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Four logs of MySQL server layer

2022-07-06 03:13:00 Rookie ~ ~

One 、MySQL Server Introduction to layer log

When one MySQL Server Client Initiate a connection request , stay MySQL What the backend has to do :
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MySQL The journal is in MySQL server Generated on , No matter which storage engine you change , These logs are needed , Include :

  • Error log : Record mysqld During the operation of the service cordump、error、exception etc.

  • Query log : Record MySQL Server All that you've received SQL. Due to the of online projects SQL That's too much , Open query log IO Too much leads to MySQL inefficiency , We It usually doesn't open , Only start when debugging . For example, by looking at sql Discover hotspot data and cache it :
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  • Binary log : Record data changes (insert、update、delete、alter …), It's very important , Can be used for Data recovery , Master slave copy . Master-slave replication technology depends on log_bin, All changes to the main library are recorded in log_bin in , From the library from binlog Read all operations of the main library , Do it again .
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  • Slow query log : Records some instances where the execution time exceeds the specified value SQL sentence , Available for developers to analyze SQL, So as to optimize

MySQL There are many global variables defined in to record settings or states , Check is show variables( Global variables ) perhaps show status( state ). View log related variables :
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Two 、 Profile parameters

open my.ini, Add the above parameters to the back , Restart after saving mysql Just the service .
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adopt set Method can only affect the current session, If you want to The configuration is permanently valid , It needs to be set on the configuration file , And then restart MySQL service , It can take effect forever

linux Next restart mysqld Commands for services :sudo service mysqld restart

Let's look at the configuration file /etc/mysql/my.cnf
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  • give log-error The path is open log-error, If not custom log-error The path of , Default in data_dir
  • In the open log-bin=mysql-bin At the same time, add server-id=1( At present MySQL Server The identity of the ), Otherwise, in the linux root Next sudo service mysqld restart The service cannot be restarted
  • Set expiration time expire_log_days, Because one day the disk will be full of this log , Causes the server to become inoperable , After the set time is exceeded, the log file will be deleted

3、 ... and 、 Error log

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Four 、 Binary log

Binary log (BINLOG) It records all the DDL( Data definition language ) and DML( Data manipulation language ) sentence , But it does not include data query statements . Statement to “ event ” Form preservation of , It describes the data change process . This log plays an extremely important role in data recovery in case of disaster .

Two important scenes : Master slave copy 、 Data recovery .

see binlog:show binary logs

Binary content cannot be viewed directly , Because it doesn't record plaintext , Because it's a little unsafe to record plaintext , After all, it is the details of database table changes , Unlike slow queries, logs are recorded in clear text .

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binlog Default in MySQL Of data_dir Next
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1. demonstration binlog Record changes

Let's refresh , Make a new one binlog
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Use school Database based user Table :
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perform insert and update operation
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Look again binlog
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We found that the log filesize It's different from just now , Be sure to record the data change operation we just did

If we go straight cat Log view , You will find that it is not in clear text , Unable to view directly
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adopt mysqlbinlog Tools (mysql Native tools ) Mind parsing a large number of binlog Log files :

mysqlbinlog --no-defaults --database=school --base64-output=decode-rows -v --start-datetime='2022-03-01 00:00:00' --stop-datetime='2022-03-31 00:00:00' mysql-bin.000001 | more
  • database: Specify to view changes to a library
  • base64-output:binlog Decoding method
  • start-datetime & stop-datetime: Specify to view changes in a certain period of time , If you don't write, view all changes
  • mysql-bin.000001: View the binary log file

Let's take a look at what just changed binlog:
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  • @1、@2、@3、@4: Represents the name of the database table 4 A field
  • server id: It means that we are my.cnf Set in the id, Used to identify the current MySQL The identity of the
  • at 565、at679: It refers to the current event in binlog The location of the record , Use when recovering data .

2. demonstration binlog Data recovery

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establish mytest database , Create inside user Table and add data
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If someone deletes the library now
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At this time mytest All tables and data in the library are gone , However, these operations are recorded in the binary log binlog Inside

In theory , It can be downloaded from binlog Recover the lost data . Because the recovery process is also the modification of data , Therefore, the logs generated during the recovery process should also be recorded in binlog in , So in order to prevent us from not knowing where to end the data recovery process , Or we can't tell which binary logs we need to recover and which are newly generated in the recovery , This requires us Appoint binlog Recovery interval

We now know , We build a library 、 Build table 、 The operations of inserting data are recorded in mysql-bin.00003 In file
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Let's refresh now , Make a new one binlog, This allows our next data recovery operations to be recorded in mysql-bin.00004 In file , Instead of adding to mysql-bin.00003

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So let's look at mysql-bin.00003, Find the interval that needs to be recovered
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from mysql-bin.000003 Take out all the operations in the interval , Through the pipe MySQL shell On the implementation
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View the current library , You can see mytest Has recovered
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Then check the table and data
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In this way, all the data will be restored .

We can not only pass binlog The location of the record , Get the interval that needs to be recovered , It can also be done through binlog Record the time to get the interval to be recovered , Parameter is :start-datetimestop-datetime
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Pay attention to data recovery in actual use : Because of configuration bin-log It is also configured mysql-bin, Also configured expire_logs_days( The expiration time of the log ), How to recover the data before the expiration time ?

mysql The recovery of data depends on Data backup and binlog Data recovery . The expired log data will be backed up , No expired data can be passed directly through binlog recovery . Generally, data backup is to backup data to sql In the script file , For example, save in ~/data.sql in , And then in mysql with source ~/data.sql perform , Or if it's in linux Of shell Pipes can be used inside :cat ~/data.mysql|mysql -u root -p, We can restore the data we backed up before to mysql In the library table of .

5、 ... and 、 Slow query log

Slow query log details


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