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Electrical data | IEEE118 (including wind and solar energy)

2022-07-06 01:16:00 Power system code


1 summary

2 Insights outside the mainstream

2.1 Vision

2.2 auditory


1 summary

When writing a thesis for undergraduate or graduate students , A lot of data is often needed , So data is particularly important .

Here's the text , For word count , So you can ignore that .

This modern “ Explore 、 conquer ” State of mind , The evolution of the world map can be seen at a glance . Long before history entered modern times , Many cultures already have their own maps of the world . Of course , At that time, no one really knew what the world was like , People in Asia and Africa know nothing about America , American culture does not know the situation in Asia and Africa . But in unfamiliar areas , It's not an unspoken sum on the map , The monsters and wonders are painted . There is no blank space on these maps , It makes people feel that the whole world is under their own control .

stay 15、16 century , The European map of the world began to appear large gaps . From this point, we can see the development of scientific mentality , And the motives of European imperialism . The blank space on the map can be said to be a major breakthrough in psychology and thought , It is clear that Europeans are willing to admit that they know nothing about a large part of the world . 

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2 Insights outside the mainstream

         We learned the wavelength of light from junior high school 、 acoustic wave . At that time, learning physics felt that our perception was a vacuum channel , There are all kinds of world in front of us , Is the real objective world . Since listening to Professor Shi Yigong's lecture , Some of the original cognition is subverted .( The first one on the left is Shi Yigong , The second is Yang Zhenning ,yyds!)

2.1 Vision

        Take vision and hearing as an example : Vision accounts for about of human information perception 70%—80%, However, it is only a functional expression of the biological photosensitive system , Its natural evolution is related to the simplest photosynthetic energy metabolism of lower organisms . therefore , He is only within the illuminance limited by an evolutionary environment 400—700 Light waves between nanometers can be felt , in other words , Objects that do not emit light and reflect light within this range are important to vision , All belong to nonexistence , perhaps , Any object that does not present its properties with luminescence and reflection does not exist for vision .

      and , The world is colorless , So-called “ Color ” But it is the sensory conversion product of the light wave of visible wavelength acting on the visual system , Mixed light produces white light perception , Light waves of a single wavelength differ only by 5 nanometer , The human eye can produce different color perception , So from 400—700 About... Can be transformed into light waves between nanometers 150 Many different “ color ”, There are mainly : red (700—610)、 orange (610—590)、 yellow (590—570)、 green (570—500)、 green (500—460)、 blue (460—440)、 purple (440—400) etc. 7 color . Just imagine , If the structure of the human eye was originally a spectral wavelength meter , So will the world still have color ?   

2.2 auditory

      Again , The world is silent , So-called “ voice ” But is 20——20000 The mechanical vibration wave of Hertz stimulates the auditory organ “ illusion ”. That's the mistake “ voice ” It doesn't reflect that “ What is sound “, Instead, the listener mistakenly thinks ” voice “, Even outside the ear, it is an objective sound . And it's not just the eardrum that makes this mistake 、 Cochlear membrane cells and auditory nerve center , Even the external auditory canal is causing trouble , So that the small needle frequency becomes a big sound . Equivalent to saying less than 20HZ Infrasound waves are inaudible to human ears , exceed 20000HZ Ultrasonic waves are also inaudible to human ears , The range of shock waves we can hear is very narrow . If the structure of the human ear was originally a vibration wavelength meter , So is there any sound in the world ?

      Like what we input into the computer is essentially just 0 and 1, But the computer gives us a very realistic picture . Our senses are prescriptive , Not a true reflection of the objective world , Of course, there is no denying that there is a real objective world outside , What do you think “ Seeing is believing. ” Do you ?



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