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Chapter 5 neural network

2022-07-08 01:07:00 Intelligent control and optimization decision Laboratory of Cen

1. Try to describe common activation functions , Try to describe the linear function f ( x ) = w T x f(x)=w^Tx f(x)=wTx Defects used as neuron activation function

1.1 What is an activation function

Here's the picture , Here's the picture , In neurons , Input inputs By weighting , After summing up , A function is also applied , This function is the activation function Activation Function.
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1.2 The function of activation

If you don't use the excitation function , The output of each layer is a linear function of the upper input , No matter how many layers the neural network has , The output is a linear combination of inputs , This is why linear activation functions are not used .
If used , Activation functions introduce nonlinear factors into neurons , So that the neural network can arbitrarily approximate any nonlinear function , So the neural network can be applied to many nonlinear models .

1.3 Common activation functions

  • Sigmoid Activation function
    sigmoid Is the most widely used type of activation function , With exponential function shape , It is closest to biological neuron in physical sense . Besides , ( 0 , 1 ) (0, 1) (0,1) The output of can also be expressed as probability , Or normalization for input , Typical examples are Sigmoid Cross entropy loss function .
    However ,sigmoid It also has its own shortcomings , The most obvious is saturation . You can see it in the picture below , Its derivatives on both sides gradually approach 0 . Those with this property are called soft saturation activation functions . Concrete , Saturation can be divided into left saturation and right saturation . Corresponding to soft saturation is hard saturation .
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  • Tanh function
    tanh Is a hyperbolic tangent function ,tanh Functions and sigmod The curve of the function is relatively similar , Let's compare . First of all, the same is , When the input of these two functions is large or small , The output is almost smooth , The gradient is very small , It is not conducive to weight update ; The difference is the output interval ,tanh The output interval of is in (-1,1) Between , And the whole function is based on 0 Centred , This feature is better than sigmod Good. .
    In general binary classification problems , Hidden layer with tanh function , For output layer sigmod function . But these are not invariable , What activation function is used , Or we should analyze it according to specific problems , It still depends on debugging .

See the figure below for details :
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  • ReLU
    ReLU The full name is :Rectified linear unit, It is a popular activation function at present , It retains something similar step That biological neuronal mechanism : When the input exceeds the threshold, it will fire . Although in 0 Points cannot be derived , However, it does not affect its effective role in gradient based back propagation . of ReLU Detailed introduction , Please move on to the paper :《Rectified Linear Units Improve Restricted Boltzmann Machines》 There is also a blog with a comprehensive introduction : Neural network review - Relu Activation function .
    Here is the following :
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  • Leaky ReLU
    because ReLU All parts less than zero are classified as 0 , This is very easy to cause Neuron death , therefore Andrew L. Maas Wait for someone in the paper 《Rectifier Nonlinearities Improve Neural Network Acoustic Models》 A new activation function is proposed in , In less than 0 Add a very small slope in the direction of . Here's the picture :
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2. Perceptrons and multilayer networks

2.1 perceptron

perceptron (Perceptron) It's made up of two layers of neurons , As shown in the figure , The input layer receives the external input signal and passes it to the output layer , The output layer is M−PM−P Neuron , Also known as “ Threshold logical unit ”.
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More generally , Given the training data set , The weight w i w_i wi And the threshold θ \theta θ You can learn . threshold θ \theta θ It can be regarded as a fixed input − 1.0 -1.0 1.0 Of “ Dumb node ” Multiple corresponding connection weights w n + 1 w_{n+1} wn+1. such , Weight and threshold learning can be unified as weight learning . The learning rules of perceptron are very simple , For training samples ( x , y ) (x,y) (x,y), If the output of the current sensor is y ^ \hat y y^, Then the weight of the perceptron will be optimally adjusted :
w i ← w i + Δ w i Δ w i = η ( y − y ^ ) x i w_i \leftarrow w_i +\Delta w_i \\ \Delta w_i=\eta(y-\hat y)x_i wiwi+ΔwiΔwi=η(yy^)xi
among η ∈ ( 0 , 1 ) \eta \in (0,1) η(0,1) be called “ Learning rate (learing rate)” . It can be seen from the above formula , If the perceptron is on the training sample ( x , y ) (x,y) (x,y) The prediction is correct , Then the perceptron does not change , Otherwise, the weight will be adjusted according to the degree of error . The perceptron has only output layer neurons to process the activation function , That is, only one layer of functional neurons , Their learning ability is very limited . It can only deal with linearly separable cases , Unable to deal with non-linear separable cases .

2.2 Multi layer network

To solve the nonlinear separable problem , We need to consider using multi-layer functional neurons . A layer of neurons between the output layer and the input layer , It is called hidden layer or hidden layer , Hidden layer and output layer neurons are functional neurons with activation function .
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More generally , Common neural networks are shown in the figure below , Each layer of neurons is fully interconnected with the next layer of neurons , There is no same layer connection between neurons , There is no cross layer connection . Such neural network results are usually called “ Multilayer feedforward neural network ”(multi-layer feedforward neural networks), The input layer neuron receives external input , Hidden layer and output layer neurons process signals , The final result is output by the output layer neurons ; In other words , Input layer neurons only accept input , No function processing , The hidden layer and the output layer contain functional neurons .
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3. Try to use sigmoid The relationship between neurons of activation function and logarithmic probability regression .

Both are related to s i g m o i d sigmoid sigmoid Function related , But in logarithmic probability regression , s i g m o i d sigmoid sigmoid The function is to convert the predicted value generated by the linear regression model ( It's worth it ) Turn into 0 / 1 0/1 0/1 value . s i g m o i d sigmoid sigmoid Function is used to replace unit step function , because s i g m o i d sigmoid sigmoid The function is monotonic and differentiable ; In the neuron model , s i g m o i d sigmoid sigmoid Function as “ Activation function ” Used to process the output of neurons , Because neurons in the neuron model receive signals from n n n The input signals from these other neurons , These input signals are transmitted through weighted connections , The total input received by the neuron is compared with the threshold of the neuron , use “ Activation function ” It can convert the output value into 0 / 1 0/1 0/1 value .

3. For Graphs 5.7(102 page ) Medium , Try to deduce BP Update formula in the algorithm

For training example ( x k , y k ) (\bm x_k,\bm y_k) (xk,yk), Suppose the output of the neural network is y ^ k = ( y ^ 1 k , y ^ 2 k , . . . , y ^ l k ) \hat y_k=(\hat y_{1}^{k},\hat y_{2}^{k},...,\hat y_{l}^{k}) y^k=(y^1k,y^2k,...,y^lk), namely y ^ j k = f ( β j − θ j ) \hat y_{j}^{k}=f(\beta_j-\theta_j) y^jk=f(βjθj) ,
Then the network is ( x k , y k ) (\bm x_k,\bm y_k) (xk,yk) The mean square error of is :
E k = 1 2 ∑ j = 1 l ( y ^ j k − y ^ j k ) 2 E_k=\frac{1}{2}\sum_{j=1}^{l}(\hat y_{j}^{k}-\hat y_{j}^{k})^2 Ek=21j=1l(y^jky^jk)2
Arbitrary parameters v v v The updated estimation formula is v ← v + Δ v v \leftarrow v+ \Delta v vv+Δv
For errors E k E_k Ek, Given the learning rate η \eta η, Yes Δ w h j = − η ∂ E k ∂ w h j . \Delta w_{hj}=-\eta \frac{\partial E_k}{\partial w_{hj}}. Δwhj=ηwhjEk.
Can be derived :
∂ E k ∂ w h j = ∂ E k ∂ y ^ j k . ∂ y ^ j k ∂ β j . ∂ β j ∂ w h j .    ∂ β j ∂ w h j = b h f ′ ( x ) = f ( x ) ( 1 − f ( x ) ) g j = − ∂ E k ∂ y ^ j k . ∂ y ^ j k ∂ β j                        = − ( y ^ j k − y j k ) f ′ ( β j − θ j )                   = y ^ j k ( 1 − y ^ j k ) ( y j k − y ^ j k ) \frac{\partial E_k} {\partial w_{hj}}=\frac{\partial E_k} {\partial \hat y_{j}^{k}}.\frac{\partial \hat y_{j}^{k}} {\partial \beta _j}.\frac{\partial \beta _j} {\partial w_{hj}} . \\ \ \ \frac{\partial \beta _j} {\partial w_{hj}}=b_h \\ f'(x)=f(x)(1-f(x)) \\ g_j= -\frac{\partial E_k} {\partial \hat y_{j}^{k}}.\frac{\partial \hat y_{j}^{k}} {\partial \beta _j} \\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ =-(\hat y_{j}^{k}-y_{j}^{k})f'(\beta_j-\theta _j)\\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ =\hat y_{j}^{k}(1-\hat y_{j}^{k})(y_{j}^{k}-\hat y_{j}^{k}) whjEk=y^jkEk.βjy^jk.whjβj.  whjβj=bhf(x)=f(x)(1f(x))gj=y^jkEk.βjy^jk                      =(y^jkyjk)f(βjθj)                 =y^jk(1y^jk)(yjky^jk)
And then you get it BP The algorithm is about w h j w_{hj} whj The updated formula of Δ w h j = η g j b h . \Delta w_{hj}=\eta {g_j}{b_h.} Δwhj=ηgjbh.
Similar can be obtained Δ θ j = − η g j , Δ v i h = η e h x i , Δ γ = − η e h , \Delta \theta_j=-\eta g_j ,\\ \Delta v_{ih}=\eta e_h x_i,\\ \Delta \gamma=-\eta e_h, Δθj=ηgj,Δvih=ηehxi,Δγ=ηeh,
among e h = ∂ E k ∂ b h . ∂ b h ∂ α h = − ∑ j = 1 l ∂ E k ∂ β j . ∂ β j ∂ b h f ′ ( α h − γ h ) = ∑ j = 1 l w h j g j f ′ ( α h − γ h ) = b h ( 1 − b h ) ∑ j = 1 l w h j g j e_h=\frac{\partial E_k}{\partial b_h}.\frac{\partial b_h}{\partial \alpha_h } \\ =-\sum_{j=1}^{l}\frac{\partial E_k}{\partial \beta_j}.\frac{\partial \beta_j}{\partial b_h}f'(\alpha_h-\gamma_h) \\ =\sum_{j=1}^{l}w_{hj}g_jf'(\alpha_h-\gamma_h)\\ =b_h(1-b_h)\sum_{j=1}^{l}w_{hj}g_j eh=bhEk.αhbh=j=1lβjEk.bhβjf(αhγh)=j=1lwhjgjf(αhγh)=bh(1bh)j=1lwhjgj

4. Try to describe the standard BP Algorithm and accumulation BP Algorithm , Try programming to realize the standard BP Algorithm and accumulation BP Algorithm , Using these two algorithms to train a single hidden layer neural network on watermelon data set , And compare

Here's the thing , BP The goal of the algorithm is to minimize the training set D D D Cumulative error on
E = 1 m ∑ k = 1 m E k E=\frac{1}{m}\sum_{k=1}^{m}E_k E=m1k=1mEk But what we introduced above " standard BP Algorithm " Update the connection weights and thresholds for only one training sample at a time , in other words , The update rules of the algorithm are based on a single E k E_k Ek Derived from . As a result, an update rule based on the minimization of cumulative error is similarly derived , The cumulative error inverse propagation is obtained (accumulated error backpropagation) Algorithm . The cumulative BP Algorithms and standards BP Algorithms are commonly used . Generally speaking , standard BP Each update of the algorithm is only for a single sample , Parameters are updated very frequently , Moreover, the effect of updating different samples may appear " offset " The phenomenon . therefore , In order to achieve the same cumulative error minimum , standard BP Algorithms often need more iterations . The cumulative BP The algorithm directly aims at minimizing the cumulative error , It's reading the entire training set D D D Update parameters after one pass , The frequency of parameter update is much lower . But in many tasks , After the cumulative error decreases to a certain extent , Further decline will be very slow , Standard at this time BP Better solutions tend to be obtained faster , Especially in the training set D D D It is more obvious when it is very large .

5. Try to describe how to alleviate BP Over fitting phenomenon of neural network

because BP(BackPropagation) Neural network has strong representation ability ,PB Neural networks often encounter fitting , The training error continues to decrease , But test errors can go up . There are two strategies commonly used to alleviate BP Overfitting of networks :

  • The first strategy is “ Stop early ”(early stopping): Divide the data into training set and verification set , The training set is used to calculate the gradient 、 Update connection rights and thresholds , The verification set is used to estimate the error , If the training set error decreases but the verification set error increases , Then stop training , At the same time, the connection weight and threshold with the minimum verification set error are returned .
  • The second strategy is “ Regularization ”(regularization), The basic idea is to add a part to the error objective function to describe the network complexity , For example, the sum of the squares of the connection weight and the threshold .

6. Try to explain RBF The Internet ,RNN Concept and characteristics of recurrent neural network

  • RBF It is a single hidden layer feedforward neural network , It uses the radial basis function as the activation function of hidden layer neurons , The output layer is a linear combination of the outputs of neurons in the hidden layer , Suppose the input is d d d Dimension vector x \bm x x, Output as real value , be RBF Can be expressed as
    φ ( x ) = ∑ i = 1 q ρ ( x , c i ) \varphi(\bm x)=\sum_{i=1}^{q}\rho(\bm x,\bm c_i) φ(x)=i=1qρ(x,ci)
    among q q q Is the number of neurons in the hidden layer , c i and w i c_i and w_i ci and wi They are the first i i i The center and weight of each hidden layer neuron , ρ ( x , c i ) \rho(x,c_i) ρ(x,ci) Is the radial basis function , This is a function of radial symmetry , Usually defined as a sample x x x To the data center c i c_i ci A monotonic function of the Euclidean distance between . Common Gaussian radial basis functions are shaped like :
    ρ ( x , c i ) = e − β i ∣ ∣ x − c i ∣ ∣ 2 \rho (x,c_i)=e^{-\beta_i||x-c_i||^2} ρ(x,ci)=eβixci2 With enough hidden neurons RBF Neural network can approximate any continuous function with any accuracy .

  • RNN Cyclic neural network , Different from feedforward neural network ,“ Recursive neural network ”(Recurrent Neural Networks) Allow the network to have a ring structure , The output of some neurons can be fed back as input signals , That is, the network is t t t The output state of the time is not only related to the input , And also t − 1 t-1 t1 The network state at the moment , Thus, it can deal with the dynamic changes related to time .Elman Network is one of the most commonly used recurrent neural networks , Its structure is similar to multilayer feedforward network , But the output of hidden layer neurons is fed back , Together with the signal provided by the input layer neuron at the next moment , As the input of hidden layer neurons at the next moment . Hidden layer neurons usually adopt S i g m o i d Sigmoid Sigmoid Activation function , And network training is often promoted BP Algorithm .
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7. Try to describe the convolution of convolution neural network 、 Down sampling ( Pooling ) The process , Try to describe the architecture of convolutional neural network

From a computer point of view , The image is actually a two-dimensional matrix , The work of convolution neural network is to use convolution 、 Operations such as pooling extract features from two-dimensional arrays , And recognize the image . In theory , As long as it is data that can be converted into a two-dimensional matrix , Convolutional neural network can be used to identify and detect . For example, sound files , It can be divided into very short segments , The height of each scale can be converted into numbers , In this way, the whole sound file can be converted into a two-dimensional matrix , Similar to text data in natural language , Chemical data in medical experiments and so on , Convolutional neural network can be used to realize recognition and detection .

  • Convolution : Convolution is the core concept of convolutional neural network , It is also the origin of its name . Convolution is used to extract local features of an image , It is a mathematical calculation method , The following figure vividly shows the convolution process .
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  • Pooling
    Pool English is pooling, Another name is down sampling( Down sampling ), I have to say that the translation of these two terms is very faithful to the original meaning , But this kind of straightforward translation is very difficult to understand . Use popular language to describe : Pooling is to divide the characteristic matrix into several small blocks , Select a value from each sub matrix to replace the sub matrix , The purpose of this is to compress the characteristic matrix , Simplify the next calculation . There are two ways to pool :Max Pooling( Maximum pooling ) and Average Pooling( Average pooling ), The former is to take the maximum value from the submatrix , The latter is to take the average .
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    Pooling is easier to understand than convolution , The dynamic diagram above simulates a simple pooling process , The Yellow characteristic matrix is divided into four sub matrices , Then select a value from each sub matrix according to the pooling method to form the pooling matrix . Maximum pooling is a commonly used pooling method , Because selecting the maximum value of the region can well maintain the characteristics of the original image .
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  • Convolutional neural network architecture
    Here is a common convolutional neural network CNN Basic architecture , As shown in the figure , Network input is a 32 × 32 32×32 32×32 The handwritten digital image of , The output is its recognition result ,CNN Compound multiple “ Convolution layer ” and “ Sampling layer ” Process the input signal . Then the mapping between the connection layer and the output target . Each convolution layer contains multiple feature maps , Each feature map is composed of multiple neurons “ Plane ”, A feature of the input is extracted by a convolution filter .
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8. kaggle Introduction to the game - Handwritten digit recognition , Download data and code , Read the code carefully and mark the code comments in detail .

Reference data :
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