“梦想杯”2017 年江苏省信息与未来小学生夏令营 IT 小能手 PK 之程序设计试题
2017年 试题中使用的生成数列 R 定义如下:整数 0 ≤ R 1 201701 在输入中给出。对于 i 1 , R i = R i − 1 × 6807 + 2831 mod 201701 。 1 龟兔赛跑 15 分 兔子又来找乌龟赛跑啦 同样的错误兔子不会犯两 次,所以兔子提出赛跑的时候,乌龟...
2022-07-07 08:39【cmx0128】
目录 0 参考资料出处 0%20%E5%8F%82%E8%80%83%E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E5%87%BA%E5%A4%84 1 实验预期效果 1%20%E5%AE%9E%E9%AA%8C%E9%A2%84%E6%9C%9F%E6%95%88%E6%9E%9C 2 硬件学习 2%2...
2022-07-07 08:41【咕咕与瓜】
阅读更多[OneNote] can't connect to the network and can't sync the problem
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2022-07-07 10:44【Xminyang】
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2022-07-07 10:44【꧁ small ۣۖ Pigeon ۣۖ Puzi ۣۖ ิ꧂】
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2022-07-07 10:44【Weave_ network】
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2022-07-07 10:44【Weave_ network】
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2022-07-07 10:44【leesf】
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2022-07-07 10:44【ECCUSXR】
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2022-07-07 10:44【ECCUSXR】
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2022-07-07 10:44【Naive witch】
I took the discrete mathematics test today , Choosing to fill in the blank can also be done , But when it comes to proof , Some don't know how...
2022-07-07 10:44【Naive witch】
I took the exam today 《 Digital circuit and logic design 》, In the course of the exam , There is a situation : A female classmate behind me ca...
2022-07-07 10:45【Naive witch】
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2017 year The generated sequence used in the test questions R The definition is as follows : Integers 0 ≤ R 1 201701 Give... In the input . abou...
2022-07-07 10:48【cmx0128】
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2022-07-07 10:48【qq_ forty-two million one hundred and twenty thousand eight hun】
阅读更多2021 summary and 2022 outlook
One 、 Work and study Through adjustment , Officially became a graduate student , I finished my two-year postgraduate entrance examination preparat...
2022-07-07 10:48【qq_ forty-two million one hundred and twenty thousand eight hun】
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2022-07-07 10:48【HCC2017】
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2022-07-07 10:48【HCC2017】
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2022-07-07 10:48【HCC2017】
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一、rsync简介 一款快速增量备份工具 Remote Sync,远程同步 支持本地复制、远程复制、远程守护进程式复制,或者与其他SSH、rsync主机同步 官方网站: 以其delta transfer算法闻名。 rsync监听端口:873 rsync运行模式:C/S 二、rsync同步源 在远...
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List of articles 1、 Preface 1 1 2、 Online learning resources 2 36 3、ANSYS Relevant concepts 3ANSYS 56 3.1 Analysis function 31 57 3.2 The sys...
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What is? APB Bus APB( Ad 'Ad' vanced Peripheral Bus), Peripheral bus means . The bus protocol is ARM 'ARM' The company put forward AMBA One o...
▚ 01 问题描述 https://img blog.csdnimg.cn/a00263c2bce046529387622016fb2a74.png pic center https://img blog.csdnimg.cn/9f80a67002194c2ea9d2cb28f911a3f5.pn...
导读 :作者有幸在中国电子信息领域的排头兵院校“ 电子科技大学 ”攻读研究生期间,接触到前沿的 数字IC验证知识 ,旁听到诸如 华为海思 、 清华紫光 、 联发科技 等业界顶尖集成电路相关企业面授课程,对数字IC验证有了一些知识积累和学习心得。为帮助想入门前端IC验证的朋友,思忱一二后,特开此专栏...
MFi是'Made for iPhone/iPod/iPad“的缩写。 Overview 概览 创造新配件 全球有超过15亿台活跃的苹果设备,现在是创造硬件配件的最佳时机,这些配件可以通过电气方式连接到iPhone、iPad、iPod和Apple Watch。MFi项目提供了广泛的无线和有线技术,可...
The second part : Theme card statement In this part , The examiner will hand the candidate a theme card , There are questions and related ideas on...