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2022 system integration project management engineer examination knowledge point: Mobile Internet

2022-07-07 01:54:00 weixin_ forty-six million six hundred and nineteen thousand two

Many candidates are preparing for the exam 2022 System integration project management engineer examination , I have arranged for you 2022 Knowledge points of system integration project management engineer examination : Mobile Internet , For everyone to prepare for the exam and review .

Mobile Internet

Mobile Internet = Mobile communication network + Internet content and applications , It's not just an extension of the Internet , The development direction of the Internet is . Key technologies of mobile Internet :

① Architecture Technology SOA:Service Oriented Architect, Service Oriented Architecture , It doesn't involve the underlying programming interface and communication model ,Web Service It's the current implementation SOA The main technology of .

② Page display technology Web2.0: Strictly speaking, it's not a technology , It's the Internet mindset .

③HTML5: In the original HTML On this basis, it expands API, The biggest advantage is that you can debug and modify directly on the web page .

④Android: The characteristic is that it is easy to get started , because Android The middle layer of Java Realization , Instructions are relatively reduced 、 Development is relatively simple , And the development community is active , Rich development resources .

⑥IOS: A non open source operating system , Developers must join the Apple Developer Program , Payment is required to obtain Apple's approval , The development language is Objective-C、C、 and C++, Development is more difficult than Android.

⑦Windows Phone: A mobile operating system of Microsoft , Development technology :C、C++、C# etc. .

⑧HarmonyOS( Hongmeng system , Hongmeng OS): A Huawei model “ Facing the future ”、 Facing the whole scene ( Mobile office 、 Sports Health 、 Social communications 、 Media entertainment, etc ) Distributed operating system .


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