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LeetCode:162. Looking for peak
2022-07-06 08:51:00 【Bertil】
The peak element refers to the element whose value is strictly greater than the left and right adjacent values .
Give you an array of integers nums, Find the peak element and return its index . The array may contain multiple peaks , under these circumstances , return Any peak Just where you are .
You can assume nums[-1] = nums[n] = -∞ .
You must achieve a time complexity of O(log n) Algorithm to solve this problem .
Example 1:
Input :nums = [1,2,3,1]
Output :2
explain :3 Is the peak element , Your function should return its index 2.
Example 2:
Input :nums = [1,2,1,3,5,6,4]
Output :1 or 5
explain : Your function can return the index 1, Its peak element is 2;
Or return index 5, Its peak element is 6.
Tips :
- 1 <= nums.length <= 1000
- -2^31 <= nums[i] <= 2^31 - 1
- For all that works i There are nums[i] != nums[i + 1]
Their thinking
1. First, find the largest element , Then return to its index
2. explain : Why is the maximum the answer ?
- Because the title has assumed nums[-1] = nums[n] = -∞, So the peak will not appear in the first and last elements
- The left and right adjacent elements of the maximum value in the array must be less than the maximum value
/** * @param {number[]} nums * @return {number} */
var findPeakElement = function(nums) {
return nums.indexOf(Math.max(...nums))
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