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At the age of 20, I got the ByteDance offer on four sides, and I still can't believe it

2022-07-07 07:11:00 Android queen

Twenty year old life , How can we do without doubt ?

Many people have chewed several youth literature , Just like “ Whose youth is not lost ” To talk about , But ask yourself , It's really confused , Or you don't think about the future , I haven't planned my life ?

Because of any difficulty , There are breakthroughs . You don't have the ability to , You can change yourself through learning ; You have no face , You can beautify yourself by making up ; You don't have the money , You can save , Money can be saved , Eat less takeout , Cook more by yourself , Save money and learn a skill . Twenty is for you , Maybe the job is unstable , Maybe the salary is not ideal , But life is your own business , Is it good or bad? , It all depends on your own state .
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The programmer , How to do without doubt ?( How did I do it ?)

1. Divide time into stages , To grow up in stages

Life is long , We are good at dividing our life into several important stages , As a child 、 juvenile 、 youth 、 Middle age to old age , We have different roles to play at each stage , Things to do are different , So why not continue to split these stages for planning ?

in one's college years , It's best to plan your own stage , Freshman year is the stage when we begin to understand new things , Sophomore year is the stage when we need to determine the direction of our life goals , Junior year is the stage when we strive to sprint towards our goals , Senior year ushers in the next stage of choice . therefore , At what stage you have to do , Let yourself grow up in stages .

So how did I plan myself in College ?

Freshman year : Freshmen are like many students , Everything is new , Basically not much planning , But there are a lot of activities , Student union 、 Clubs and so on , I've known a lot of seniors and sisters .

During sophomore year : Sophomore began to realize the importance of learning , Started planning , Follow the school teacher carefully , I know the importance of laying a good foundation .

Junior year : By junior year , Basically, they are people who step out of society with one foot , Ready to find an internship , This stage is very critical , Not only to understand the knowledge of the industry , We should also quickly improve the technical level required by our posts .

Senior year : Not to mention this time period , Start planning your future development , Because I have no plan to take the postgraduate entrance examination , So I have to draw a clear career blueprint , Now that you have chosen Android Direction , So how to become Android Senior developers , Even architects , That's what I'm going to consider and carry out later .
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2. Set a good direction , Sort out the growth roadmap

Needless to say , I believe we all have a consensus : No matter what industry , The best people must be at the end of the pyramid . therefore , Want to be a great programmer , So let yourself stand higher , It's not an overnight thing to be a tech bull , It takes time to settle and technology to accumulate .

On this point , At that time, I established that Android Direction , Has begun to sort out their own growth path , Including how to learn technology systematically , They are listed in great detail .
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Step on “ plain dumb luck ” 了 , Three sides took down ByteDance offer

Junior next semester to find an Internet company internship , When I was a senior, I began to plan for my graduation , The school enrollment is also in the process of preparation , Of course, the goal should be higher , So Ali 、 Tencent will naturally try . The final result is byte skipping , This interview process is more dangerous , Because my goal is Ali , So the framework class should be prepared more , The algorithm doesn't look too much , But I didn't expect to leave “ plain dumb luck ”.

one side 50min

The structure learned during the internship


Dagger principle

livedata principle

Processes and threads

operating system IO Model

Process communication mode

The principle of pipeline communication

TCP How does the protocol achieve reliable transmission

UDP How to realize reliable transmission

java Create thread

Thread pool principle

Thread pool rejection policy

synchronized And reentrantlock The difference in implementation

AQS principle

handler principle

Retrofit principle

Algorithm : Right view of the binary tree — Non recursive implementation

Two sides 50min

Navigation Advantages and disadvantages

How to realize the customization of navigate Method switching fragment, How to make the covered fragment Aware of the life cycle

gc How to judge the garbage object

The difference between member variable and local variable , Must the value of a local variable be stored in the heap ()

jvm Class load time

jvm Class loading process

What is the parental entrustment mechanism

When will the parental trust mechanism be broken

What is a memory leak

volatile The role of

Write a deadlock

Algorithm : Judge A Whether it is B The subtree of

On three sides 50min

How do you learn Android Of

What needs to be done during the internship

One of the difficulties in the internship is

Who are you in contact with during the internship

How to communicate with others

The harvest of internship

Pick a project and say

Richter's principle of substitution

http Status code

http Multiplexing


What did you take offer

Algorithm The numbers represented by Chinese characters are converted to Arabic .

HR Noodles :

Talk about my internship experience

Asked about technical planning

What other companies did you invest in ?

How much do you know about byte skipping ? What products have used bytes ? How to evaluate ?

Why didn't you take the postgraduate entrance examination ?

Talk about your biggest gain in the project

Luck is only for those who are prepared ,“ plain dumb luck ” It's not real shit

Although I laugh at myself for my bad luck , But I always know a truth : Luck will always be left to those who are prepared , The opportunity came , You have to be able to catch .

therefore , Before interviewing these first-line Internet companies , I've been preparing for this long time , Including learning new technologies , Improve your technical level , Even the interview questions , Look at the interview post , All these have helped me a lot in my interview , About the preparation for the interview , I have mainly done the following aspects :

(1) Learn systematically through video

The content of university study is wide , But pan , Not enough system, not deep enough , So you can only do it in your spare time “ Make up a missed lesson ”. My way is to sort out a set of myself Android Learning videos commonly used in interviews , Learn from scratch , After watching all the videos , Basically, there is a very clear idea and framework .
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(2) Prepare for war , Direct to the big factory

The purpose of writing questions is to understand what the big factory will ask in the interview , In addition, it can improve my memory of technology , Make the interview more confident . actually , Let's be more flexible when writing questions , Learn to draw inferences from one example , It can play a role in the real interview .
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Emerson said : A person who is moving towards his goal , The whole world made way for him . therefore , As you are twenty years old , It's easy , Think more, plan more , The future will be clearer , Step by step towards your goal , Be successful as soon as possible . After all , Age in the world of programmers , It's also an advantage .

If , You have no backing , Let yourself be your most stable supporter !

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