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Statistics 8th Edition Jia Junping Chapter 4 Summary and after class exercise answers

2022-07-06 14:43:00 No two or three things

1. Examination site induction

2. Test site tips

(1) Concentration trend 、 A measure of discrete trends , Including the meaning of each indicator 、 Calculation formula 、 characteristic 、 significance 、 Scope of application ( choice question 、 Short answer 、 Calculation test site );
(2) The number of 、 The characteristics and application occasions of the three indicators of median and average , The relationship between the three indicators under skew distribution ( choice question 、 Short answer 、 Calculation test site );
(3) A measure of the shape of the distribution : Numerical meaning of skewness coefficient and kurtosis coefficient ( choice question 、 Short answer test site ).
(4) Calculation formula and application of standard score ( choice question 、 Short answer 、 Calculation test site );
(5) Rule of thumb 、 The concrete application of Chebyshev inequality ( Multiple choice test site ).

3. Core of examination site

(1): The measurement of concentration trends

【 Be careful 】 The relationship between centralized trend measurement indicators in the distribution of different degrees of skewness :① In symmetric distribution , The number of 、 The median is equal to the average ;② Left biased distribution , The data has a minimum , Pull the average to the minimum , The mode and median are not affected by extreme values , Yes x<Me<Mo;③ Right biased distribution , The data has a maximum , It must pull the average to the maximum , therefore Mo<Me<x.

(2) A measure of the degree of dispersion
The degree of dispersion of data reflects the degree to which the value of each variable is far away from its central value , The smaller the degree of dispersion , The better the representativeness .

(3) Measure of distribution shape
Skewness is a measure of the symmetry of data distribution , Kurtosis is a measure of the degree of flattening or peaking of data distribution .

(4) A measure of relative position
(1) Standard score ( Normalized value or z fraction )

① Calculation formula :zi=(xi-x)/s.

② characteristic : The average is 0、 The standard deviation is 1; The data is linearly transformed , Do not change the position of the data in the Group , Nor does it change the shape of the distribution of this group of data .

③ purpose :
a. Determine the relative position of a certain data in the group of data , It can be used to judge whether a group of data has outliers ;
b. When dealing with multiple variables with different dimensions , Standard scores can be used to standardize variables .
(2) Rule of thumb (3σ principle )
When a set of data is symmetrically distributed , The rule of thumb shows :

① There are about 68% The data is on average ±1 Within the range of standard deviation ;

② There are about 95% The data is on average ±2 Within the range of standard deviation ;

③ There are about 99% The data is on average ±3 Within the range of standard deviation .
therefore , On average ±3 The range of standard deviation contains almost all the data , And in the ±3 Data outside of the standard deviation is called outliers .
(3) Chebyshev inequality

① Concept : For data with arbitrary distribution patterns , According to Chebyshev inequality , There are at least (1-1/k2) The data of this project falls in ±k Within standard deviation . among k It is greater than 1 Any value of , It doesn't have to be an integer . about k=2,3,4, The meaning of this inequality is :
a. There are at least 75% The data of falls on the average ±2 Within the range of standard deviation ;
b. There are at least 89% The data of falls on the average ±3 Within the range of standard deviation ;
c. There are at least 94% The data of falls on the average ±4 Within the range of standard deviation .

② characteristic : Chebyshev inequality is applicable to data with any distribution shape .

Two exercises

1 A car retail store 10 Sales people 5 The number of cars sold in the month ( Company : platform ) The order is as follows :
2 4 7 10 10 10 12 12 14 15
requirement :
(1) Calculate the mode of car sales 、 Median and average .
(2) Calculate the quartile according to the defined formula .
(3) Calculate the standard deviation of sales .
(4) Explain the characteristics of the distribution of automobile sales .

Explain :(1)10 Sales people 5 Of the number of cars sold in the month , sales 10 There are the most people in this car , by 3 people , So mode M0=10.
The median position =(n+1)/2=(10+1)/2=5.5, therefore Me=(10+10)/2=10( platform ).
The average
(2) From the data in the question :

①QL Location =n/4=10/4=2.5, namely QL In the 2 A numerical (4) And the 3 A numerical (7) Between 0.5 Location . therefore
QL=(4+7)/2=5.5( platform )

②QU Location =3n/4=3×10÷4=7.5, namely QU In the 7 A numerical (12) And the 8 A numerical (12) Between 0.5 Location , therefore
QU=(12+12)/2=12( platform )

(3) By average x=9.6 Available :

(4) Because the average is less than the median and mode , Therefore, the distribution of car sales is left biased .

2 Random sampling 25 Network users , Get their age data as shown in the table 4-4 Shown .

requirement :
(1) Calculate the mode 、 Median .
(2) Calculate the quartile .

(3) Calculate the mean and standard deviation .
(4) Calculate skewness coefficient and kurtosis coefficient .
(5) Comprehensively analyze the distribution characteristics of netizens' age .

Explain :(1) Counter table 4-4 The data in is arranged from small to large :

According to the sorting data , The most frequent occurrence of age is 19 and 23, All appear 3 Time , So there are two modes , namely Mo=19 and Mo=23.
Due to the median position =(n+1)/n=(25+1)/2=13, therefore Me=23( year )
(2) The quartile can be calculated from the data in the question :

①QL Location =n/4=25/4=6.25, namely QL In the 6 A numerical (19) And the 7 A numerical (19) Between 0.25 Location , therefore

QL=19+0.25×(19-19)=19( year )

② because QU Location =3×25/4=25/4=18.75, namely QU In the 18 A numerical (25) And the 19 A numerical (27) Between 0.75 Location , therefore
QU=25+0.75×(27-25)=26.5( year )
(3) The average

By average x=24 Available :

(4) The coefficient of skewness :

Peak state coefficient :

(5) The results of a comprehensive analysis of the age distribution of netizens are as follows : From mode 、 Median and average , Netizens are aged 23 People around the age of are in the majority ; The standard deviation is large , It shows that there is a large age difference between netizens ; The skewness coefficient is greater than 1, It shows that the age distribution of netizens is right , And the degree of deflection is very large . The kurtosis coefficient is positive , It is peak distribution , It shows that the age distribution of netizens is relatively concentrated .

3 An e-commerce 6 Sales data for each day of the month

requirement :
(1) Calculate the average and median daily sales of the department store .
(2) Calculate the quartile .
(3) Calculate the standard deviation of daily sales .

Explain :(1) The average of daily sales is :

Will table 4-5 Data sorting in :

The median position =(30+1)/2=15.5, therefore Me=(272+273)/2=272.5
(2) The quartile can be calculated from the data in the question :

① because QL Location =30/4=7.5, namely QL In the 7 A numerical (258) And the 8 A numerical (261) Between 0.5 Location . therefore

QL=(258+261)/2=259.5( Ten thousand yuan )②QU Location =3×30÷4=22.5, namely QL In the 22 A numerical (284) And the 23 A numerical (291) Between 0.5 Location . therefore
QU=(284+291)/2=287.5( Ten thousand yuan )
(3) By the average of daily sales x=274.1 Available :

4 Draw in an area 120 companies , Group by profit amount .

requirement :

(1) Calculation 120 The average and standard deviation of the profits of enterprises .
(2) Calculate the skewness coefficient and kurtosis coefficient of the distribution .

Explain :(1) The average calculation process is shown in table 4-7 Shown .
surface 4-7  A region 120 Calculation process table of average profit of enterprises

By the table 4-7 The average can be obtained from the data in :

The calculation process of standard deviation is shown in table 4-8 Shown .

surface 4-8  A region 120 Calculation process table of standard deviation of profits of enterprises

By the table 4-8 Data available in :

(2) The calculation process of skewness coefficient and kurtosis coefficient is shown in table 4-9 Shown .
surface 4-9  Calculation process of skewness coefficient and kurtosis coefficient

From the data in the table, the skewness coefficient is :

The kurtosis coefficient can be obtained from the data in the table :

5 The average daily output of a product production line is 3700 Pieces of , The standard deviation is 50 Pieces of . If the yield on a given day is lower or higher than the average yield , And fall into ±2 Out of the range of standard deviation , Think of this production line “ Out of control ”. surface 4-10 It is the output of each day of the week , Which days did the production line lose control ?
surface 4-10  Production line output data

Explain : because x=3700,s=50, Use the formula zi=(xi-x)/s You can calculate the standard score every day , As shown in the table 4-11 Shown .

surface 4-11  Standard score table of production line output
By the table 4-11 According to the data in : Monday 、 The absolute value of the standard score on Saturday is greater than 2, So I lost control on Monday and Saturday .

6 A product requires manual assembly , There are three alternative assembly methods . To test which method is better , Random sampling 15 One worker , Let them assemble in three ways . surface 4-12 yes 15 The number of products assembled by workers in three ways at the same time .
surface 4-12  The number of products assembled by workers in the same time in three ways ( Company : individual )

requirement :
(1) What method are you going to use to evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of the assembly method ?

(2) If you choose a method , What choice would you make ? Try to explain why . Explain :(1) It should be evaluated in terms of average and standard deviation . When comparing the discreteness of various methods , Discrete coefficients should be used .
(2) surface 4-13 Given with Excel Calculate some main descriptive statistics .
surface 4-13  Description statistics

From the centralized trend of the three methods , Method A The average output of is the highest , The median and mode are also higher than the other two methods . In terms of dispersion , The discrete coefficients of the three methods are :

Method A The dispersion coefficient of is the smallest , That is, the degree of dispersion is the smallest , Therefore, the method should be selected A.


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