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Can the system hibernation file be deleted? How to delete the system hibernation file

2022-07-07 01:12:00 Gegwu MMQ!!

Xiao Bian was cleaning up yesterday windows System time , It is found that the system hibernation file takes up a lot of disk space , But I dare not clear it at the first time , Afraid of having an impact on the system , Later, I found that the system hibernation file can be deleted , There will be no burden on the system , The specific reasons have been listed below , Let's have a look .

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Can the system hibernation file be deleted ?
   The specific reasons are as follows :

1. Hibernation file is a temporary file created by the system during hibernation .

2. In order to wake up quickly , It's useless after waking up .

3. But it will still be saved in the system after waking up the computer , So you can delete .

How to delete the system hibernation file ?
   The specific steps are as follows :

1. Click on the bottom left corner “ The start menu ”;

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2. an “Windows System ” Folder , open “ Command prompt ”;

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3. Input “powercfg -h off” command ;
 Insert picture description here

4. Press enter on the keyboard , Run the command to delete Windows Sleep files .

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The above is the detailed introduction of whether the system sleep file can be deleted and the method of how to delete the system sleep file brought by Xiaobian , I hope I can help you .


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