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Basic realization of line graph

2022-07-08 01:11:00 Just love life

Implementation steps

ECharts The most basic code structure :
introduce js file ,DOM Containers , Initialize object , Set up option
x Axis data :
data 1:[‘1 month ’,‘2 month ’,‘3 month ’,‘4 month ’,‘5 month ’,‘6 month ’,‘7 month ’,‘8 month ’,‘9 month ’,‘10 month ’,‘11 month ’,‘12 month ’]
y Axis data :
data 2:[3000,2800,900,1000,800,700,1400,1300,900,1000,800,600]
Chart type :
stay series Lower setup type:line
 Insert picture description here

 <!-- 1.ECharts The most basic code structure  2.x Axis data :['1 month ','2 month ','3 month ','4 month ','5 month ','6 month ','7 month ','8 month ','9 month ','10 month ','11 month ','12 month '] 3.y Axis data :[3000,2800,900,1000,800,700,1400,1300,900,1000,800,600] 4. take type Is set to bar --> <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"> <title>Document</title> <script src="lib/echarts.min.js"></script> </head> <body> <div style="width: 600px;height: 400px;"></div> <script> var mCharts= echarts.init(document.querySelector('div')) var xDataArr=['1 month ','2 month ','3 month ','4 month ','5 month ','6 month ','7 month ','8 month ','9 month ','10 month ','11 month ','12 month '] var yDaraArr=[3000,2800,900,1000,800,700,1400,1300,900,1000,800,600] var option={
               type:'category'  ,// Taxonomic axis 
           }, yAxis:{
               type:'value'  ,// Value axis 
           }, series:[
                   name:' a brand of instant noodles ',
                   type:'line',   //bar It's a histogram ,line It's linear ,pie It's pie shaped 
        // step 5: Set the configuration item to echarts Instance object   


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