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StrError & PERROR use yyds dry inventory

2022-07-06 03:08:00 Mango_ Mango

summary :

strlen - Library function for finding string length

strcpy- String copy function

strcat - character string ( Connect ) Append function

strncpy() - String copy function - Can control the number of characters copied

strncat() - String append function

strncmp() - String comparison function

strstr - String lookup function

strtok - String cutting

memcpy()- Memory copy function

memmove- Memory copy function ( Can handle overlapping memory copies )

memcmp: Memory compare function

memset - Memory setting function

strerror- Can return C The error message corresponding to the error code built in the language

perror - Print custom content +strerror

Error message reporting function

strerror- Can return C The error message corresponding to the error code built in the language

strerror&perror Use #yyds Dry inventory # _ error message

Return the error information corresponding to the error code

Parameter error code , Translate into error message , The first character address of the error message string corresponding to the error code is returned

C When a language library function call fails , Will store the error code in errno variable

int main()
    return 0;

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 Print the results :
No error
Operation not permitted
No such file or directory
No such process

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application :

int main()
    FILE* pf = fopen("test.txt","r");
    if(pf == NULL)
        printf("%s\n",strerror(errno));	//C Will put the error code in errno Variable , Print the error message corresponding to the error code 
        printf(" Open the success \n");
    return 0;
//fopen(): Functions for opening files , If the opening is successful , Returns a file pointer to the file FILE*  If not, return to NULL
//r: Read only open 

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Since we don't have this file : So print the results

No such file or directory

perror - Print custom content +strerror

strerror&perror Use #yyds Dry inventory # _ error message _02

string: Custom characters

int main()
    FILE* pf = fopen("test.txt", "r");
    if (pf == NULL)
        perror(" test ");
        perror(" test :\n");
        printf(" Open the success \n");
    return 0;

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Print the results :

 test : No such file or directory
 test :
: No such file or directory

: No such file or directory

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If perror There's something in , Print content first , Then automatically add a colon after it : Then print the error message

shortcoming : Print when you don't want to print

strerror&perror Use #yyds Dry inventory # _ Error code _03


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