题库来源:安全生产模拟考试一点通公众号小程序 2022聚合工艺上岗证题库为聚合工艺复习题考前押题 2022聚合工艺考试题模拟考试题库及在线模拟考试根据聚合工艺最新教材汇编。聚合工艺练习题随时根据安全生产模拟考试一点通学习进度分析。 https://img blog.csdnimg.cn/img co...
2022-07-07 10:31【雨天里的他】
题库来源:安全生产模拟考试一点通公众号小程序 2022危险化学品生产单位安全生产管理人员考试题库是危险化学品生产单位安全生产管理人员考试题目新版教材大纲题库 2022危险化学品生产单位安全生产管理人员考题及在线模拟考试依据危险化学品生产单位安全生产管理人员新版教材大纲编写。危险化学品生产单位安全生产...
2022-07-07 10:31【雨天里的他】
上周末,可能有些朋友关注到,暗网有人以十比特币的价格倒卖XX机构几十T个人信息数据的事情。 信息安全、数据安全的问题,一直在强调,但为什么还是会出现?一方面是技术的限制,另一方面就是管理和人的问题了。严重性都知道,但就是会屡犯。 eygle曾写过这篇数据库信息安全的文章,其实不只是数据库领域,在其他...
2022-07-07 10:32【bisal(Chen Liu)】
广州市召开安全生产工作会议 以“时时放心不下”的责任感 全面加强安全生产各项工作 大洋网讯 昨天上午,广州市组织收视收听全省安全生产电视电话会议,随后召开贯彻会议。市长郭永航出席并讲话,副市长张锐主持并作工作部署。 会议强调,全市各级各部门要深入学习贯彻习近平总书记关于安全生产重要论述精神,认真贯...
2022-07-07 10:33【广州新闻】
阅读更多[pytorch practice] use pytorch to realize image style migration based on neural network
use PyTorch Realize image style migration based on Neural Network 1. Introduction to the principle of style transfer 1 6 2. Fast Neural Style Net...
2022-07-07 12:33【Sickle leek】
阅读更多[pytorch practice] write poetry with RNN
use RNN Writing a poem 1. background 1 1 1.1 The word vector 11 3 1.2 RNN 12 RNN 14 2. CharRNN 2 CharRNN 106 3. use PyTorch Realization CharRN...
2022-07-07 12:34【Sickle leek】
阅读更多[Q&A]AttributeError: module ‘signal‘ has no attribute ‘SIGALRM‘
AttributeError: module 'signal' has no attribute 'SIGALRM' Problem description : 1 Problem analysis 21 Problem description : When using spellpy ...
2022-07-07 12:34【Sickle leek】
阅读更多[statistical learning methods] learning notes - Chapter 5: Decision Tree
Statistical learning methods learning notes —— Decision tree 1. Decision tree model and learning 1 2 1.1 Decision tree model 11 3 1.2 Decision...
2022-07-07 12:34【Sickle leek】
阅读更多[statistical learning methods] learning notes - Chapter 4: naive Bayesian method
Statistical learning methods learning notes : Naive bayes method 1. Learning and classification of naive Bayes 1 2 1.1 The basic method 11 3 1....
2022-07-07 12:34【Sickle leek】
阅读更多[statistical learning method] learning notes - support vector machine (I)
Statistical learning methods learning notes —— Support vector machine ( On ) 1. Linear separable support vector machine and hard interval maximizat...
2022-07-07 12:34【Sickle leek】
阅读更多[statistical learning method] learning notes - logistic regression and maximum entropy model
Statistical learning methods learning notes —— Logistic regression and maximum entropy model 1. Logistic regression model 1 2 1.1 Logistic distr...
2022-07-07 12:34【Sickle leek】
阅读更多[statistical learning method] learning notes - support vector machine (Part 2)
Statistical learning methods learning notes —— Support vector machine ( Next ) 3. Nonlinear support vector machine and kernel function 3 1 3.1 Nu...
2022-07-07 12:34【Sickle leek】
阅读更多Simple implementation of call, bind and apply
Preface : These three are all functions api, Used to change this The direction of , Enable an object to call another method that does not belong to...
2022-07-07 12:35【Xiaoding Chong duck!】
阅读更多Several ways to clear floating
Three column layout , Both use floating , Causes the parent element to collapse highly , The effect is as follows : https://img blog.csdnimg.cn/20210...
2022-07-07 12:35【Xiaoding Chong duck!】
阅读更多What if does not match your user account appears when submitting the code?
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2022-07-07 12:35【Xiaoding Chong duck!】
阅读更多Charles: four ways to modify the input parameters or return results of the interface
Preface : charles It is a commonly used packet capturing tool in development , It's very powerful , Among them, those who can directly modify the re...
2022-07-07 12:35【Xiaoding Chong duck!】
阅读更多About IPSec
1、IPsec What is it? IPsec It is a tunneling protocol at the network layer , Mainly used for gateway to gateway , Or gateway to host solution , Remot...
2022-07-07 12:35【wangjier638】
阅读更多Connect to blog method, overload, recursion
1. In and out Enter the reference : Do it Unknown condition required The ginseng : Feedback needed after completion 2. Method overloading (over...
2022-07-07 12:35【Xiaobai shelter】
阅读更多Common knowledge of one-dimensional array and two-dimensional array
Just a quick tip : Enter a number from the console import java.util.Scanner // Import jar package Scanner scanner =new Scanner System.in System.out...
2022-07-07 12:35【Xiaobai shelter】
阅读更多Sorting, dichotomy
One 、 matters needing attention 1 name : Mandatory rules : Numbers , Underline , Case letters , Dollar symbol , The number can't start , You ca...
2022-07-07 12:35【Xiaobai shelter】
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First, in the VSCode Use the shortcut key crtl+shift+p Open the command panel , Input json find open settings The option to https://img blog.csdni...
Plato's three disciples ( Knowledge popularization : Plato's master is Socrates , One apprentice is Aristotle ) Once asked the teacher for advice , I...
Recently, the performance of the company's products has been preliminarily verified and some preliminary optimization has been carried out , The foll...
BigDecimal The pit of BigDecimal It is often used by us to calculate some scenes that need accurate calculation , For example, calculation of amount...
1 引言 在上一篇《基于流的深度生成模型》中详解介绍了有关流的生成模型理论和方法。目前为止,基于GAN生成模型,基于VAE的生成模型,以及基于flow的生成模型它们都可以生成较高质量的样本,但每种方法都有其局限性。GAN在对抗训练过程中会出现模式崩塌和训练不稳定的问题;VAE则严重依赖于目标损失函...
Original picture : https://img blog.csdnimg.cn/1e609703ea5d4e2b8334493fa4f86c1e.png pic center The graph obtained by final segmentation : https://im...
目錄 1. 項目部署 1.%20%E9%A1%B9%E7%9B%AE%E9%83%A8%E7%BD%B2 1.1 遇到的問題 1.1%20%E9%81%87%E5%88%B0%E7%9A%84%E9%97%AE%E9%A2%98 2. 推薦系統很淺的學習 2.%20%E6%8E%A8%E8%8D%...
List of articles Nanjing University Static program analysis Static program analysis 1 introduction introduction 3 1. program language and static ...
cmake brief introduction cmake install : Download CMake https://cmake.org/download/ . before this , Let's introduce cmake. although Make and Makefi...
As a web surfer , If there is not a dazzling wallpaper on the desktop , That was an absolute failure Of course , If you search directly on Baidu “ ...