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Openxlsx field reading problem

2022-07-05 07:35:00 sukhoi27smk

In the reading excel I found that some fields cannot be read , Through the excel After decompressing the file, we found , Normal read and no

The fields that can be read normally are sharedString.xml The format stored in is different , Take one of the fields , Here's the picture :

Normally read



The difference can be seen by comparison , Then look for openxlsx Treatment of this piece , Find the following code by debugging the code :

const char* XLSharedStrings::getString(uint32_t index) const
    auto iter = xmlDocument().document_element().children().begin();
    std::advance(iter, index);
    return iter->first_child().text().get();

By analyzing the code context , And combine getString function , It is found that the contents of this field are stored in multiple subordinate nodes , Therefore, the above storage format cannot be processed , We got a problem , Just make a compatible , The modified code is as follows :

const char* XLSharedStrings::getString(uint32_t index) const
    auto iter = xmlDocument().document_element().children().begin();
    std::advance(iter, index);
	static std::string t;
	t = "";
	t = iter->first_child().text().get();

	pugi::xml_node iter_r = iter->first_child();
	while (!iter_r.empty())
		if (!strcmp(iter_r.name(), "r"))
			pugi::xml_node iter_t = iter_r.first_child();
			while (!iter_t.empty())
				if (!strcmp(iter_t.name(), "t"))
					t = t + iter_t.text().get();
				iter_t = iter_t.next_sibling();
		iter_r = iter_r.next_sibling();
	return t.c_str();

