我国人的收入是个谜,如果你去各大论坛,就会发现各个都是富人。比如“ 刚下飞机,人在漂亮国,年入刚过百万 ”。人均法拉利、劳斯莱斯,以至于中国的法拉利、劳斯莱斯、兰博基尼等豪车的拥有量已经超过了其全球销量。 25e51eacc401b64b042fca5d43fe8ff6.png https://i...
2022-07-07 15:44【俊红的数据分析之路】
开发一个小程序商城需要多少钱?小程序商城的制作流程是什么?今天 CRMEB 就和大家来聊一聊开发小程序商城的方法以及费用,感兴趣的朋友赶紧来看一看 方法一:源码开发(4 万左右) 开发小程序商城,首先我们要组织聘请完整专业的开发团队。其中要包含项目经理、前后端开发人员、UI 设计师以及测试人员等。在...
2022-07-07 15:46【CRMEB】
阅读更多科学家首次观察到“电子漩涡” 有助于设计出更高效的电子产品
MIT Electron Vortex 01 PRESS 0.jpg 尽管它们是离散的粒子,但水分子以液体的形式集体流动,产生溪流、波浪、漩涡和其他经典的流体现象。虽然电流也是不同粒子(在这种情况下是电子)的构造,但粒子是如此之小,以至于当电子穿过普通金属时,它们之间的任何集体行为都会被更大的...
2022-07-07 15:46【中文业界资讯站】
目录 1.IC基础 1IC 1 1.1 锁存器触发器结构 11 2 1.2 建立保持时间 12 30 1.3 STA 13 STA 31 1.4 CDC 14 CDC 32 1.5 亚稳态怎么解决 15 33 1.6 低功耗常见设计 16 34 1.7 竞争冒险 17 35 1.8 毛刺 18 3...
2022-07-07 15:46【捌肆幺幺】
目录 1.接口 1 1 2.内部信号 2 39 3.高速时钟模式 3 62 4.移位进行数据的并转串 4 104 5.data for send的产生,后面用于计算crc 5data for sendcrc 206 6.计算crc16 6crc16 221 7.fifo读使能 7fifo 342 ...
2022-07-07 15:46【捌肆幺幺】
目录 1.接口 1 1 2.内部信号 2 27 3.数据位的转换 3 44 4.fifo使能sd fifo we 4fifosd fifo we 51 5.并转串 5 79 6.接收crc16 6crc16 100 7.自己计算crc16 7crc16 140 8.比较crc16 8crc16 2...
2022-07-07 15:46【捌肆幺幺】
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2022-07-07 15:46【柳家山头号矿工】
阅读更多Test for 3 months, successful entry "byte", my interview experience summary
Today, let's talk about some interview skills of software test engineers 、 Suggest , And some preparations you need to make during the interview 、 ma...
2022-07-07 17:53【Two black】
阅读更多What skills can you master to be a "master tester" when doing software testing?
One 、 Excellent basic ability In fact, all test bosses start from the bottom , Over time , The accumulation of experience gradually turns into a b...
2022-07-07 17:53【Two black】
阅读更多Chapter 1 Introduction to CRM core business
1,CRM Customer Relationship Management Customer relationship management is management The relationship between enterprises and customers N...
2022-07-07 17:53【Make a light】
阅读更多Chapter 2 building CRM project development environment (building development environment)
2.2 Build development environment 2.2.1 establish crm project Use IDEA establish Empty Project, As a workspace for the project 2.2.2 establish cr...
2022-07-07 17:53【Make a light】
阅读更多Chapter 2 build CRM project development environment (database design)
2.1CRM Database design 2.1.1 Database design principles We can consider the database design in combination with the project prototype , Marketing ...
2022-07-07 17:53【Make a light】
阅读更多Chapter 3 business function development (user access project)
3.1 Home function Users visit the project home page , First, go to the login page . First, identify the needs , Planning program access process , ...
2022-07-07 17:53【Make a light】
阅读更多Tips of this week 135: test the contract instead of implementation
As TotW/ 135 Originally published in 2017 year 6 month 5 Japan from James Dennett A literary creation “ If you have a true friend , Then you have ...
2022-07-07 17:54【-Flying crane-】
阅读更多Chapter 3 business function development (user login)
1. customer demand ( Requirements development specification ) The user is on the login page , Enter your username and password , Click on ' Sign in ...
2022-07-07 17:54【Make a light】
阅读更多Chapter 3 business function development (to remember account and password)
customer demand : Realization 10 Remember password function within days Remember the password : visit :login.jsp backstage :.html: If you rem...
2022-07-07 17:54【Make a light】
阅读更多Tips for this week 134: make_ Unique and private constructors
As totw/ 134 Originally published in 2017 year 5 month 10 Japan By Google engineers Yitzhak Mandelbaum A literary creation therefore , You read t...
2022-07-07 17:57【-Flying crane-】
阅读更多Chapter 3 business function development (safe exit)
customer demand Users on any business page , Click on ' sign out ' Button , Pop up the modal window to confirm exit ; The user is in the modal win...
2022-07-07 17:57【Make a light】
阅读更多Tips for this week 131: special member functions and ` = Default`
As totw/ 131 Originally published in 2017 year 3 month 24 Japan from James Dennett [email protected] A literary creation from the beginning ,C...
2022-07-07 17:57【-Flying crane-】
阅读更多Five simple ways to troubleshoot with Stace
I've always been surprised that few people realize that they can use Strace Everything you do . It has always been one of my first debugging tools , ...
2022-07-07 17:58【-Flying crane-】
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VIM Use format vim option ...file ... Common options +/ After opening the file , Place the cursor at / That's ok +/pattern Let the cursor be...
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2022/7/4 In recent days, , Fujian xingruige Software Co., Ltd. declared “ Innovative solutions for the application of database and database security...
Used in the last article obj Import , Turn into json I found that some materials cannot be loaded , I don't know why . such as blender Import obj Wh...
stay keil5 MDK in , Encapsulate a piece of code LIB library First , Create a project , The chip model selected in this project is consistent with ...
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基本介绍 1. 代理模式:为一个对象提供一个替身,以控制对这个对象的访问。即通过代理对象访问目标对象.这样做的好处是:可以在目标对象实现的基础上,增强额外的功能操作,即扩展目标对象的功能。 1. 被代理的对象可以是远程对象、创建开销大的对象或需要安全控制的对象 1. 代理模式有不同的形式, 主要有三...