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What is digital existence? Digital transformation starts with digital existence

2022-07-05 12:00:00 Ltd marketing SaaS

I like English novelist Dickens 《 Two cities 》 A word of :“ This is the best time , And the worst of times ; Our future has everything , Our future has nothing .”

In short , There are different opinions in different people's eyes , Everyone will face his era , Now , The era of digital economy is both an opportunity and a challenge for enterprises .

The national level , Digital transformation is also the general trend , last year 13 The resolution voted by the th National People's Congress , China's 14th five year plan , Just talk about , We should promote the in-depth integration of the real economy and digital technology as soon as possible , Add a piece of enterprise digital transformation , New industries, new forms and new models will be created , Strengthen the new engine of economic development .

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One 、 Solve the entrance · Build digitalization “ There is ”
But digital transformation is not achieved overnight , On the road to digitalization , There are still many obstacles , Make it difficult for enterprises to move forward .

in fact ,“ The success of business always comes from being able to find and find more customers .”

Business perspective , Transformation is for development , Digitalization empowers enterprises , Using digital technology , In the digital economy , Use digital channels to link to more customers , Achieve the purpose of development .

that , Enterprises need to transform , We need to solve it first “ entrance ”, Otherwise, the user cannot find you , You can't find users .

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However , The enterprise itself is in the Internet world “ There is ” defect :

“ No entrance , No official website , No links , There is no content , No flow , No data ”

Enterprise Internet “ There is ” Missing will also lead to users ( Numbers ) erosion of property .

a. Lack of independent entrance , The official private domain does not exist , As a result, the business data cannot be precipitated

b. All our customers and customer data are from third-party platforms .

c. Only flow pipes , There is no reservoir , All visitors become passers-by .

d. Spend money on advertisements , The customer data forming the intention is in the hands of the platform .

Enterprise users don't know , who are you , where are you , How to contact you , How to link you .

Domain name is the house number of the enterprise Internet world , Let people find out where you are ?

that , Official website of the enterprise ( Independent station ) This is the house , Let people find you and get in at the same time , Sit down and chat .

And based on LTD(lead to deal) From guidance to inbound marketing of transaction ideas (Inbound marketing) Provide a landing plan for enterprise digital transformation , See the fog through the clouds .

“ standing ” Digital official website ( Independent station ), It's not just the old website in the past .

The website is also the only private domain of your Internet . It consists of very functional pages ( Meet the transaction 、 service , And customer management needs ) Page composition of , Private independent domain of interconnection participating in interconnection , Its form is more than pc Webpage , also h5、 Applet 、 app And other forms that meet the needs of interactive applications .

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Enterprises can use SaaS The construction of independent website system is different from the traditional website with official publicity 、 materiel 、 link 、 Digital official website of the four capabilities of data .

such as : Official publicity ability —— The solution is no entrance 、 No official website

SaaS Deploy , Multiterminal Publishing .PC End official website 、 Official website of mobile terminal 、 Whole network applet 、App, A unified background management .

Material capacity —— Solve no content

Link to mainstream media number , One click distribution of content , All media content , Multi scene expression , Improve operational efficiency . Full participation in marketing content sharing , Realize the digital expression of business content .

Linking ability —— Solve the problem of no link

Personalized advanced forms, multi terminal support sharing , data collection , Multiple component options , Flexible construction , Support multi terminal sharing . Social e-business cards , Say goodbye to the cumbersome use of merit cards , Share at any time , Track customer trajectory , Bring leads .SEO Test optimization guidelines , Help the website expose and let customers find you ! One click to open online customer service , Flirt with customers at any time .

Data capability —— Solve the problem of no flow 、 No data

Recycle media data 、 Customer access path 、 Total marketing data 、 Business card access record 、 The form data , Enterprises master data assets .Crm management , From guiding to closing , Achieve efficient circulation of marketing customer acquisition transformation .

Digital transformation starts with digital existence , be based on LTD Inbound marketing of ideas , Application SaaS technology , Break the enterprise itself in the Internet world “ There is ” The lack of .“ No entrance , No official website , No links , There is no content , No flow , No data ”, Help enterprises build a digital world on the Internet “ There is ”.

Two 、 Full chain closed loop · Digitization SOP
Business perspective , In addition to development, transformation , Find more customers , Internally, the old management system can be digitally upgraded , Realize control and digitalization of the whole process SOP、 visualization , Authors efficiency , Improve business efficiency , Consolidate the foundation for sustainable development of enterprises .

for instance :

Traditional marketing 、 business , Sales find customers - Meet and trade - Product service delivery - Wait for feedback after sales , This is the most traditional model . But the problem is obvious , Sales turnover takes away customers 、 Order error or omission, etc , It is a risk to enterprise management , Customers are also passive in experience .

Digitization , Online marketing activities - Receive visitors - Management leads - Manage opportunity points - Manage contract execution - Customer management (Crm). Put people's actions 、 Behavior 、 The process is solidified into the system , Use the system to replace part of people's work , Put people in the digital business flow and be responsible for the decisions of key parts , Digitization SOP, Form from product 、 market 、 clue 、 sales 、 Research and development 、 Business closed loop delivered .

such as :

Business online ( Online mall 、 Online education 、 Government affairs online )

Customers online ( Search engine results appear 、 Website access 、 Self media platform 、 Advertising platforms, etc )

Employees Online ( Online Service 、 Electronic business card 、 Online forms )

And open digital ecosystem , For business marketing 、 A series of actions of management, control and operation , Digitalization and visualization of the whole process , Realize online service 、 Sales automation .

This is enterprise digitalization .

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be based on LTD The solution of the inbound marketing mode of methodology, on the one hand, solves the problem of enterprise Internet “ There is something missing , On the other hand , use SaaS Technology to build a digital official website ( Independent station ), This system can also be widely linked to external channels , Third party software promotion tools , Can realize full dimension , visualization 、 Online 、 Interconvertible . So that enterprises can realize the digital official website ( Independent station ) As the main position of external marketing and the middle stage of marketing materials , External content marketing , Through self media 、 Advertising platform 、SEM、EDM Such as business expression or value creation content of products and services , Build a network-wide and domain wide customer approach , Realize the marketing from guidance to transaction 、 Receive visitors 、 Transformation system , All business data is returned to its own digital official website ( Independent station ), Improve enterprise efficiency , Achieve digital business objectives ,

3、 ... and 、 Conclusion

Enterprise digital transformation , Turn to development opportunities , Externally, it is the customer resource of the enterprise , Belong to marketing ( Marketing activities ) The category of , Break the traditional marketing method , Digital channels are increasingly developing on the chain , Get more customer attention 、 More profit margins ; Internally, it is the business model of the enterprise , It belongs to business ( sales 、 operating ) The category of , Make full use of digital technology to the target market of enterprises 、 Cue transformation 、 Fine operation and other business processes are effectively managed , Digitally upgrade the old management system , Realize control and digitalization of the whole process 、 visualization , Improve business efficiency , Consolidate the foundation for sustainable development of enterprises .

And all this , Start with digital existence !


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