当前位置:网站首页>Spot gold prices rose amid volatility, and the rise in U.S. prices is likely to become the key to the future

Spot gold prices rose amid volatility, and the rise in U.S. prices is likely to become the key to the future

2022-07-06 13:58:00 yu18261660137

2 month 8 Japan , Boosted by the expectation that the Federal Reserve will accelerate interest rate hike , The dollar and treasury bond yields rose together , However, due to the heating up and influence of geopolitical situation , Spot gold performance remains strong , The highest level in the day touched 1828 Dollar position , US stocks closed at 1825.71 dollar / Oz. .

The latest data released on that day shows , The United States 12 The monthly trade account is negative 807 Billion dollars , Perform better than expected negative 830 Billion dollars , But higher than the previous value of negative 793.3 Billion dollars . A comment pointed out that , In the first half of last year, the epidemic increased commodity expenditure , Coupled with supply and logistics barriers, the price of imported consumer goods soared , Pushing the U.S. trade deficit to 2021 In, it reached the highest level ever recorded , Add another price pressure ; If it is announced later 1 month CPI The data meet or exceed expectations , Then the Federal Reserve is likely to turn further ,3 Monthly interest rate increase 50 The base point is expected to rise further , And set off another wave of market in the investment market .

On the other hand , Such as 1 month CPI The index unexpectedly underperformed expectations , be 「 Temporary theory of inflation 」 It is likely to make a comeback , Give the Fed more room for policy adjustment , There is also a chance to remove the underlying support of the dollar . Despite the expectation that the Federal Reserve will start raising interest rates , In the medium term, the upside of interest free gold price may be quite limited , But if the Fed had spoken before long, then the eagle , There is also a chance that the short-term decline of spot gold will be less than market expectations . For now , The spot gold price is mainly supported by the risk aversion mentality caused by geopolitics .

