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2022-07-07 Daily: Ian Goodfellow, the inventor of Gan, officially joined deepmind

2022-07-07 12:48:00 Zhiyuan community

【 intelligence resources AI daily 】 Read... Every day 5 minute ,AI Don't miss important things !

NLLB-200:Meta Open source new model , Translatable 200 Languages Six months ago ,Meta Launched an ambitious " No language barrier "(No Language Left Behind,NLLB) project , Train AI to translate seamlessly between many languages .NLLB-200 It's a milestone , This new open source model , Can be found in 200 Realize mutual translation between languages , Its technology has been applied to improve Facebook、Instagram, And the translation of Wikipedia . The job is FAIR Accel Completed by the Department , And FAIR Labs Focusing on scientific research is different , The former focuses on research projects that require large-scale collaboration and Engineering .( demonstration The paper Code

Demis Hassabis To talk about AlphaFold Future goals
In an interview last week ,DeepMind cofounder Demis Hassabis Talked about AlphaFold、 Nuclear fusion 、 Topics such as quantum simulation , He mentioned AlphaFold One of the future goals of this series of research , It can simulate the biochemical reaction of complete cells . In addition, I mentioned DeepMind The advantages of , He mentioned people with both research and engineering skills , And a diverse team are two important factors .( Video playback

MLGO:Google AI Release industrial compiler optimization machine learning framework
MLGO Use reinforcement learning training ML Strategy , Integrate into LLVM in , To replace complex heuristic methods , Reduce code size and improve performance . At present, it has been deployed in Fuchsia as well as Google In internal large data center applications .( read more

GAN inventor Ian Goodfellow Official accession DeepMind, ren Research Scientist
Goodfellow stay Twitter Announce , He has joined by Oriol Vinyals Responsible team , The latter is DeepMind Research Director, Participated in AlphaStar、AlphaFold、AlphaCode、WaveNet、seq2seq、distillation、TF Projects such as , The number of citations exceeds 16 ten thousand . stay 2014 year , The two of them have collaborated on papers Qualitatively characterizing neural network optimization problems


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