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Guangzhou held work safety conference

2022-07-07 12:42:00 Guangzhou news

Guangzhou held work safety conference

With “ Always feel at ease ” Sense of responsibility   Comprehensively strengthen work safety

Ocean net news Yesterday morning , Guangzhou organizes the audience to listen to the provincial safety production teleconference , Then hold a follow-up meeting . Mayor guoyonghang attended and delivered a speech , Vice Mayor Zhang Rui presided over and made work arrangements .

The meeting stressed ,全市各级各部门要深入学习贯彻习近平总书记关于 Security 生产重要论述精神, Conscientiously implement the decisions and arrangements of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council and the work requirements of the provincial Party committee and the provincial government , Adhere to overall development and security , With “ Always feel at ease ” Sense of responsibility , Comprehensively strengthen work safety , Resolutely prevent and curb major safety accidents , We will spare no efforts to ensure the safety of people's lives and property and the operation of the city .

The meeting demanded , Focus on key industries 、 Focus areas 、 Key links 、 Key parts , We will step up the investigation and rectification of various potential safety hazards . Focus on the operation of gas facilities and equipment 、 Pipeline construction 、 Bottled LPG 、 Safety management of gas enterprises , Carry out the whole process 、 Whole process 、 Comprehensive safety inspection . We should continue to deepen the investigation and rectification of self built houses , Severely crack down on the construction unit working without certificate 、 Layers of subcontracting 、 Illegal subcontracting and other acts . Focus on large oil and gas storage bases 、 Chemical industry park 、 Major hazard installations, enterprises and other key places , Strengthen source control , Strictly prevent pipe loss and leakage . Keep an eye on people 、 vehicle 、 Road and other key links , Orderly promote the systematic rectification of road traffic safety normalization . Strengthen the construction ship 、 Fishing boat 、 Safety supervision of major ships such as large merchant ships , Strengthen the management of potential safety hazards on water . Organize safety education during summer vacation , Strictly prevent various safety incidents of summer students . To focus on the centralized isolation point 、 Designated hospitals and other key epidemic related places and high-rise public buildings 、 Large commercial complex and other densely populated places , Carry out in-depth fire safety inspection , Strictly prevent fire accidents . We should focus on the prevention of typhoons and the winds they bring 、 rain 、 Flood and other disasters , Make all preparations in advance , Do a good job in flood control and disaster relief . Strengthen organizational leadership , Strengthen supervision and law enforcement , Strictly on duty , Fully promote the implementation of various work requirements and achieve results .

Municipal leader chenjie 、 Chen xiongqiao and heads of relevant municipal units attended the meeting at the Municipal Branch venue , District governments organize viewing and listening meetings at different venues .

( Guangzhou Daily all media reporter long Kun Correspondent Sui Fuxin )


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