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Return to blowing marshland -- travel notes of zhailidong, founder of duanzhitang

2022-07-07 00:55:00 Hot new horizons

Go back to blowing marsh

Years go by , Time goes by .

Things in the blowing marsh , The shadow cannot rest forever .


At the age of eight , Mother responded to Lin Biao's order ;“ Put the focus of medical work on the countryside ”[ Six two six instructions ]. So Beijing was divided into four hospitals , Sent to the country's most backward , The poorest places without medical conditions . We were assigned to Gansu with our mother / Linxia / The remote mountainous area of chumatan . People of that era , The order of the Central Committee , Military orders are like a mountain . No complaints , No escape . Even if the family member is the Minister of culture , You must also give up your post to accompany you . Resolutely gave up the superior life in big cities .

Everyone is preparing for the migration of the whole thing with a sacred mission . In this way, the house in Beijing was left to the people of Beijing . From now on , Give me eight 、 Nine 、 Ten year old childhood memories are deeply engraved in the endless mountains ~~~.

Another ten thousand mountains

Baiguan mountain is not old , Goodbye Ben Guizhen .

A thousand feet deep , Waves of old days .

Because of many invitations from childhood partners , Finally decided to set foot on once back “ home ” Way . Five tastes in my heart are mixed , You can't do it yourself ~~~.

Pack my bags , Rush to the first stop after more than 50 years -- Lanzhou airport , Just got off the plane by my partner's son ( A county magistrate ) Pick up where we used to live . Looking out the window from the road , The mountain outside the window awakened my memory of that year — Inscriptions imprinted in the heart .

therefore , It goes far beyond the story , Covered with a layer of mysterious light that makes the soul surrender .

Our site has been assigned 130 Many families . I vaguely remember taking a green train , Due to limited seats , Mom put me on the luggage rack , Due to carsickness , I've been sleeping , Don't eat not to drink . Occasionally awakened by adults' amazing sounds and excited cries . Look at the red earth mountain outside the station , Rock mountain . red 、 ash 、 It's all black , Thousands of miles , The cliff stands steeply , layer upon layer of peaks and knolls . Through twists and turns , When announcing the distant Liupanshan , Attracted by the snow covered mountains , Like a white Saint , Standing in the clouds , That magnificent scene was never seen by my uncle 、 The aunts were amazed 、 to shout , Holding snow entrance . But I didn't think about how difficult challenges they will face in the future .

In an instant, I arrived at the place where I was arranged to live , Looking around, it seems like earth shaking , Modern road facilities and cascading high-rise buildings . Unexpectedly, there is a familiar figure of Wanda . Beijing has only been here for six hours ( In those days, we walked by train for two days and two nights , Another eight hours of bumping by car , Just arrived at the place of residence ). At the speed of the big bang . I can't help admiring the strength of the motherland , The development process of modernization has extended to the depths of every mountain .


The next morning, I was woken up by the crow of chickens that I hadn't heard for decades , Return to the true nature . Give your heart a break .

After washing and eating , Get on the waiting car , First came to the place where we used to live . Beside a surging spring , It is necessary to go up three long slopes to the enclosed courtyard . The local government specially built rows of brick houses for us ( The local villagers are all mud houses ). The scene in front of me can't see its original appearance . It reminds me that my brother was only 12 year , In order to provide laundry for the family 、 Cooking , Watering the ground, he has to go back and forth to the bucket to carry water countless times every day , It really hurts . Local dialect :“ It's painful and painful ------- ah ( The longer the sound is pulled, the more serious the pain is )” .  


Full of memories

Vivid , The wind of the past .

My heart is full of feelings , Like the shadow of a dream .

After settling down in chumatan, everyone began to work normally , In spite of the hard conditions , Where you can't even buy a candy , But I didn't hear any complaints . All we see are adults with a sacred sense of mission and responsibility on their faces . Often come to the emergency room in the middle of the night to prepare for war at any time .

Mother often walks barefoot in the mire with her trouser legs rolled up because she can prick a needle , It's dozens of miles away , It's already three o'clock when I came back . I didn't hear anyone crying bitterness and tiredness , Ask for overtime pay . In them, I saw the dedication of a generation and the benevolence of doctors !

In the mountains , We children don't have any snacks , Only my mother looked after a patient , Honest villagers will send some fruits and grain and oil for Thanksgiving . I steal Steal it and give it to the children around me . For us at that time, it was simply a fairy fruit on earth . When mom wants to give it to her brother , But I saw nothing at all . So I was beaten “ badly bruised from flogging ”. However, I have a fever every time I play , Mother doesn't realize , It is a serious injury to the daughter's self-esteem . Even in this way, it still failed to resist the occurrence again and again “ Theft ”. So the courtyard got a nickname “ Missing string ”.   The next day I was still happy , It's sunny again . My mother , Why don't you find your daughter has such a big heart of forbearance and a broad and broad mind .

It's not easy for courtyard people to return to Beijing to visit their relatives , Mother finally begged people thousands of miles to buy a kilo of bran fruit , And afraid of being stolen by me , Specially locked in the drawer of the sewing machine . Nothing is difficult for me , Then use a screwdriver to reach in and pry the lock open , Or stole it and distributed it to all the children ( Rare snacks ), The children's satisfaction and joy made me feel extremely happy . It is also my childhood that made me realize “ Don't give up , It's so big ” Philosophy of life . Although waiting for me is another crazy beating . Mom, you haven't seen her daughter's spirit of giving alms !             

It's OK to steal food and give it to children . And playing with boys ( I don't like girls who don't play with me without giving her candy. Be careful , So I can't get used to it ), There are other reasons, of course . I can only play with boys . Boys' hearts are pure , There are no small things . This is the beginning of my life challenge , Their physical nature is better than mine . I learned to fight bravely , Climb over the wall with them 、 climb up a tree 、 Walk on a cliff 、 Somersault , I've trained all over my body . As a result, I was the first to play go , I am the first to play table tennis , Playing the 100 meter race is also the first . I've trained all over my body 、 Resolute 、 ready to do boldly what is righteous 、 Indomitable spirit . This made my mother even angrier , In the extremely feudal small mountain village of Gansu , The age of infidelity between men and women , This is a great evil ( Their local girls are not allowed to go to school ). Mother is also a lady of the royal family , How can I tolerate you . There's no shortage of crazy beating . The whole hospital is nicknamed “ Crazy girl ”. I believe that the way of heaven has reincarnation , It is also the debt that destroys his body , In the future, my mother's Royal convenience fell into my hands .

That's it “ Crazy girl ” But she has the economic thinking that her mother and the whole courtyard have not seen . Use the local villagers to use salt water bottles as “ antique ” Like , I learned the initial stage of economic development “ barter ”. Because there was no awareness of currency exchange in that era . I can exchange one bottle for ten eggs , In exchange for a large drawer of copper money ( Now it is also invaluable ). Mom won't give me a penny , I changed eggs to sell them , Buy my favorite comic book , He has become the person with the most comic books in the whole hospital . In exchange for a variety of different flower seeds , Spring is coming , Colorful flowers , Compete for beauty and fragrance , It attracted the whole hospital to stop and enjoy .


Understanding of mother

Maternal brilliance , A hundred turns of kindness .

Be good to others , Good giving and high reputation return .

Besides, my mother , The remote mountains in our depths , Where are barber shops and tailor shops . She sacrificed all her rest time , Cut hair for people in the yard , The clothing ( Because she had a sewing machine, one of the complete sets of furniture customized by her grandmother from Hong Kong when she got married ). That was a great time , A big thing in the world . People who know how to be grateful will give us old clothes . She never complains if she doesn't give it away . This is the light of Mao Zedong thought ;“ put one's heart and soul into , Serve the people service ”.         

Because of this , All the housework fell on the immature shoulders of my brother and me , Carrying water 、 Kindling wood 、 Cooking 、 Clean the room and so on . We have a clear division of labor , Each has a responsibility . Mother is seriously biased in favor of her brother , Give my brother all the delicious things to eat alone . Money is also spent by my brother . Who makes others a super bully . But in the end, it's this “ Crazy girl ” Become a share of mother's strong physical overdraft “ Punching bag ”. It's really the only shoulder for my mother to protect herself from the wind and rain in her life .

The trip of the third day is the most profound memory of my childhood . Not far from where we live, there is a vast sandy beach left by the endless debris flow , A sea of stones the size of a villa . A gurgling clear bottom of the Koizumi eye , Inside floating shrimp play . Like nature itself , of great momentum ! It made the children jump and cheer 、 Somersault . It really records the childlike moment when we release our nature . I walked past Ou 、 beautiful 、 Australia 、 Southeast 、 No one in Asia can compare with such a vast and spectacular natural landscape stone sea left by nature . is “ The best stone beach in the world ”! But the original scene in front of me has disappeared , It's so sad .


And then look at , A forest , It was our little sisters who picked strawberries with baskets 、 Where mushrooms are picked , Strawberry season , There are Chinese wolfberry fruits dyed red all over the mountain . It is full of red and green, purple, yellow and green . Listen to birds in all directions . Without experiencing the picking of that primitive state, I can't feel it anyway , When our children in big cities first walked into mountains and forests , When I found strawberries and mushrooms faintly glowing with white light, I immediately rushed to the joy , Like finding a treasure, Prajna mania . Incomparable cure . Forget all the pain . This is the charm of human life endowed by nature , It's my unbreakable steel muscles and bones . Nor change the original reason .

There is also a natural primitive scene that no one has experienced and can't believe . Once my little sister and I picked mushrooms and found a primeval forest , Lean in , Startled different birds fly together , It's full of mushrooms , The big one is as big as a straw hat , There is no gap ( Because local people don't know that mushrooms can be eaten ) So I don't know how many years they have grown there . We were ecstatic , Rush back to the courtyard , All the idle people were called , Brought dozens of big boxes , Exclaim and cheer , Soon the big box is full , But less than one tenth of the forest has been harvested . Maybe it was the picking that made the local people know the value of mushrooms . Since then, the original ecology has been destroyed “ The first mushroom land in the world ” The landscape . But those who have experienced that harvest will leave a deep memory , Longing for eternal life !

The land here is very fertile , Original ecological planting , Everything is several times bigger than our hearts . Cabbage can grow to the size of a steering wheel , The root is straight and strong , Line up neatly , Students can sit on it for class meeting . Once the villagers sent a sack of potatoes , There are only six when I open it , It's ten times the size in our eyes . Sunflowers planted in my backyard , The largest head dish is the size of a straw hat . The largest peony in the front yard can grow to 30 cm , There are more incredible species -------


Return to Beijing

I have been homesick for a long time , Thousands of miles to find old relatives .

Old looks change into new ones . Welcome spring .

The peak leaps nine days . High rise into the cloud .

Stay connected and go back , Looking back on yuexinfan .

A few days of integration and companionship , Let me feel the warmth of three generations of the same family , The atmosphere of joy , Simple and clear , There is no trouble of accidents . It is by no means high-ranking , very rich , Show off a few words , Learning a few chemical symbols can penetrate the brilliance of human nature . It is ;“ Old me old , And the aging of people ; I'm young , And the young of man ” Full embodiment of . Heaven has the sun , You have virtue .


Goodbye, chumatan ! This trip has ups and downs in my heart . Left a nostalgia for nature and awe . Took away the dedication of a generation 、 Take on 、 And the spirit and moral character of responsibility . Realize how valuable the spiritual richness and material life brought to people by living in the era of rapid modern development . The ups and downs marked in the bones , Still proud of the tenacity of the Jianghu . It encouraged me to take my iron body and continue to open my heart , Hold the conscience of the doctor's benevolence , Driving on the road of unfinished mission and great spiritual pursuit . In order to be worthy of my heart .


author : Founder of duanzhitang — Zhailidong

Graduated from the University of international business and Economics : International finance Graduate student

Beijing Huayuan company was formerly

1990 Go overseas and start your own business in .

President of the first private enterprise association in Beijing

Institute of emerging economy industry, Chinese Academy of management :

Visiting professor

Won the Gold Award for outstanding talents in traditional Chinese Medicine

2020 Ten outstanding female entrepreneurs in China

For the time being, there are five company chairmen


                              On 2022-07-04


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