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【MnasNet】《MnasNet:Platform-Aware Neural Architecture Search for Mobile》
2022-07-02 06:26:00 【bryant_meng】
1 Background and Motivation
作者旨在设计一个新的 resource-constrained mobile model 让其在 resource-constrained platforms 跑的更加欢快
2 Related Work
现有网络的基础上压缩:量化,pruning ,NetAdapt 等,do not focus on learning novel compositions of CNN operations
hand-crafted 设计,usually take significant human efforts
NAS,基于各种 learning algorithms,例如 reinforcement learning / evolutionary search / differentiable search
3 Advantages / Contributions
NAS 出 MnasNet,两个主要创新点
incorporate model latency into the main objective so that the search can identify a model that achieves a good trade-off between accuracy and latency(不单单是 ACC)
a novel factorized hierarchical search space that encourages layer diversity throughout the network.(不像 NasNet 那样是 cell 级别的,而是 block 级别的)
achieve new state-of-the-art results on both ImageNet classification and COCO object detection under typical mobile inference latency constraints
4 Method
4.1 Problem Formulation
以前方法的 objective function
m m m 是 model, A C C ACC ACC 是 accuracy, L A T LAT LAT 是 inference latency, T T T 是 target latency
上面的 objective 仅考虑了精度,没有考虑速度
作者 more interested in finding multiple Pareto-optimal solutions in a single architecture search(速度和精度的 trade-off)
设计了如下的 objective function
根据 α \alpha α 和 β \beta β 取值的不同,有如下的 soft 和 hard 版
横坐标是 latency,纵坐标为 objective
soft 版本 − 0.07 -0.07 −0.07 的由来如下:
we empirically observed doubling the latency usually brings about 5% relative accuracy gain
R e w a r d ( M 2 ) = a ⋅ ( 1 + % 5 ) ⋅ ( 2 l / T ) β ≈ R e w a r d ( M 1 ) = a ⋅ ( l / T ) β Reward(M2) = a \cdot (1 + %5 ) \cdot (2l/T )^{\beta}\approx Reward(M1) = a \cdot (l/T )^{\beta} Reward(M2)=a⋅(1+%5)⋅(2l/T)β≈Reward(M1)=a⋅(l/T)β
根据上面公式求出来 β ≈ − 0.07 \beta \approx -0.07 β≈−0.07
4.2 Factorized Hierarchical Search Space
allowing different layer architectures in different blocks
同一个 block 中的 N 个 layer 是一样的,layer 里面的操作如下
搜索的时候 using MobileNetV2 as a reference
每个 layers 数量 {0, +1, -1} based on MobileNetV2
filter size per layer {0.75, 1.0, 1.25} to MobileNetV2
假设 B B B blocks,and each block has a sub search space of size S S S with average N N N layers per block
搜索空间大小为 S B S^B SB
每个 layer 都不同的话,则为 S B ∗ N S^{B*N} SB∗N
4.3 Search Algorithm
sample-eval-update loop,maximize the expected reward:
reward value R(m) 用的是 objective function
5 Experiments
5.1 Datasets
directly perform our architecture search on the ImageNet training set but with fewer training steps (5 epochs)
区别于 NasNet 的 Cifar10
5.2 Results
1)ImageNet Classification Performance
T = 75 ms,一次搜索,多个 model A1 / A2 / A3
相比 mobileNet v2,引入了 SE 模块,探讨下 SE 模块的影响
2)Model Scaling Performance
这里的 depth multiplier 指的是 channels,可以看出全方位领先 mobilenet v2
作者也可以灵活的通过改变 NAS 时 T 的值来控制模型的大小,上表可以看出,比在大模型上砍通道数效果更猛
3)COCO Object Detection Performance
5.3 Ablation Study and Discussion
1)Soft vs. Hard Latency Constraint
hard 版 focus more on faster models to avoid the latency penalty(objective function 也可以看出)
soft 版 tries to search for models across a wider latency range
2)Disentangling Search Space and Reward
3)Layer Diversity
6 Conclusion(own)
在 mobilenet v2 基础上搜
帕累托最优(Pareto Optimality),也称为帕累托效率(Pareto efficiency),是指资源分配的一种理想状态,假定固有的一群人和可分配的资源,从一种分配状态到另一种状态的变化中,在没有使任何人境况变坏的前提下,使得至少一个人变得更好,这就是帕累托改进或帕累托最优化。
帕累托最优状态就是不可能再有更多的帕累托改进的余地;换句话说,帕累托改进是达到帕累托最优的路径和方法。 帕累托最优是公平与效率的“理想王国”。是由帕累托提出的。
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