12、contentHeight : real / contentWidth : real

See above .

13、contentItem : Item

Popup Content item of .

The content item is  Popup Visual implementation of . When  Popup When visible , The content item will be automatically reset as an overlay .

Content items are automatically resized to fit  Popup Fill of .

14、dim : bool

Whether to darken the background .

Unless it is explicitly set , Otherwise, this attribute follows modal Value . To reset to the default , Set this attribute to undefined.

15、enabled : bool

Is it available .

16、enter : Transition

stay  Popup  Conversion applied to pop-up items when opening and entering the screen .

The following example is in  Popup  Animate its opacity when entering the screen :

Popup {
    enter: Transition {
        NumberAnimation { property: "opacity"; from: 0.0; to: 1.0 }

      exit : Transition

When  Popup  Conversion applied to pop-up items when closing and exiting the screen .

17、focus : bool

Popup  Need focus . The default is false.

When  Popup  When you actually get the focus ,activeFocus Will be true .

18、font : font

typeface .

Popup Propagate explicit font attributes to its children . If you change Popup Specific properties of fonts , This attribute will be propagated to  Popup  All children of , Override any system defaults for this attribute .

19、height : real、width : real

See above .

20、【 read-only 】implicitBackgroundHeight : real

Implicit background height . be equal to background  ? background.implicitHeight : 0.

      【 read-only 】implicitBackgroundWidth : real

Implicit background width . be equal to background  ? background.implicitWidth : 0.

      【 read-only 】implicitContentHeight : real / 【 read-only 】implicitContentWidth : real

Implicit content height / Width . according to  contentChildren  Calculated .

      implicitHeight : real / implicitWidth : real

Popup  The implicit height of / Width .

21、locale : Locale

Language environment .

22、【 read-only 】mirrored: bool

Whether it is mirrored .

When  Popup  The visual layout direction of is from right to left , It is considered mirror , Usually when using a right to left locale .

23、modal : bool

Is it modal . The default is false.

Modality  Popup  Usually have at Overlay.modal Unique background darkening effect defined in , And it is not allowed to press or release events through the items below them . for example , If the user clicks  Popup  outside , Then  Popup  Any item below where you click will not receive this event .

On the desktop platform , Modality  Popup  Usually only close when pressing the exit key . To achieve this behavior , take closePolicy Set to Popup.CloseOnEscape. By default ,closePolicy Set to Popup.CloseOnEscape | Popup.CloseOnPressOutside, This means that in mode  Popup  An external click will close it .

24、opacity : real

The opacity . The default is 1.0. 

25、opened : bool

Popup  Whether it is fully opened . When  Popup  Visible and enter  and exit  Transformations are considered open without running .

 26、palette : Palette

palette .

Popup Propagate explicit palette attributes to their children . If you change specific properties on the pop-up palette , This property will be propagated to all children of the pop-up window , Override any system defaults for this attribute .

Popup {
    palette.text: "red"

    Column {
        Label {
            text: qsTr("This will use red color...")

        Switch {
            text: qsTr("... and so will this")

27、parent : Item

Parent .

28、scale : real

The scaling factor . The default is 1.0. Negative proportion is not supported .

29、spacing : real

spacing .

30、transformOrigin : enumeration

enter  and exit  The origin of conversion .

There are nine transform origins available , As shown in the figure below . The default transformation origin is Popup.Center.

31、visible : bool

Whether or not visible . The default is false.


coordinates .


z value .z  Values determine  Popup  Stacking order of . Default z The value is 0.

If two are visible  Popup  Have the same z value , Then the last one opened  Popup  Will be on top .

3、 ... and 、 Signal member

1、void aboutToHide()

When you are about to hide , It will send this signal .

2、void aboutToShow()

When it is about to appear , It will send this signal .

3、void closed()

Send this signal when closing .

4、void opened()

Send this signal when opening .

Four 、 Member functions

1、void close()

close  Popup .

2、forceActiveFocus(enumeration reason = Qt.OtherFocusReason)

Force attention to... For a given reason  Popup  On .

This method sets the focus on the pop-up window , And ensure that all ancestors in the object hierarchy FocusScope Objects also gain focus .

enum Qt::FocusReason: This enumeration specifies the reason for the focus change .

  • Qt::MouseFocusReason: Mouse operation occurs .
  • Qt::TabFocusReason:Tab The key is pressed .
  • Qt::BacktabFocusReason: It happened. Backtab. Input to this may include Shift or Control key ; for example Shift+Tab.
  • Qt::ActiveWindowFocusReason: The window system makes the window active or inactive .
  • Qt::PopupFocusReason: The application opens / Closed a grab / Pop up window to release keyboard focus .
  • Qt::ShortcutFocusReason: The user entered a friend shortcut for the tag
  • Qt::MenuBarFocusReason: The menu bar gets the focus .
  • Qt::OtherFocusReason: Other reasons , Usually application specific .

3、void open()

open  Popup .


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