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Chapter 7 Bayesian classifier

2022-07-08 01:07:00 Intelligent control and optimization decision Laboratory of Cen

1. Explain a priori probability 、 Posterior probability 、 All probability formula 、 Conditional probability formula , The Bayesian formula is illustrated with examples , How to understand Bayesian theorem ?

  • Prior probability
    Prior probability P ( c ) P(c) P(c) It expresses the proportion of various samples in the sample space , According to the law of large numbers , When the training set contains sufficient independently distributed samples , P ( c ) P(c) P(c) It can be estimated by the frequency of occurrence of various samples .
  • Posterior probability
    Delay probability P ( c ∣ x ) P(c|x) P(cx), It can be understood as in category c c c In the training set x x x The so-called “ The probability of real occurrence ”
  • All probability formula
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    As shown in the figure , A sample space S S S By B 1 , B 2 . . . B 6 B_1,B_2...B_6 B1,B2...B6 Such a complete event group is perfectly divided , Events marked in the red circle A A A It has also been ruthlessly decomposed into various parts , Now our fragmented event A A A Put it together :
    P ( A ) = P ( A B 1 ) + P ( A B 2 ) + . . . + P ( A B 6 ) = P ( A ∣ B 1 ) P ( B 1 ) + P ( A ∣ B 2 ) P ( B 2 ) + . . . P ( A ∣ B 6 ) P ( B 6 ) P(A)=P(AB_1)+P(AB_2)+...+P(AB_6)\\=P(A|B_1)P(B_1)+P(A|B_2)P(B_2)+...P(A|B_6)P(B_6) P(A)=P(AB1)+P(AB2)+...+P(AB6)=P(AB1)P(B1)+P(AB2)P(B2)+...P(AB6)P(B6)
  • Conditional probability formula
    P ( A ∣ B ) P(A|B) P(AB) In the event of B B B Under the condition of occurrence , event A A A Probability of occurrence
  • Bayes' formula
    P ( B i ∣ A ) = P ( B i A ) P ( A ) = P ( A ∣ B i ) P ( B i ) ∑ j = 1 n P ( A ∣ B j ) P ( B j ) P(B_i|A)=\frac{P(B_iA)}{P(A)}=\frac{P(A|B_i)P(B_i)}{\sum_{j=1}^{n}P(A|B_j)P(B_j)} P(BiA)=P(A)P(BiA)=j=1nP(ABj)P(Bj)P(ABi)P(Bi)
    In a nutshell , Bayesian theorem is a priori probability based on hypothesis 、 The probability of observing different data under given assumptions , A method for calculating a posteriori probability is provided .

2. An example is given to illustrate how naive Bayesian classifier classifies test samples ? And summarize the algorithm steps .

Naive Bayes is an independent expression of Bayesian evidence , It belongs to a special case . Bayesian expression is very complex in practical application , But we hope to split it into several naive Bayes to express , In this way, the posterior probability can be obtained quickly .

The basic idea of naive Bayes : For a given item to be classified x x x{ x 1 , x 2 , . . . x n x1,x2,...xn x1,x2,...xn} , Solve each category under the conditions appearing in this item c i c_i ci Probability of occurrence . Which one? P ( c i ∣ x ) P(c_i|x) P(cix) Maximum , Which category does the item to be classified belong to .
Algorithm steps :

  • 1
    One for each data sample n Dimension eigenvector x = x= x= { x 1 , x 2 , . . . x n x1,x2,...xn x1,x2,...xn} Express , Describe the right n Attributes A 1 , A 2 , . . . A n A1,A2,...An A1,A2,...An Of the sample n A measure .

  • 2
    Suppose there is m Classes c 1 , c 2 , . . . , c m c_1,c_2,...,c_m c1,c2,...,cm , Given an unknown data sample x x x, The classifier will predict x x x It belongs to the class with the highest a posteriori probability . in other words , Naive Bayesian classification assigns unknown samples to classes c i ( 1 ⩽ i ⩽ m ) c_i (1\leqslant i \leqslant m ) ci(1im) If and only if P ( c i ∣ x ) > P ( c j ∣ x )    i ≠ j P(c_i|x)>P(c_j|x) \ \ i \neq j P(cix)>P(cjx)  i=j . such , Maximize P ( c i ∣ x ) P(c_i|x) P(cix). Its P ( c i ∣ x ) P(c_i|x) P(cix) The largest class c i c_i ci It is called the maximum a posteriori assumption . According to Bayes theorem :
    P ( c i ∣ x ) = P ( x ∣ c i ) P ( c i ) P ( x ) P(c_i|x)=\frac{P(x|c_i)P(c_i)}{P(x)} P(cix)=P(x)P(xci)P(ci)

  • 3
    because P ( x ) P(x) P(x) Constant for all classes , It only needs P ( x ∣ c i ) P ( c i ) {P(x|c_i)P(c_i)} P(xci)P(ci) The biggest one is . If c i c_i ci The prior probability of the class is unknown , It is usually assumed that these classes are equal probability , namely P ( c 1 ) = P ( c 2 ) = . . . = P ( c m ) P(c_1)=P(c_2)=...=P(c_m) P(c1)=P(c2)=...=P(cm) , So it turns into right P ( x ∣ c i ) P(x|c_i) P(xci) To maximize ( P ( x ∣ c i ) P(x|c_i) P(xci) It is often called given c i c_i ci Time data x x x The likelihood of , And make P ( x ∣ c i ) P(x|c_i) P(xci) The biggest assumption c i c_i ci It is called maximum likelihood . otherwise , Need to maximize P ( x ∣ c i ) P ( c i ) {P(x|c_i)P(c_i)} P(xci)P(ci). Be careful , The prior probability of a class can be used P ( c i ) = s i / s P(c_i)=s_i / s P(ci)=si/s Calculation , among s i s_i si yes c i c_i ci Number of training samples in , s s s Is the total number of training samples .

  • 4
    Given a dataset with many attributes , Calculation P ( x ∣ c i ) P(x|c_i) P(xci) The cost of can be very large . To reduce the calculation P ( x ∣ c i ) P(x|c_i) P(xci) The cost of , We can make the simple assumption of class conditional independence . The class label of the given sample , Assume that attribute values are conditionally independent of each other , That is, between attributes , There are no dependencies . In this way, only molecules need to be considered :
    P ( x ∣ c i ) = ∏ k = 1 n P ( x k ∣ c i ) P(x|c_i)=\prod_{k=1}^{n}P(x_k|c_i) P(xci)=k=1nP(xkci)

  • 5
    For unknown samples x x x classification , That is, for each class c i c_i ci, Calculation P ( x ∣ c i ) P ( c i ) {P(x|c_i)P(c_i)} P(xci)P(ci) , Naive Bayesian classification assigns unknown samples to classes c i ( 1 ⩽ i ⩽ m ) c_i (1\leqslant i \leqslant m ) ci(1im) If and only if P ( c i ∣ x ) > P ( c j ∣ x )    i ≠ j P(c_i|x)>P(c_j|x) \ \ i \neq j P(cix)>P(cjx)  i=j . such , x x x Assigned to its P ( x ∣ c i ) P ( c i ) {P(x|c_i)P(c_i)} P(xci)P(ci) The largest class .
    The flow chart is shown in the figure below :
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  • The example analysis
    There is a batch of products of the same model , It is known that the production of one factory accounts for 15%, The production of the second factory accounts for 80%, The production of the three plants accounts for 5%, It is also known that the defective rates of these three factories are 2%,1%,3%. Any one of these products is defective , Ask which factory this defective product belongs to with the greatest probability :
    set up A A A Express “ What I got was a defective one ”, B i B_i Bi Express “ The defective products obtained are from i Provided by factory ”, be B 1 , B 2 , B 3 B_1,B_2,B_3 B1,B2,B3 It's sample space Ω \Omega Ω A division of , And P ( B 1 ) = 0.5 , P ( B 2 ) = 0.80 , P ( B 3 = 0.05 ) P(B_1)=0.5,P(B_2)=0.80,P(B_3=0.05) P(B1)=0.5,P(B2)=0.80,P(B3=0.05)
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    thus it can be seen , The probability from factory two is the highest .

3. Explain how to use maximum likelihood estimation and Bayesian estimation to estimate the parameters of naive Bayes .

  • Maximum likelihood estimation
    Maximum likelihood estimate the parameters to be estimated θ \theta θ It is regarded as an unknown variable in a fixed form , Then we combine the real data to solve this fixed form of position variable by maximizing the likelihood function . The specific solving process is as follows :

  • Hypothesis sample set D = D= D= { x 1 , x 2 , . . . x n x_1,x_2,...x_n x1,x2,...xn}, Suppose that the samples are relatively independent , So there is :
    P ( D ∣ θ ) = P ( x 1 ∣ θ ) P ( x 2 ∣ θ ) . . . P ( x n ∣ θ ) P(D|\theta)=P(x_1|\theta)P(x_2|\theta)...P(x_n|\theta) P(Dθ)=P(x1θ)P(x2θ)...P(xnθ)
    So suppose the likelihood function is :
    L ( θ ∣ D ) = ∏ k = 1 n P ( x k ∣ θ ) L(\theta|D)=\prod_{k=1}^{n}P(x_k|\theta) L(θD)=k=1nP(xkθ)
    Next, our criterion for finding parameters is to maximize the likelihood function as the name :
    θ = a r g max ⁡ θ L ( θ ∣ D ) \theta =arg \max_\theta L(\theta|D) θ=argθmaxL(θD)

  • Bayesian estimation
    Bayesian estimation treats parameters as random variables with a known prior distribution , This means that this parameter is not a fixed unknown , It conforms to a certain prior distribution, such as : A random variable θ \theta θ Conform to normal distribution, etc .
    - Finally, Bayesian estimation is also to obtain a posteriori probability , What it ultimately derives is :
    P ( w i ∣ x , D ) = P ( w i ∣ x , D ) P ( x , D ) = P ( w i , x , D ) ∑ j = 1 c P ( w i , x , D ) P(w_i|x,D)=\frac{P(w_i|x,D)}{P(x,D)}=\frac{P(w_i,x,D)}{\sum_{j=1}^{c} P(w_i,x,D)} P(wix,D)=P(x,D)P(wix,D)=j=1cP(wi,x,D)P(wi,x,D)
    There are in the above formula :
    P ( w i , x , D ) = P ( x ∣ w i , D ) P ( w i ) ∑ j = 1 c P ( w i , x , D ) P(w_i,x,D)=\frac{P(x|w_i,D)P(w_i)}{\sum_{j=1}^{c} P(w_i,x,D)} P(wi,x,D)=j=1cP(wi,x,D)P(xwi,D)P(wi)
    There is also an important assumption , That is, the samples are independent of each other , At the same time, classes are also independent , So there are the following assumptions :
    P ( w i ∣ D ) = P ( w i ) P ( x ∣ w i , D ) = P ( x ∣ w i , D i ) P(w_i|D)=P(w_i) \\ P(x|w_i,D)=P(x|w_i,D_i) P(wiD)=P(wi)P(xwi,D)=P(xwi,Di)
    At the same time, because classes are independent of each other , Then there is :
    P ( x ∣ w i , D i ) = P ( x ∣ D ) P(x|w_i,D_i)= P(x|D) P(xwi,Di)=P(xD)
    Similar to the derivation of maximum likelihood function , Available :
    P ( D ∣ θ ) = ∏ k = 1 n P ( x k ∣ θ ) P(D|\theta)=\prod_{k=1}^{n}P(x_k|\theta) P(Dθ)=k=1nP(xkθ)
    So we finally get :
    P ( x ∣ D ) = ∫ P ( x ∣ θ ) P ( θ ∣ D ) d θ P(x|D)=\int P(x|\theta)P(\theta|D)d\theta P(xD)=P(xθ)P(θD)dθ

4. Programming Laplace modified naive Bayesian classifier , And watermelon dataset 3.0 For example (P84), Yes P151 Test samples of 1 To judge .

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import xlrd
import math

class LaplacianNB():
    Laplacian naive bayes for binary classification problem.
    def __init__(self):

    def train(self, X, y):
        Training laplacian naive bayes classifier with traning set (X, y).
            X: list of instances. Each instance is represented by 
            y: list of labels. 0 represents bad, 1 represents good.
        N = len(y)
        self.classes = self.count_list(y)
        self.class_num = len(self.classes)
        self.classes_p = {
        #print self.classes
        for c, n in self.classes.items():
            self.classes_p[c] = float(n+1) / (N+self.class_num)

        self.discrete_attris_with_good_p = []
        self.discrete_attris_with_bad_p = []
        for i in range(6):
            attr_with_good = []
            attr_with_bad = []
            for j in range(N):
                if y[j] == 1:
            unique_with_good = self.count_list(attr_with_good)
            unique_with_bad = self.count_list(attr_with_bad)
            self.discrete_attris_with_good_p.append(self.discrete_p(unique_with_good, self.classes[1]))
            self.discrete_attris_with_bad_p.append(self.discrete_p(unique_with_bad, self.classes[0]))

        self.good_mus = []
        self.good_vars = []
        self.bad_mus = []
        self.bad_vars = []
        for i in range(2):
            attr_with_good = []
            attr_with_bad = []
            for j in range(N):
                if y[j] == 1:
            good_mu, good_var = self.mu_var_of_list(attr_with_good)
            bad_mu, bad_var = self.mu_var_of_list(attr_with_bad)

    def predict(self, x):
        p_good = self.classes_p[1]
        p_bad = self.classes_p[0]
        for i in range(6):
            p_good  *= self.discrete_attris_with_good_p[i][x[i]]
            p_bad *= self.discrete_attris_with_bad_p[i][x[i]]
        for i in range(2):
            p_good *= self.continuous_p(x[i+6], self.good_mus[i], self.good_vars[i])
            p_bad *= self.continuous_p(x[i+6], self.bad_mus[i], self.bad_vars[i])
        if p_good >= p_bad:
            return p_good, p_bad, 1
            return p_good, p_bad, 0

    def count_list(self, l):
        Get unique elements in list and corresponding count.
        unique_dict = {
        for e in set(l):
            unique_dict[e] = l.count(e)
        return unique_dict

    def discrete_p(self, d, N_class):
        Compute discrete attribution probability based on {
    0:, 1:, 2: }.
        new_d = {
        #print d
        for a, n in d.items():
            new_d[a] = float(n+1) / (N_class + len(d))
        return new_d

    def continuous_p(self, x, mu, var):
        p = 1.0 / (math.sqrt(2*math.pi) * math.sqrt(var)) * math.exp(- (x-mu)**2 /(2*var))
        return p

    def mu_var_of_list(self, l):
        mu = sum(l) / float(len(l))
        var = 0
        for i in range(len(l)):
            var += (l[i]-mu)**2 
        var = var / float(len(l))
        return mu, var

if __name__=="__main__":
    lnb = LaplacianNB()
    workbook = xlrd.open_workbook("../../ data /3.0.xlsx")
    sheet = workbook.sheet_by_name("Sheet1")
    X = []
    for i in range(17):
        x = sheet.col_values(i)
        for j in range(6):
            x[j] = int(x[j])
    y = sheet.row_values(8)
    y = [int(i) for i in y]
    #print X, y
    lnb.train(X, y)
    #print lnb.discrete_attris_with_good_p
    label = lnb.predict([1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0.697, 0.460])
    print "predict ressult: ", label

result :

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predict ressult:  (0.03191920486294201, 4.9158340214165893e-05, 1)# They are positive probability , Parent class probability and classification results 

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