

2022-07-08 01:26:00 C--G

Discounted Return

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TD Algorithm , Used to learn the action value function QΠ

Sarsa:Tabular Version

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Sarsa’s Name
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Table status Sarsa Applicable to less States and actions , As the state and action increase , It is difficult to learn when the table is enlarged

Sarsa:Neural Network Version

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TD Algorithm , Learn the optimal action Algorithm

Sarsa And Q-Learning
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Derive TD Target

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Q-Learning(tabular version)

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Q-Learning(DQN Version)

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Multi-Setp TD Target

  • Using One Reward
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  • Using Multiple Rewards
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Value playback (Revisiting DQN and TD Learning)

  • Shortcoming 1:Waste of Experience

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  • Shortcoming2:Correlated Updates
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  • Experience playback

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  • History

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Prioritized Experience Replay

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On the left is a common scene of Mario , On the right is boos Off scene , Relative to the left , The right side is more rare , Therefore, we should increase the weight of the scene on the right ,TD error The bigger it is , Then the more important the scene is
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The learning rate of random gradient descent should be adjusted according to the importance of sampling
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Of a sample TD The bigger it is , Then the greater the sampling weight , The lower the learning rate

Overestimation problem

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Bootstrapping: Bootstrap problem , Pull your shoes and lift yourself up
Similar to the method of stepping on the right foot with the left foot , It doesn't exist in reality , There exist in reinforcement learning
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Problem of Overestimation

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  • Reason 1:Maximization
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  • Reason 2:Bootstrapping
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  • Why does overestimation happen
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  • Why overestimation is a shortcoming
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  • Solutions
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Target Network

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TD Learning with Target Network
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Update Target Network Insert picture description here
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Target Network Although a little better , But we still cannot get rid of the problem of overestimation

Double DQN

  • Naive Update
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  • Using Target Network
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  • Double DQN
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  • Why does Double DQN work better
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Dueling Network

Advantage Function( Dominance function )

  • Value Functions
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  • Optimal Value Functions
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    Properties of Advantage Function
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Dueling Network

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Revisiting DQN
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Approximating Advantage Function
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Approximating State-Value Function
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Dueling Network:Formulation
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Blue plus red and then subtract the maximum value of red to get purple finally Dueling Network Output
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Problem of Non-identifiability
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