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2022 examination for safety production management personnel of hazardous chemical production units and new version of examination questions for safety production management personnel of hazardous chem

2022-07-08 01:19:00 Queen 219

Source of question bank : Safety production simulation test, a little public official account.

Pass the safety production simulation exam at one point : Safety production management personnel of hazardous chemical production units must practice before the examination ! The new version of the questions and answers of the safety production management personnel of hazardous chemical production units are updated every month ! Do it a few more times , In fact, it is very simple to pass the simulated examination for safety production management personnel of hazardous chemical production units .

1、【 Single topic selection 】 It should be in its eye-catching position , The operation posts with warning signs and Chinese warning instructions are ( ).(  B  )

A、 Causing occupational hazards

B、 Causing serious occupational hazards

C、 Causing serious and serious occupational hazards

2、【 Single topic selection 】 The basic composition of general pressure vessels is ( ).(  A  )

A、 Cylinder 、 Head 、 To take over 、 Flange

B、 Cylinder 、 Flange 、 Bearing 、 Manhole

C、 canister 、 Flange 、 Head 、 Reinforcing ring

3、【 Single topic selection 】 Death due to work , Their close relatives receive funeral subsidies from the industrial injury insurance fund in accordance with regulations 、 Family pension and one-off death allowance , The funeral allowance is () Last year's average monthly salary of employees in the overall planning area for months .(  B  )




4、【 Single topic selection 】 The competent government department shall ensure that the public fully understands the safety measures in case of major accidents , *** , Should be ( ).(  B  )

A、 Call for help as soon as possible

B、 Call the police as soon as possible

C、 Stay where you are

5、【 Single topic selection 】 The most commonly used method to eliminate welding residual stress is to carry out post welding ( ).(  B  )

A、 Acid treatment

B、 heat treatment

C、 Cold treatment

6、【 Single topic selection 】 The following ( ) It is an important indicator of the flammable liquid explosion risk .(  A  )

A、 Flash point

B、 Freezing point

C、 Spontaneous combustion point

7、【 Single topic selection 】 according to 《 Classification of occupational hazards in industrial places 》 The provisions of the , Hazard degree of productive dust in the workplace Ⅱ Level is ( ).(  B  )

A、 Slightly hazardous operation

B、 Work hazard: poisoning

C、 Severely hazardous operation

8、【 Single topic selection 】 The following oil filling pipe heads are most likely to generate static electricity ( ).(  A  )

A、 Cylindrical shape

B、 Oblique mouth shape

C、T shape

9、【 Single topic selection 】《 Production safety law of the people's Republic of China 》 Regulations , Employees have the right to refuse ( ) And forced adventure homework .(  B  )

A、 Wrong command

B、 Illegal command

C、 Emergency command

10、【 Single topic selection 】 according to 《 Regulations on the safety management of hazardous chemicals 》, production 、 A unit that stores dangerous chemicals with highly toxic chemicals , Found highly toxic chemicals 、 Loss or theft of explosive prone hazardous chemicals , The local authorities should be informed immediately ( ) The report .(  B  )

A、 Government sector

B、 police

C、 Safety supervision department

11、【 Single topic selection 】《 Safe production method 》 Regulations ,() Must receive special training , Having passed the examination and obtained the operation qualification certificate , Before starting work .(  C  )

A、 Team leader

B、 Post workers

C、 Special operation personnel

12、【 Single topic selection 】《 Regulations on reporting, investigation and handling of production safety accidents 》 Regulations , The work safety supervision and administration department and the relevant departments responsible for the work safety supervision and administration shall establish a duty system , And announce the duty telephone to the public , Accept accident reports and ( ).(  C  )

A、 consulting

B、 appeal

C、 report

13、【 Single topic selection 】 The production of dangerous goods 、 business 、 Storage units and mines 、 Metal smelting 、 Construction 、 The main person in charge and safety management personnel of the road transportation unit , It should be done by ( ) Pass the examination of their safety production knowledge and management ability .(  A  )

A、 The competent department responsible for the supervision and administration of work safety

B、 Education and training department

C、 Industry Association

14、【 Single topic selection 】 One of the measures that can be used as anti-static measures for human body is ( ).(  A  )

A、 Wear anti-static work clothes 、 Shoes and gloves

B、 Keep away from water 、 Good conductors such as metal

C、 Static electricity should be detected regularly

15、【 Single topic selection 】《 Regulations on the safe use of chemicals in the workplace 》 Regulations , Containers containing hazardous chemicals shall be cleaned before treatment , Do not replace ( ).(  B  )

A、 label

B、 Original safety label

C、 packing

16、【 Single topic selection 】 stay 《 Classification and marking of commonly used hazardous chemicals 》 in , The safety sign for spontaneous combustion is ().(  A  )




17、【 Single topic selection 】 Electric injury is caused by current ( )、 Harm to human body caused by chemical or mechanical effects .(  B  )

A、 Magnetic effect

B、 Thermal effect

C、 Field effect

18、【 Single topic selection 】 Once a hazardous chemical accident occurs within the production and business operation unit , The person in charge of the unit must immediately follow the rules and regulations formulated by the unit () Organize rescue .(  C  )

A、 Work plan

B、 Control measures

C、 Emergency rescue plan

19、【 Single topic selection 】 The newly put into use oil fired boiler must be on the combustion device of the boiler 、 Safety accessories, etc ( ).(  B  )

A、 reinstall

B、 debugging

C、 Trouble shooting

20、【 Single topic selection 】 If there is combustible gas in the system, the material of bursting disc shall not be selected ( ).(  C  )

A、 plastic

B、 rubber

C、 Iron piece

21、【 Single topic selection 】 Natural gas burning fire is ( ) Class fire .(  C  )




22、【 Single topic selection 】 Safety instrumented system, also known as ( ).(  B  )




23、【 Single topic selection 】 In petrochemical enterprises , Open fire equipment without flying fire , It shall be arranged in the equipment emitting combustible gas 、 The prevailing wind direction of the building ( ).(  C  )

A、 Downwind

B、 Downwind and side wind

C、 Upwind and sidewind

24、【 Single topic selection 】 Ethylene stored under high pressure 、 The explosion of acetylene belongs to ( ).(  A  )

A、 Simple decomposition explosion

B、 Complex decomposition explosion

C、 Gas mixture explosion

25、【 Single topic selection 】 After the drill , According to the drill records, the drill organization unit shall organize the drill 、 Drill evaluation report 、 Emergency plan 、 On site summary and other materials , Make a comprehensive summary of the drill , And form ( ).(  B  )

A、 Site summary report

B、 Written summary report of drill

C、 Suggestions on modification of emergency plan

26、【 Single topic selection 】 The comprehensive emergency plan shall include the emergency organization and its responsibilities of the unit 、 Plan system and response procedure 、( )、 Main contents of emergency training and plan drill .(  A  )

A、 Accident prevention and emergency support

B、 Preparation basis and purpose

C、 Emergency plan management

27、【 Single topic selection 】 In the production process of the workshop , When a large amount of drugs may leak suddenly or it is easy to cause acute poisoning , Should be set ( ).(  C  )

A、 Specially assigned person to monitor

B、 Fire fighting facilities

C、 Automatic alarm device , Accident ventilation facilities

28、【 Single topic selection 】 Phosphorus ( ).(  A  )

A、 Pyrophoric materials

B、 Flammable materials when wet

C、 Combustible solids

29、【 Single topic selection 】 Places with high explosion risk or high safety requirements shall adopt ( ) System power supply .(  B  )




30、【 Single topic selection 】 The following are not safety education and training methods ().(  C  )

A、 Discussion method

B、 Teaching method

C、 Reading guidance

31、【 Single topic selection 】《 Measures for the administration of the purchase and sale of chemicals and the transportation of precursor chemicals 》 Regulations , Buying precursor chemicals in violation of regulations , Purchasing precursor chemicals without permission or filing ; The public security organ shall confiscate the precursor chemicals illegally purchased , Yes () A fine of not less than 10 times but not more than 20 times the value of precursor chemicals illegally purchased , Twenty times the value of the goods, less than 10000 yuan , A fine of 10000 yuan ; Criminal , Investigate criminal responsibility according to law .(  C  )

A、 Supplier

B、 Carrier

C、 Buyer

32、【 Single topic selection 】 The safety color green means ().(  C  )

A、 Mandatory information required must be observed

B、 Be careful 、 Warning message

C、 Safe indicative information

33、【 Single topic selection 】 In the management center, human factors must be put in the first place , Embody the guiding ideology of people-oriented , This is the human principle , The meaning of not being people-oriented is ().(  C  )

A、 All management activities are people-oriented

B、 In management activities , As the elements of the management object and all links of the management system , Need someone to take charge of 、 operation 、 Promote and implement

C、 People are the main body of Management , Not the object of Management

34、【 Single topic selection 】 The drill is over , The drill commander announced the end of the drill , Participants press ( ) Conduct on-site comments or orderly evacuation .(  A  )

A、 Plan ahead

B、 Established policy

C、 Leadership instructions

35、【 Single topic selection 】 The design unit shall, in accordance with the seismic fortification requirements and the project construction requirements () Conduct seismic design , And be responsible for the quality of seismic design and the accuracy of construction drawing design documents issued .(  B  )

A、 Industry standard

B、 Mandatory standards

C、 Recommended standards

36、【 Single topic selection 】 The safety relief system consists of the relief path and ( ) Composed of .(  A  )

A、 Relief device

B、 Bursting discs

C、 Vent

37、【 Single topic selection 】 Step voltage means that the horizontal distance on the ground is ( )m The potential difference between two points .(  C  )




38、【 Single topic selection 】 Any electrical equipment before it is verified that there is no electricity , All by ( ) Handle .(  C  )

A、 No electricity

B、 Maybe there's electricity

C、 There is electricity

39、【 Single topic selection 】 We should make full use of the national investment policies in production safety and emergency rescue , Manage and use the funds well , insist ( ), Give full play to the investment benefits .(  B  )

A、 The principle of thrift

B、 The principle of paying equal attention to construction and economy

C、 The principle of paying equal attention to the old and the new

40、【 Judgment questions 】 The chemical safety technical specification briefly describes the harm of a chemical to human health and the environment .(  √  )

41、【 Judgment questions 】 The warehouse of hazardous chemicals is based on the characteristics of hazardous materials and warehouse conditions , Corresponding fire-fighting equipment must be equipped 、 Facilities and fire extinguishing agents .()(  √  )

42、【 Judgment questions 】 The special emergency plan shall formulate clear rescue procedures and specific emergency rescue measures .(  √  )

43、【 Judgment questions 】 The employer is divided 、 Merge 、 dissolution 、 Bankruptcy, etc , Workers should undergo occupational health examination , And properly arrange the occupational disease patients in accordance with the relevant provisions of the state ; Their occupational health surveillance files shall be handed over and kept in accordance with the relevant provisions of the state .()(  √  )

44、【 Judgment questions 】 Production of hazardous chemicals 、 Store 、 User , Should be in production 、 Set up communication facilities in storage and use places 、 Alarm device , And ensure that it is in normal application state under any circumstances .(  √  )

45、【 Judgment questions 】 Limiting the spread and spread of fire is one of the main principles of fire and explosion prevention .(  √  )

46、【 Judgment questions 】 When stacking various explosives , It is required to be firm 、 Err on the side of 、 neat , Prevent stacking , Easy to transport . The packing box of explosives should not be placed directly on the ground , Better lay the groundwork 20 About cm of cement blocks or steel bedding .()(  ×  )

47、【 Judgment questions 】 The railway can handle the delivery business of highly toxic products .(  ×  )

48、【 Judgment questions 】2011 year 3 month 25 The morning of , The employees of a subcontractor of a company carried out project closure at the atmospheric and vacuum distillation maintenance site .10 At around , Plumber Liu and assistant worker Xu went to the top platform of the air cooler to replace the valve bolts . Liu Mou stands on the north side of the platform and works , The station is about... Away from the edge of the platform 0.6 rice .11 At around , During the operation, Liu , Loose wrench and nut , Unsteady standing , Lean back from the platform 、 Fall to the lower platform , Drop 5.64 rice , Head injury , The hospital rescue failed in the afternoon 15 Time to die . As described above , Please judge , Safety belt must be worn when working at heights .(  √  )

49、【 Judgment questions 】2011 year 3 month 25 The morning of , The employees of a subcontractor of a company carried out project closure at the atmospheric and vacuum distillation maintenance site .10 At around , Plumber Liu and assistant worker Xu went to the top platform of air cooler to replace the valve bolts . Liu Mou stands on the north side of the platform and works , The station is about... Away from the edge of the platform 0.6 rice .11 At around , During the operation, Liu , Loose wrench and nut , Unsteady standing , Lean back from the platform 、 Fall to the lower deck , Drop 5.64 rice , Head injury , The hospital rescue failed in the afternoon 15 Time to die . As described above , Please judge , Safety belt must be worn when working at heights .(  √  )

50、【 Judgment questions 】 According to the process of public emergencies 、 Nature and mechanism , Public emergencies are mainly divided into three categories .()(  ×  )

51、【 Judgment questions 】 The content of the safety production responsibility system includes the safety production responsibilities of all types of personnel vertically from top to bottom and the safety production responsibilities of functional departments horizontally .(  √  )

52、【 Judgment questions 】2006 year 4 month 19 Japan , Organic solvent toluene is widely used in the production process of a resin products Co., Ltd , Manual operation , No ventilation . Employee Fang has suspected acute toluene poisoning ,4 month 20 Nikkei diagnosed as “ Mild toluene poisoning ”. The occupational health supervisors found that , The company did not report the existence of occupational hazard factors to the administrative department of health , Operators are not organized to work before 、 While on duty 、 Occupational health examination when leaving the post , There is no occupational health surveillance file ; There is no monitoring and evaluation data of occupational hazard factors in the workplace ; No occupational disease prevention and control management system and emergency rescue plan for occupational disease inductive accidents have been established ; Operators at posts with occupational hazards do not wear effective personal protective equipment ; No warning signs and warning instructions in Chinese . Based on the above facts , Please judge , When signing the labor contract , The enterprise can take part of the possible occupational hazards and their consequences in the process of work 、 The occupational disease prevention measures and treatment shall be truthfully informed to the workers .(  ×  )

53、【 Judgment questions 】 A factory produces an organic product , The reaction must be carried out in an autoclave , As the temperature rises ( External heating ), Decomposition of materials in the kettle , The gas shall be vented in time , Keep a certain pressure , Production has been normal and stable . There is a , The operator didn't open the vent valve , The monitor didn't check , After the feeding temperature rises , The pressure in the kettle increases sharply , The explosion-proof facilities on the kettle are out of order , A stream of poisonous gas rushed out from the flange of the autoclave . Several people were poisoned and fainted on the spot , The strong air flow will damage the glass metering pipe of the storage tank containing the solvent , A large amount of agent flows out , Cause a fire . A series of explosions occurred near several storage tanks , Some solvent flows into rivers from drains , Cause serious water pollution . As described above , Please judge , There are some defects in the factory, such as glass metering tubes are not protected by metal sleeves .(  √  )

54、【 Judgment questions 】 The production and business operation entity shall sign a special agreement on the administration of production safety with the lessee .(  √  )

55、【 Judgment questions 】 Small and medium-sized hazardous chemical production enterprises do not have to pay insurance premiums for their employees .(  ×  )

56、【 Judgment questions 】 The key points and procedures of the emergency plan shall be posted in the emergency place and emergency command place , And there are obvious signs .(  √  )

57、【 Judgment questions 】《 Regulations on the safety management of hazardous chemicals 》 Regulations , The work safety supervision and administration department shall timely notify the competent environmental protection department and the public security organ at the same level of the issuance of the license for the safe use of hazardous chemicals .(  √  )

58、【 Judgment questions 】 The explosives warehouse shall be a single storey building , Lightning rods should not be installed around .(  √  )

59、【 Judgment questions 】《 Regulations on the safety management of hazardous chemicals 》 Regulations : The unit storing hazardous chemicals shall, according to the specific conditions of the unit , Decide whether to establish a warehouse in and warehouse out verification system for hazardous chemicals 、 Registration system .(  ×  )

60、【 Judgment questions 】 Catalytic reaction is a chemical reaction carried out under the action of catalyst .(  √  )

61、【 Judgment questions 】 No unit or individual may fabricate 、 Spread false information about the development of emergencies or emergency disposal work .(  √  )

62、【 Judgment questions 】《 Fire control law of the people's Republic of China 》 Regulations , production 、 Store 、 The place where inflammable and explosive dangerous goods are operated shall not be set in the same building as the residential place , And keep a safe distance from the place of residence .(  √  )

63、【 Judgment questions 】 The production and business operation unit for the benefit of the enterprise , You can enter into agreements with employees , Exempt or reduce the liability of employees for casualties due to production safety accidents according to law .(  ×  )

64、【 Judgment questions 】 Natural disasters that can be warned 、 Early warning level of accidents, disasters and public health accidents , Divided into one level 、 second level 、 Level three 、 Level Four , Level 4 is the highest level .(  ×  )

65、【 Judgment questions 】 Concentrated acid 、 Caustic soda 、 Liquid alkali can be stored in containers made of iron products , Therefore, it can also be stored in galvanized iron drums .(  ×  )

66、【 Judgment questions 】 Once an enterprise has a major hazard accident , The company's rescue force is insufficient , You don't have to ask for social assistance .(  ×  )

67、【 Judgment questions 】 The accident emergency rescue plan shall cover the plans of all stages of emergency rescue after the accident , Start of the emergency plan 、 meet an emergency 、 rescue 、 Post monitoring and disposal and other stages .()(  √  )

68、【 Judgment questions 】 Class II major hazard installations shall be equipped with temperature protection equipment 、 pressure 、 level 、 Traffic 、 Continuous monitoring of concentration and other information 、 Display and alarm device , And have the ability to transmit information far away 、 Continuous recording and other functions .(  √  )

69、【 Judgment questions 】《 Fire control law of the people's Republic of China 》 Regulations , production 、 Store 、 Factories for loading and unloading inflammable and explosive dangerous goods 、 Warehouses and special stations 、 The setting of the wharf , It shall comply with the technical standards for fire protection .(  √  )

70、【 Judgment questions 】 according to 《 Regulations on the safety management of hazardous chemicals 》, Relevant units and individuals shall cooperate with the safety supervision and inspection of hazardous chemicals according to law , Don't refuse 、 hinder .(  √  )

71、【 Judgment questions 】《 Regulations on the safe use of chemicals in the workplace 》, Employees shall abide by labor safety and health rules and regulations and safe operation procedures , In addition, it shall timely report the situation that may cause harm and cannot be handled by itself .(  √  )

72、【 Judgment questions 】 Corrosion is a phenomenon that materials are destroyed due to chemical changes between materials and surrounding elements .(  ×  )

73、【 Judgment questions 】 The team leader is fully responsible for the safety production work of the team , It is the law of work safety 、 The direct executor of laws and regulations .(  √  )

74、【 Judgment questions 】《 Production safety law of the people's Republic of China 》 Regulations , When employees find an emergency endangering personal safety , Have no right to stop work or evacuate the workplace after taking possible emergency measures .(  ×  )

75、【 Judgment questions 】 Any unit 、 Individuals must not damage 、 Misappropriate or dismantle without authorization 、 Disable the fire suppression facilities 、 equipment ,(  √  )

76、【 Judgment questions 】2011 year 1 In June, a company 1 Flash explosion accident occurred in the stabilization unit of catalytic unit , The accident caused 3 People have been killed 、4 A slight wound , The accident did not cause environmental pollution . The direct cause is the low point condensate drain valve on the lower inlet pipeline of the reboiler shell side of the stabilization unit of the heavy oil catalytic unit , Due to the cracking of the welding joint of the fixed valve stem nut gland , The valve ram loses its fixation , Valve failure , Deethanized gasoline leaks and volatilizes , Form an explosive mixture with air , Explosion due to static electricity generated by spraying . Based on the above facts , Please judge , The possible ignition sources of petrochemical plants are static electricity , It also includes open fire 、 Electric spark 、 High temperature surface, etc .(  √  )

77、【 Judgment questions 】 The production enterprise of hazardous chemicals shall determine whether to set up safety production management organization or allocate safety production management personnel according to needs .(  ×  )

78、【 Judgment questions 】 The emergency rescue plan for hazardous chemical accidents is to improve the adaptability to emergencies , Predict the possible accidents in the future according to the actual situation , Accident emergency rescue countermeasures formulated in advance , It is an action plan to protect the safety of personnel and facilities in an accident .(  √  )

79、【 Judgment questions 】 The employing unit shall act in accordance with the law 、 Regulations require , Strictly abide by the national occupational health standards , Implement occupational disease prevention measures , Control and eliminate occupational hazards from the source .(  √  )

80、【 Judgment questions 】《 Regulations on the safety management of hazardous chemicals 》 Regulations , The State encourages special storage of hazardous chemicals 、 Unified distribution 、 Centralized sales .(  √  )

81、【 Judgment questions 】 In case of emergency shutdown due to water shortage , Fill the boiler with water according to the situation , And open the air valve and safety valve to quickly depressurize .(  ×  )

82、【 Judgment questions 】 Design of protective facilities for construction projects with serious occupational disease hazards , It shall be examined by the work safety supervision and administration department , Meeting the national occupational health standards and health requirements , Before construction can be carried out .(  √  )

83、【 Judgment questions 】 Explosion hazardous places refer to places that can emit combustible gases 、 Places where steam and dust are easy to mix with air to form explosive mixture .(  √  )

84、【 Judgment questions 】 Fire separation is when a building is on fire , Other buildings under the action of thermal radiation , Without any protection , The minimum distance from fire .(  √  )

85、【 Judgment questions 】 Dangerous chemicals warehouse 、 Hydrogen and oxygen station 、 The oil depot shall be kept away from the fire source , It is arranged at the edge of the plant area and the windward side of the minimum frequency wind direction .()(  √  )

86、【 Judgment questions 】 Small and medium-sized hazardous chemical production enterprises do not have to pay insurance premiums for their employees .(  ×  )

87、【 Judgment questions 】 During the combustion of liquid substances , It's not the liquid itself burning , But when the liquid is heated, the gas evaporated is decomposed 、 Oxidation reaches the ignition point and burns .(  √  )

88、【 Judgment questions 】 When a hazardous chemical accident occurs , Site personnel must take active and effective restraining measures according to the accident plan formulated by their respective enterprises , Minimize the spread of accidents , And report and alarm to relevant departments .(  √  )

89、【 Judgment questions 】 If the solution containing diazonium salt is spilled on the ground 、 On the steam pipe , It can also cause fire or explosion after drying .(  √  )

90、【 Judgment questions 】 For a normal human body , The average perception threshold is 0.5mA, And related to the time factor .(  ×  )

91、【 Judgment questions 】2007 year 3 month 27 Japan 14 when 23 branch , Liaozhong section of Beijing Shenyang Expressway 610km It's about , A high-speed black Santana , Hit the tail of a freight tanker running ahead , The car is equipped with 24 Tons of acrylonitrile , A lot of liquid gushed out , Not only are the lives of the trapped at any time in danger , And hundreds of cars passed the accident road , Hundreds of farmers are working nearby , The situation is very critical . As described above , Please judge , After the accident , Relevant units and personnel shall properly protect the accident scene and relevant evidence , No unit or individual shall destroy the scene of the accident 、 Destroy relevant certificates .(  √  )

92、【 Judgment questions 】 After the accident , Relevant personnel at the scene of the accident shall immediately report to the safety supervision department of the people's government at or above the county level where the accident occurs .()(  ×  )

93、【 Judgment questions 】 The energy that can be released when a pressure vessel explodes has nothing to do with the physical state of its working medium .(  ×  )

94、【 Judgment questions 】 Level III major hazard source , According to the possibility of fire 、 Location of explosion and leakage 、 place , Set necessary combustible gas 、 Toxic gas detection and fire alarm device .(  √  )

95、【 Judgment questions 】 Dust workplaces where ventilation and dust removal facilities cannot meet the limits of occupational health standards , Operators must wear dust masks 、 coverall 、 Helmet 、 respirator 、 Personal protective equipment such as glasses . Maintenance of dust removal facilities shall be strengthened .(  √  )

96、【 Judgment questions 】 Construction projects with serious occupational hazards , The design of occupational disease prevention facilities has not been approved , The construction unit shall not carry out construction , It shall apply for review again after rectification .(  ×  )

97、【 Judgment questions 】 All explosives must not be mixed with oxidants 、 Pyrophoric materials 、 acid 、 alkali 、 Salts 、 Flammable and combustible materials 、 Metal powder and steel materials and appliances are stored and transported together .(  √  )

98、【 Judgment questions 】 The relevant units shall conduct inspection in a timely manner 、 Maintain its alarm devices and emergency rescue equipment 、 facilities , Keep it in good condition , Ensure normal use .(  ×  )

99、【 Judgment questions 】 The competent government department must send trained personnel 、 Qualified technicians shall regularly supervise major hazard sources 、 survey 、 Assessment and consultation .(  √  )

100、【 Judgment questions 】 In case of dangerous chemical fire , The fire extinguishing personnel should extinguish the fire individually .(  ×  )

Support the examination questions of safety production management personnel of precision hazardous chemical production units in all regions of the country , Support safety certificate , Special operation certificate , Exercises on the question bank of vocational skill appraisal and other types of work .


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