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Test Li hi

2022-07-06 19:37:00 Sainan Muzi Xiaomiao

  More important than hard work is the change in the way of thinking , Thinking turns , Life is very different . So is writing code , Looks like a little change , In fact, it reflects the great leap of thinking . Let's first look at the codes at both ends :

Version of a

Version 2

Private Sub Form_Load()
    Dim a As Integer, b As Integer
    a = 5
    b = 6
    Print a + b
End Sub

The output of the code at both ends is 11, But the difference is ?

Intuitively, we can see that two variables are introduced , But in fact, this is the appearance , Look at the essence through the appearance , What is a variable ? In variable mathematics, a quantity whose value can be changed , In computer, it refers to an abstract concept that can store calculation results or represent values . notice “ abstract ” Two words , In fact, our dimension will rise to a higher level , That is, version 2 is not the limited thinking in version 1 , The addition of two fixed numbers becomes the addition of any two numbers , Because given a and b The value of is changeable . Now that we have realized the addition of any two numbers , You can also add any number .

Fixed to variable , It embodies the change from finite to infinite , Thinking and vision determine the pattern , Also decide whether the written code is innovative


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