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The most popular colloquial system explains the base of numbers

2022-07-06 14:09:00 Big talk code farmer

A lot of friends , I don't know much about base , Today, let's talk about base , To understand hexadecimal, let's first think about a scenario , In ancient times , At the beginning, human beings had no concept of numbers , Every time I finish hunting , Just pile them together . Maybe one day, an ape man used his finger to represent a prey , After that, every time I came back from hunting, I would use my fingers to represent a prey , With more and more prey , He used up all his fingers and found that they could only represent ten prey , No amount of prey can be counted , This is after his hard thinking , Finally came up with this idea : That is, when ten fingers are used up , Just use a stick to replace the ten fingers of the hand just counted , This is the great invention of Radix , It's just that he didn't expect it to be a base , This is the decimal system , Later, ten wooden sticks were used , Using the same idea, use a larger stick to represent the just counted ten sticks , This has become a familiar , ten , Hundred bit .

But from the perspective of base, it is low , High position , High again .

This is to recall that our parents told us to count when we were young ,1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

When I was a child, I always had a question why I had to count until 10, Looking back, it seems that our ancestors grew ten fingers :).

If it grows 8 A finger , Then we may count to 8 It stops .



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