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Detailed introduction to dynamic programming (with examples)

2022-07-06 14:48:00 sakeww

Dynamic Programming:

Definition :

DP Definition :
Dynamic programming is an extension of the idea of partition , Generally speaking, it means making big things small , The art of trivialization .
In the process of dividing big problems into small ones , Save the results of these small problems , And these results can be used directly when dealing with larger problems later .

characteristic :

Dynamic programming has the following three characteristics

  1. The original problem is decomposed into several similar subproblems .
  2. All subproblems need to be solved only once .
  3. Store the solution of the subproblem

The essence :

It is the definition of the problem state and the state transfer equation ( States and the recursive relationship between States )

Consideration angle :

Dynamic programming is generally considered from the following four perspectives :

  1. State definition
  2. The transfer equation between States is defined
  3. Initialization of state
  4. Return results

Requirements for state definition :

The defined state must form a recursive relationship

One sentence summary :

Three characteristics, four elements and two essences

Applicable scenario :

Maximum / minimum value , Not feasible , Is it right? , Number of schemes

Topic explanation :

The first question is : Fibonacci sequence


The second question is : String segmentation (Word Break)


Third question : Trigonometric matrix (Triangle)


Fourth question : The total number of paths (Unique Paths)


Fifth question : Minimum path sum (Minimum Path Sum)


Sixth question : knapsack problem


Question seven Palindrome segmentation (Palindrome Partitioning)


The eighth question Edit distance (Edit Distance)


Question 9 Different subsequences (Distinct Subsequences)


