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How to use education discounts to open Apple Music members for 5 yuan / month and realize member sharing

2022-07-08 01:06:00 Sleepy without water

How to open with preferential Education Apple Music members 5 element / Month and realize member sharing

   When I was in college, I always wanted to apply Apple Music Student members are here , But I couldn't find the mailbox given by the school at that time , Can't bind , Now I found the email in the student system , I tried it myself , It really became , give the result as follows :

   The implementation method is also very simple , Look at this tutorial and apply , College, undergraduate and graduate students can use , The premise is to find the student mailbox in the student management system !
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  1. The previous opening steps are not wordy , As long as you can open membership , When opening a member, choose Student Edition

  2. And then automatically jump to Web pages verified by students as follows :

  3. Next, find the mailbox of your student management system , Take Wenda as an example , Enter the student management system first , Find all apps :

   4. Then click on the email system , Just like the email interface you usually use , Find your email address in the upper left corner , Fill in to step 2 In the ;

  5. Click to continue , Then you will receive an email in your mailbox ;

   6. The contents of the email are as follows :

   7. Click to verify student identity , The following interface will appear later :

   This means that the verification is successful , Then you can rest assured in Apple Music Use student members in , Really just need 5 element , Less than a meal , It's delicious , Students in need can try !

   Let's move on , How to put your Apple Music Members share with others .

  1. Open your id Set the interface and find Family sharing ;

  2. Click on Set up family sharing ;

  3. Click on Invite others ;

  4. It will jump to the following interface , You can choose Spaced delivery SMS mail Invite each other ;

  5. The other party will receive the invitation message , And click the Join the family ;

  6. After that, it will be set successfully !

   Next, the other party can also use your Apple Music Members , And you can also download your appstore Purchased apps .

   The above is how to use the education discount Apple Music Members and how to share account information tell you , The process is legal , No cracking and illegal operations . If you feel useful, you can like collecting and forwarding a wave !
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