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Onespin | solve the problems of hardware Trojan horse and security trust in IC Design

2022-07-07 20:27:00 Maihexong

stride across 5G, Artificial intelligence , The Internet of things and the automotive sector 40 Several organizations have expressed the importance of trust and security dilemmas .
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Electronic systems have increasingly become the core of products and services . From power plants to cars , Medical equipment to the plane , From smart phones to home appliances , Complex electronic systems have achieved unprecedented Automation , performance , Safety and security level . The integrated circuit (IC) It is the foundation of electronic system , And the most important thing is , Need to ensure that they operate in full compliance with specifications and Certification , In this regard, it is trustworthy . but IC The design of the , Production and distribution are vulnerable to attacks by malicious agents , These malicious agents may penetrate devices with poor performance and reliability , Even infiltrate into the hardware Trojan horse , Other hidden functions designed for malicious purposes .
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A well-designed hardware Trojan horse , Can respond to triggers known to the attacker , Thus causing significant damage . It may expose “ Security ” data , Cause serious product failure , Even damage the chip . In modern times , Highly configurable hardware is a backdoor 、 Time bomb 、 Provide a good hiding place for the switch to stop or degrade . Like a Trojan horse program being inserted into a third party IP And threats in the design and implementation steps before production , It is increasingly attracting extensive attention in the hardware industry . Networked driverless cars , Medical equipment , A smart phone , Defense and aerospace systems , nuclear power plant ,5G The Internet , Internet of things devices and cloud computing , Everything is at risk here .
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The company is obliged to ensure that electronic equipment is protected from security attacks that may cause great harm .OneSpin Hardware trust and security challenges illustrate , Face hidden in the whole IC Trojans in the development phase , How fragile the design is , meanwhile , It also tells us how to fight it .

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OneSpin President and CEO Raik Brinkmann mention : Now more and more companies realize that , The importance of protecting hardware design from trust and security risks . The loopholes left in the design , Whether unintentional or malicious , Can have disastrous consequences . Be able to fully detect these in the design “ Loophole ”, For delivering security to the market , Reliable and trustworthy equipment is essential . As IC Part of integrity , In terms of ensuring trust and security at the hardware level ,OneSpin The technical services provided have always been at the forefront of the industry .”

More details and white papers :http://www.softtest.cn

