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Software testing interview summary - common interview questions

2022-07-06 14:43:00 Programming simplicity



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【2022 The latest soft test interview collection 】 Preparation for war , Time consuming 1 Zhou , Finally, the most popular software test interview questions on Niuke online have been sorted into a collection _ Bili, Bili _bilibili

1. Software test level ?

unit testing : Unit testing is the testing of software components . Its purpose is to test the correctness of the basic components of the software . The test object is the smallest unit of software design : modular .Findyou Also known as module testing , A unit test is used to determine a specific condition ( Or the scene ) The behavior of a particular function .( Test content : Module interface test 、 Local data structure test 、 Path test 、 Error handling tests 、 Boundary test ).

Integration testing :( Integration testing is also called joint testing 、 Assembly testing , Assemble the program modules with appropriate integration strategies , Test the correctness of the system interface and integrated functions . The main purpose is to check whether the interface between software units is correct . The way to do this is to test the combination of fragments , And eventually extend the process , Test your module with modules from other groups . Last , Test all the modules that make up the process . Test content : Data transfer between modules 、 Functional conflicts between modules 、 Module assembly function correctness 、 Global data structure 、 The impact of single module defects on the system .

The system test : Think of a software system as a test of a system . Including functions 、 Performance and the software and hardware environment in which the software runs . The purpose of system testing is to test the final software system comprehensively , Ensure that the final software system meets the product requirements and follows the system design . Test content : function 、 Interface 、 reliability 、 Ease of use 、 performance 、 Compatibility 、 Safety and so on .

The acceptance test : Acceptance testing is the last test operation before deploying the software . It's the last stage of technical testing , Also known as delivery testing . The purpose of summarizing acceptance tests is to ensure that the software is ready , According to the project contract 、 Mission statement 、 Acceptance basis document agreed by both parties , All software purchases show that the software system meets the original requirements . The purpose of acceptance testing is to ensure that the software is ready , And can let the end user use it to carry out the established functions and tasks of the software , That is, the function and performance of the software are as expected by users . Test content : Same as system test ( function ... Various documents, etc ).

2. Software test type ?

A functional test : It's also called black box testing , Function test refers to testing whether each function module of software is correct , Is the logic right . Functional testing of test objects should focus on all test requirements that can be directly traced to use cases or business functions and business rules . The goal of this test is to verify the reception of data 、 Whether the processing and retrieval are correct , And whether the implementation of business rules is appropriate . This kind of testing is based on black box technology , The technology works through a graphical user interface (GUI) Interact with Applications , And analyze the output or result of the interaction , To verify the application and its internal processes . The main references for functional testing are documents like functional specifications .

Performance testing : It refers to the performance index to verify that the performance of the software can meet the specified requirements given by the system specification . Performance testing is a relatively large area , Load tests can be further derived 、 Strength test 、 Pressure test 、 Stability test . Simulate a variety of normal conditions through automated testing tools 、 abnormal 、 Peak conditions , Test the performance index of the system

Configuration testing : Use hardware to test the operation of software ,1. Software running on different hosts (Apple and Dell)2. Running on different components ( The developed dialing program should test the products produced by different manufacturers Moden Operation on )3. Different peripherals 、 Interface 、 Memory operation

Strength test : Strength testing is a performance test , He is in the system resources are particularly low, software system operation . This kind of test can often write the software and hardware level requirements of the system . The purpose of implementing and executing such tests is to identify errors caused by insufficient or competing resources . If there is not enough memory or disk space , The test object may show some defects that are not obvious under normal conditions . Other defects may be due to contention for shared resources ( Such as database lock or network bandwidth ) Caused by . Strength testing can also be used to determine the maximum amount of work that the test object can handle .

The load test : By continuously pressurizing the system under test , Until the performance index reaches the limit , for example “ response time ” Exceeding a predetermined target or a resource has reached saturation . Load testing is a performance test where data is run in an overloaded environment , Whether the program can bear . In this test , It will make the test object bear different workload , To evaluate and evaluate the performance of test objects under different workload conditions , And the ability to continue normal operation . The goal of the load test is to determine and ensure that the system can still operate normally beyond the maximum expected workload . Besides , Load testing also evaluates performance characteristics , for example , response time 、 Transaction rate and other time related aspects .

Pressure test : The pressure test method is used to test the system in a certain saturation state , for example cpu、 Memory is saturated , The conversational capability that the system can handle , And whether there will be errors in the system . Test the maximum limit that the system can bear . It refers to the pressure condition of the system at its limit , Under what kind of pressure will the system fail , It doesn't work .100 Continuous access to 1 Hours can be a stress test , Continuous access to 10 Hours can be considered a load test

Stability test : The pressure test method is used to test the system in a certain saturation state , for example cpu、 Memory is saturated , The conversational capability that the system can handle , And whether there will be errors in the system . Generally, it is a load slightly larger than the traffic , An ongoing of the system , A long test , such as 24*3, continuity 3 Days of pressure , Make sure the system runs for a long time , The stability of the system

Network testing :wifi、4G、3G、 Network testing of different operators 、

UI Interface tests :UI Testing refers to testing whether the style of the user interface meets the customer's requirements , Is the text correct , Whether the page art looks good , written words , Is the picture combination perfect , Whether the background is beautiful , Whether the operation is friendly, etc .

Resolution test : Test at different resolutions , The beauty of the interface , It is divided into 800*600,1024*768,1152*864,1280*768,1280*1024,1200*1600 Size font test . A good software should have an excellent resolution , And it works at other resolutions .

Install the test : Installation testing has two purposes . The first purpose is to ensure that the software works under different conditions of normal and abnormal conditions : for example , Carry out the first installation 、 upgrade 、 Full or custom installation _ Can be installed . Exceptions include low disk space 、 Lack of directory creation permission, etc . The second purpose is to verify that the software works immediately after installation . This usually refers to running a large number of tests designed for functional testing .

Memory test :CPU test 、 Response time test 、 Wake up rate test, etc , They are all performance tests . And strength tests 、 Capacity test 、 Benchmarking, etc .

Document the test : Document testing is to verify the integrity of sample user documents 、 correctness 、 Uniformity 、 Intelligibility 、 Accessibility . Including user manual 、 Instructions 、 User help documents, etc .

Reliability test : This is mainly about hardware , Such as high and low temperature test 、 Waterproof and dustproof test .

Security testing : The process of product inspection to verify that the product meets the safety requirements definition and product quality standards . Ensure that only users with system access rights can access the application , And only through the corresponding network management 、 Close to visit . For example, enter the administrator account , Check whether the password is easy to guess , Or you can get it from a database ?

Compatibility testing : Check the software in different software 、 Whether the hardware platform can work normally . The main view is on different operating systems 、 browser 、 database 、 Whether different versions work properly 、 Forward compatibility and backward compatibility 、、 Data sharing compatibility .

Browser compatibility test : Test whether the software can display and run correctly in browsers of different manufacturers 、 Such as test IE,Natscape browser

Operating system compatibility : Test whether the software can display and run correctly under different operating systems ; Such as test WINDOWS98,WINDOWS 2000,WINDOWS XP,LINU, UNIX If you can run this software under the following circumstances ?

Hardware compatibility

Test the compatibility of software products closely related to hardware with other hardware products , For example, the software is rarely used in parallel port devices , Test using other parallel devices at the same time , Whether the system can be used correctly . For example INTER, Shulong CPU Whether the system under the chip can work normally ?

Concurrent test : The concurrency test method simulates the concurrent access of users , Test multi-user concurrent access to the same application 、 Whether there is deadlock or other performance problems in the same module or data recording . in other words , This kind of testing focuses on multiple users at the same time ( Concurrent ) Pressurize a module or operation .

3. The test method : Dynamic testing 、 The static test ; Black box testing 、 White box testing 、 Grey box testing .

1、 Black box test method :

1> Equivalence class division : Equivalence class partition is to divide the input domain of the system into several parts , Then select a small amount of representative data from each part to test . Equivalence classes can be divided into valid equivalence classes and invalid equivalence classes , These two equivalence classes should be considered when designing test cases .

2> Boundary value analysis : The boundary value analysis method is a supplement to the partition of equivalence classes , Because most of the errors are on the input-output boundary . Boundary value analysis assumes that most errors occur at the boundary of the input condition , If the value of boundary attachment will not lead to program error ,

Then the possibility of other values being wrong is very small .

   The boundary value analysis method is to test more effectively by preferentially selecting boundary values between different equivalence classes and covering valid equivalence classes and invalid equivalence classes , Therefore, this method should be combined with the equivalence class partition method .

3> Wrong guess : The error guessing method is mainly aimed at the guessing method of the processing method of the system for the error operation , So as to design test cases

2、 White box test method :

1> Statement override : Is to design several test cases , Run the program under test , Make every executable statement execute at least once .

2> Determine coverage : Make the designed test case ensure that each value branch of each judgment in the program experiences at least once .

3> Conditional coverage : Conditional coverage refers to selecting enough test cases , So that when you run these test cases , All possible results of each condition in the decision occur at least once , But it may not cover all branches

4> Determine conditional coverage : determine - Conditional coverage is to design enough test cases , All possible values of each condition in the judgment are executed at least once , At the same time, all possible judgment results of each judgment are executed at least , That is, all possible combinations of conditional values of each judgment are required to be executed at least once .

5> Conditional combination covering : In the white box test , Choose enough test cases , Make all combinations of conditional judgment results in all decisions appear at least once , Satisfying this coverage criterion becomes conditional combination coverage .

6> Path coverage : Is that each possible path is executed at least once

Grey box testing

Definition : Between black 、 Between the white box tests , Focus on the correctness of the output for the input , Also focus on internal performance

The static test

1, Static testing means that there is no need to execute the program under test , But by reviewing the software documentation or code , Measure program static complexity , Check whether the software meets the programming standard , In order to find the shortcomings of the program , Reduce the probability of mistakes .

Dynamic testing

1, Dynamic testing is by running the program under test , Check the difference between the running result and the expected result , And analyze the operation efficiency , Correctness and robustness, etc .

2, static state ( Look at the appearance ) And dynamic ( Start the car and walk some way ) It can be explained by buying a car .

Manual testing

The behavior of a special tester to verify whether the software meets the design requirements from the perspective of the user .

It is more suitable for depth test and subjective judgment test .

such as : Crowdsourcing and exploratory testing .

automated testing

1. It is suitable for individual testing tools, software control, automatic test execution and automatic inspection of expectations and results .

2. The difference between manual testing and automated testing ?

Manual testing :

advantage : Easy to find defects 、 Easy to implement 、 flexibility      

shortcoming : Low coverage 、 Repeated testing is inefficient 、 Low reliability 、 Human resources depend on

automated testing :

advantage : high efficiency , Fast 、 High reusability 、 High coverage 、 Accurate and reliable 、 I don't know fatigue      

shortcoming : Low rate of mechanical defects 、 Large one-time investment .

  Security testing

Security testing is in IT In the life cycle of software products , In particular, product development is basically completed to the release stage , The process of product inspection to verify that the product meets the safety requirements definition and product quality standards .

Findyou Feel the popularity of safety knowledge now , Everyone's consciousness has been raised . For example, more and more people do not support HTTP agreement , convert to another use HTTPS etc. .

Exploratory testing

Exploratory testing can be a technique for testing thinking . It doesn't have a lot of practical testing methods 、 Technology and tools , But it is a way of thinking that all testers should master . Exploratory emphasizes the subjective initiative of testers , Abandon the complex test plan and test case design process , Emphasize to change the test strategy in time when encountering problems

Random test

Random testing is mainly to spot check the function and performance of the software according to the tester's experience .

It is an important supplementary means to perform use case testing according to the test specification , It is an effective way and process to ensure the integrity of test coverage .

The follow-up test is mainly to retest some important functions of the software under test , It also includes testing those current test cases (TestCase) What is not covered .

Smoke testing

About the smoke test , That is, the developer performs the current smoke test project on the personal version of the software , Make sure the new program code doesn't fail . The purpose of smoke test is to confirm that the basic function of the software is normal , The test object is now the basic tester , Before formally testing a new version , Invest less manpower and time to verify basic functions , Pass the test .

α test

α Testing is a test conducted by a user in the development environment , It can also be a test conducted by users inside the company under simulated actual operating environment .α The purpose of testing is to evaluate the performance of software products FLURPS( Function 、 Localization 、 Usability 、 reliability 、 Performance and support ).

Large general purpose software , Before official release , It's usually necessary to perform Alpha and Beta test .α Testing cannot be done by programmers or testers .

β test

Beta Testing is an acceptance test .Beta Testing is conducted by end users of the software at one or more guest room locations .

4.alpha Testing and beta Test differences

1、 The test time is different :

Beta Testing is after the software product completes the function test and system test , Software testing activities before product release , It's the last stage of technical testing .

alpha Test abbreviation “α test ”, You can start at the end of software product coding , Or in the module ( Subsystem ) Start after the test is completed , It can also be started after the product has reached a certain degree of stability and reliability during the confirmation test .

2、 The purpose of the test is different :

α The purpose of testing is to evaluate the performance of software products ( Function 、 Localization 、 Usability 、 reliability 、 Performance and support ). Pay special attention to the interface and features of the product .α The test is an informal acceptance test .

Beta Testing is an acceptance test , Passed the acceptance test , The product will enter the release stage .

Testing personnel and places are different :

α Testing is a test conducted by a user in the development environment , It can also be controlled test conducted by users inside the company under simulated actual operation environment ,α Testing cannot be done by programmers or testers .α Errors found in the test , It can be fed back to developers immediately in the test field , It is analyzed and handled by developers in time .

Beta Testing is conducted by end users of the software at one or more customer sites . Developers are usually not there Beta Test site , because Beta Testing is the of software in an environment beyond the control of developers “ real ” application .


5. Test design method :

Equivalence class division 、 The boundary value 、 Cause and effect diagram division 、 orthogonal 、 scene 、 Random 、 Wrong inference 、 Test outline

Division of equivalence class ::  1: Effective equivalence class :   2: Invalid equivalence class :

Case study : For example, a login input box , Only Chinese can be input , At the same time, the length is 6-10,

Design test cases through equivalence classes :

Three important steps in a test case : Input operation Expected results If it doesn't match the expected result, it's bug

Effective equivalence class : Input : The input length is 6 Chinese for , The input is Wang Xiaoming , This is the effective equivalence class

Invalid equivalence class :

1: The input length is 4 Chinese for , Enter a small name , Click login , The expected result length does not meet the requirements

2: The input length is 6, But it's in English , Click login , Expected results Please input Chinese

3: The input length is 4, And it's not in Chinese , It's the number. ,1234, Click login , Please input the expected result in Chinese and the length is 6-10 position

4: The input length is 12 And it's not in Chinese , such as qwertyuiopas, Click login , Please input the expected result in Chinese and the length is 6-10 position

Two : Boundary value method :

Application scenarios : Boundary values are often used in conjunction with equivalence class partitioning , Form a more perfect test plan , Find the dividing line between valid and invalid data .

Annotated boundary values are generally used in conjunction with efficient equivalence class partitioning :

Case study : For example, a login input box , Only Chinese can be input , At the same time, the length is 6-10,

The border of the input box above : If fixed is greater than or equal to 6, And less than or equal to 10,

The left border is 5 and 6

The right boundary is :10 and 11

The test case :

1: The input is Wang Xiaoming , This is the combination of efficient equivalence classes and boundary values

2: Enter a nickname , This is where the boundary value is 5, At the same time, efficient equivalence classes

3: Input Ouyang Zhiyuan home , This is the boundary value 10, At the same time, the equivalence class is valid

4: Input Ouyang Zhiyuan Lala , This is where the boundary value is 11, At the same time, efficient equivalence classes

3、 ... and : Causality diagram and decision table method :

Application scenarios : There are multiple controls in an interface , If there is a composition or restriction relationship between controls , Different combinations of controls produce different input results , In order to find out what kind of output results will be produced by different combinations of inputs , You can use causality diagram and decision table :

Judge whether it's a child or a youth or an adult :

Conditions 1: Age age

Conditions 2: height height

Conditions 3: weight weight

Enter the age 5, weight 80 kg , height 170, Check no one

Input increases 80, height 170, Enter the age 20, adults

Enter the age 5, weight 30, height 60, The child

Four : Orthogonal table :

Application scenarios : There are multiple controls in an interface , Each control has multiple values , When testing, consider a variety of combinations between different values of different controls , But the number of combinations is huge (>20 Kind of ,20 The following general considerations are given to the decision table causality diagram ), There's no need to test it all , How to choose the least from all the combinations 、 The best combination to test , You can use orthogonal array .

The test idea of orthogonal table is characteristic :

1) The number of times each value of each control is used to participate in the composition is basically equal ( Even )

2) Of all the combined data , When selecting data , It should be evenly chosen , You can't select from the local .

3) If time permits , Test as many combinations as possible

Orthogonal table : It is mainly aimed at the fact that there may be multiple values in an input box , And it's huge

Age weight province City county

such as : Enter the age 18, weight 45, shanxi datong Yang Gao

5、 ... and : Test outline method

Applicable occasions : The program contains multiple windows , There are multiple functions in each window , There is a certain connection between these functions . In order to sort out the relationship between windows and the different functions of windows , Use the test outline method .

6、 ... and : Scene method

Applicable occasions : Most complex business software systems are suitable for scenario approach ( It is convenient to connect the various function points , Facilitate the formation of a complete business sense ) It is a testing method based on software business , Think of yourself as an end user , Use the software as much as possible to simulate the operation of the user

Case study :

Scene one : Like shopping : Input socks , Click to query , The list appears , Click the seven wolves , Click to enter details , Click Add to cart , Click to go to the shopping cart to settle , Click harvest address , Click to pay , Successful payment

Scene two : Like shopping : Input socks , Click to query , The list appears , Click the seven wolves , Click to enter details , Click Add to cart , Click to go to the shopping cart to settle , Click harvest address , Click Cancel payment

7、 ... and : Wrong inference

Based on experience and intuition, we can infer all kinds of possible errors in the program , So as to set up a targeted The method of counting test cases

The grey box method is often used at this time

8、 ... and : Random test

Random testing , Regardless of any use cases and requirements , Completely stand in the perspective of a user or use the product .

Applicable scenario :

1) All the previously set use cases have been completion of enforcement

2) Massive combinations of conditions cannot be repeated Calendar time

6. Software testing risks :

Testers : Not familiar with business 、 Personnel changes 、 Weakness 、 Assimilation effect 、 Location effect

Test materials : Requirements change 、 Different quality standards 、 Inadequate design of test cases or test data

Test environment : The test software version is not unified 、 The software environment is not unified 、 The hardware environment is not unified 、 The hardware is not in place

Test time : Lack of testing time 、 Extended test time

The test method : Wrong or missing test method 、 Scene missing 、 Inadequate implementation of test cases

7. The function of automatic test software ( a key ):

One :jmeter: pure java Write open source tools for load function testing and performance testing , Support interface automation test , Recording 、 Grab the bag 、 Pressure test can be carried out ( Add threads , Test the maximum number of accesses supported by the server )、 Weak network test 、 Add request 、 Add assertions , View assertions 、 Fruit trees , Aggregation report , Analysis and test report

Details of aggregation report parameters : 

1. Label: Every JMeter Of element( for example HTTP Request) There is one. Name attribute , What's shown here is Name The value of the property  

2. Samples: Number of requests —— Indicates how many requests were made in this test , If the simulation 10 Users , Each user iterates 10 Time , So this shows 100 

3. Average: Mean response time —— By default, it's a single Request The average response time of

4. Median: Median , That is to say 50% User's response time  

5. 90% Line:90% User's response time  

6. Min: Minimum response time  

7. Max: Maximum response time  

8. Error%: Error rate —— Number of bad requests / Total requests  

9. Throughput: throughput —— By default, this represents the number of requests completed per second (Request per Second)

10. KB/Sec: The amount of data received from the server per second , amount to LoadRunner Medium Throughput/Sec

Two :ant: Compile the software 、 test 、 A tool to automate steps such as deployment , And generate test reports and send

3、 ... and :jenkins:Jenkins It's open source CI The server , be based on Web visit ,jenkins Is based on Java A continuous integration tool for development , Used to monitor continuous repetitive work , It can monitor the errors in the integration in real time , Provide detailed log files and reminders , It can also show the trend and stability of project construction in the form of chart , Lots of plug-ins : These plug-ins greatly extend Jenkins The function of , Continuous integration tools , All work is done automatically , No need for too much human intervention , It helps to reduce repetitive processes to save time and workload ;

Four :monkey: It is Android SDK The system comes with a command line tool , It can run in a simulator or in a real device . Send a pseudo-random flow of user events to the system , Implement the stability test of the application under development .

5、 ... and :charles:1. Grab the bag (http、https): Set up your phone HTTP agent 、https  charles Certificate is also required

2. Weak network test : adopt Throttle Settings( Network control )、Enable Throttling( Enable the Settings )、Throttle preset( Draw up the network through preset network values )、 Set the network bandwidth value

3. Interception and dynamic modification of network requests :

4. Pressure test : Right click on the link ,Repeat Advanced( repeat ), choice Iterations( Repeat the number )Concurrency( Concurrency number )

5. Data substitution : Right click through the link Map Local( Local location ) Enter settings , Select replace data file , Replace it

6、 ... and :selenium :web Automated testing framework ( Automation of testing browser compatibility )selenium Automated testing of desktop software is not supported . Software test report , And use case management can only rely on third-party plug-ins unittest advantage : Compatible with more platforms ( Windows、Linux 、 Macintosh etc. ) And the browser ( firefox ,IE, Google, etc )

How to locate elements :id、name、class_name、tagname、link_text、partial_link_text、xpath、css_selector

Mandatory waiting :sleep() Mandatory waiting , Whether your browser is loaded or not , The program has to wait

According to wait :WebDriverWait, With this kind of until() and until_not() Method , We can wait flexibly according to the judging conditions . Its main meaning is : How often does the program check , If the conditions hold , Then go to the next step , Otherwise, keep waiting , Until the set maximum time is exceeded , Then throw TimeoutException

An implicit wait :implicitly_wait(), Whole driver The cycle is valid , If the web page is loaded within the specified time , Then go to the next step , Otherwise, wait until the deadline

7、 ... and :appium: Open source test automation framework , Can be used for native , Mix and move Web Application testing

Two major components :

One :Appium Server Namely Appium The service side —— One web Interface services , Use Node.js Realization .

Two :Appium Desktop It's a Mac,Windows and Linux Open source applications , Provide Appium The power of automation server .

Appium GUI yes Appium desktop The forerunner of . That is the Appium server Encapsulated into a graphical interface , Lower the threshold of use .

because Appium It's a C/S structure , With a server, there must be a client ,Appium Clients Is the client , It will give the server Appium Server Send request sessions to perform automated tasks .

Appium-desktop The main bread contains three menus :


host: Set up Appium server Of ip Address , Local debugging can make ip Change the address to

port: Set the port number , The default is 4723 No need to modify

start server: start-up Appium server

Advanced: Advanced parameter configuration modification , Mainly Android and iOS equipment ,log Configuration of path and other related information .

Presets: take Advanced Some configuration information in is used as preset configuration .

8、 ... and :pytest:pytest It's a full-featured Python The test framework ,

advantage :

1、 Simple and flexible , Easy to use , The document is rich ;

2、 Support parameterization , Fine grained control of test cases to be tested ;

3、 Support simple unit testing and complex functional testing , It can also be used to make selenium/appnium Wait for automated testing 、 Interface automation testing (pytest+requests);

4、pytest There are many third-party plug-ins , And you can customize the extension , It's easy to use pytest-selenium( Integrate selenium)、pytest-html( perfect html Test report generation )、pytest-rerunfailures( Failure case repeat )、pytest-xdist( many CPU distribution ) etc. ;

5、 Of test cases skip and xfail Handle ;

6、 It can be very good and CI A combination of tools , for example jenkins

Writing rules :

Test file with test_ start ( With _test The ending is OK )

Test class to Test start , And not with init Method

Test function to test_ start

Assertions use basic assert that will do


# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-

import pytest


def setup_function(request):

    def teardown_function():

        print("teardown_function called.")

    request.addfinalizer(teardown_function)  # This embedded function does teardown Work

    print('setup_function called.')


def setup_module(request):

    def teardown_module():

        print("teardown_module called.")


    print('setup_module called.')


def test_1(setup_function):

    print('Test_1 called.')

def test_2(setup_module):

    print('Test_2 called.')

def test_3(setup_module):

    print('Test_3 called.')

    assert 2==1+1              # adopt assert Assertions confirm whether the test results meet expectations

fixture Of scope Parameters

scope There are four parameters , Namely 'function','module','class','session', The default is function.

function: Every test run , The default is function Of scope

class: Every class All of the test Only run once

module: Every module All of the test Only run once

session: Every session Only run once

setup and teardown operation

setup, Execute... Before testing a function or class , Finish the preparations , For example, database links 、 Test data 、 Open files, etc

teardown, Execute... After testing a function or class , Finish the finishing work , For example, disconnect the database link 、 Reclaim memory resources, etc

remarks : It can also be done through fixture Function through yield Realization setup and teardown function

Nine :unitest:unittest Unit testing framework can not only be applied to unit testing , It can also be applied to WEB Automated test case development and execution , The test framework can organize the execution of test cases , And provides a wealth of assertion methods , Determine whether the test case passes , Finally generate test results

unittest.TestCase:TestCase class , All test case classes inherit the base classes :       class BaiduTest(unittest.TestCase)

unittest.main(): Turn a unit test module into a test script that can be run directly ,main() Methods use TestLoader Class to search all contained in the module to “test” Name the beginning test methods and automatically execute them .

unittest.TestSuite():unittest Framework of the TestSuite() Class is used to create a test suite .

unittest.TextTextRunner():unittest Framework of the TextTextRunner() class , Through the run() Method to run suite Assembled test cases .

unittest.defaultTestLoader(): defaultTestLoader() class , Through the discover() The method can automatically make the test directory more specific start_dir Match find test case file (test*.py), And assemble the found test cases into the test suite , So you can go straight through run() Method execution discover. Usage is as follows :discover=unittest.defaultTestLoader.discover(test_dir, pattern='test_*.py')

unittest.skip(): Decorator , When running use cases , Some use cases may not want to execute etc , You can use the decorator to temporarily shield the test case . A common usage is to debug a test case, for example , If you want to shield other use cases first, you can use decorators to shield .

TestCase Attributes of a class :

setUp():setUp() Method is used to initialize the test case before execution . For example, the database needs to be accessed in the test case , Can be in setUp Establish database connection and initialize . If the test case needs to be logged in web, You can instantiate the browser first .

tearDown():tearDown() Method is used for the aftermath of test case execution . Such as closing the database connection . Close the browser .

assert*(): Some assertion methods : In the process of executing test cases , Whether the final use case is executed through , It is determined by judging whether the actual result and the expected result of the test are equal .

TestSuite Attributes of a class :

addTest(): addTest() The way to do this is to add test cases to the test suite , Yes, it will test_baidu Under the module of BaiduTest Under class test_baidu Test cases added to test suite .   suite = unittest.TestSuite()                  suite.addTest(test_baidu.BaiduTest('test_baidu'))

TextTextRunner Properties of :

run(): run() The way to do this is to run the test cases of the test suite , The parameter for suite test suite :    runner = unittest.TextTestRunner() runner.run(suite)

Wechat circle of friends test case :


8.po Model ?

selenium Automatic use case scripts , Places with similar functions , The code is basically the same , Find interface elements in another way , Use the original xpath The way , Change to use id lookup , Each use case script needs to be changed , Although a few use cases don't show much workload , But repeat findElement Code for , It has made us feel the heaviness of the code . If some positioning changes , We have to adjust the element positioning throughout the test code , This will cause our script to run late , Difficult to maintain .

So by Page Object Model We can create more robust code , And reduce or eliminate duplicate test code , This can also improve the readability of the code , Reduce the workload of scripting .Page Object Model The implementation of the , It is realized by separating the abstraction of test object and test script . Simply put, it is the encapsulation of code , Encapsulate the test method and expose the method implementation call , Directly call a method in the call interface to input the specific element value and content .

9.Bug Life cycle of ? newly build , Submit , confirm , Distribute , Repair , verification , close

10. Division of roles in software development ?( The main work of the test )

Requirements analysis and discussion of test and development , Specify according to the requirements specification 《 Project test plan 》, Write test cases , Establish test environment .

Testing is responsible for new product testing , Upgrade test of original products , Responsible for software problem solving process tracking , Software development documentation 、 Standardization of development work , Manage the development department         Product documentation for doors , Make user manual 、 Operation manual , Product cap test , Supervise the execution of software development process , Improve software quality .

11. defects (bug) Class classification ?       

deadly : The test process crashes 、 System crash 、 Data decline 、 The function is not implemented

serious : The software function is unstable 、 Function implementation error 、 Process error

commonly : Check error 、 Rare fault 、 Wrongly written characters , Does not affect function , Influence the experience

low-level : Small problems that don't affect

12. Use bugzilla Defect management tools for software defects (BUG) Tracking the management process ?

answer :1) Testers or developers find bug after , The problem of judging which module belongs to , Fill in bug After the report , The system will automatically pass through Email Inform the project leader or the developer directly .

2) After verification , Change the status to VERIFIED( It has been confirmed that ). After the whole product is released , It is amended as follows CLOSED( close )

3) Do you have any questions ,REOPENED( Reopen ), The state changes back to “New", Concurrent email notification .

4) The project leader shall, according to the specific situation , Reassign to bug The developer .

5) if , To deal with , Assert and give a solution .( Patch attachments and supplementary instructions can be created )

6) Developers receive Email After the message , Determine whether it is your own modification scope .

7) If it is not , Reassign to the project leader or the developer who should be assigned .

8) The tester queries the developer's modified bug, Retest . After confirmation , Close the bug.

13. What constitutes a defect report ?( Test report , The test case )

    Defect number 、 date 、 Defect title 、 Defect priority 、 The module to which the defect belongs 、 The version of the defect 、 Execute the process 、 Expected results 、 Output results 、 Defect analysis 、 Development to which the defect belongs     personnel 、 Defect description, defect limited grade, etc . Improve the quality : To discover effectively Bug Need to refer to requirements and detailed design and other early documents to design efficient test cases , Then strictly execute the test cases , Fully confirm the problems found , And then publish it out, so that you can improve your submission Bug The quality of the .

Test report : Project description Test basis Personnel and progress Test summary Test environment The test case The test method Coverage analysis Demand coverage Test coverage

14. How to design test cases ?

      The test case (Test Case) Is a set of test inputs for a specific goal 、 Execution conditions and expected results , In order to test a program path or verify that a specific requirement is met . Verify that customer needs are met ; Measure the workload of testers ; Show the idea of test cases .

      The test case contains :

      Use case number     A unique number .

      Use case title     The purpose of the current test case

      Test background     Which project does this use case belong to

      precondition     What conditions should be met before the use case is executed

      Importance level     Define priority , Divided into high and low levels

      Test data       Specific input content

      testing procedure     What to do with each step

      Expected results       Requirements documents require results

      The actual result       Actual output


      Test case writing process : Demand analysis --》 Extract test points --》 Test case writing --》 Test case review

      Common design methods of test cases : Division of equivalence class 、  Boundary value analysis 、 Cause and effect diagram 、 Scene method 、 Orthogonal table 、 Test outline method 、 Wrong inference 、 Random test

15. Test plan preparation :

Write a test plan :      Test environment preparation 、      First functional test 、    Performance testing 、  regression testing 、    Test report summary   

1. Test target : according to xxx demand , Refine test function points 、 Develop test strategy 、 Evaluation test risk , Estimate and write test cases 、 The workload of performing functional tests and regression tests , Conduct personnel and progress arrange .

2. Test range : Function module :( It needs to be combined with the actual situation )

3. The test strategy : Complete testing of functional improvements in requirements , And consider the compatibility and performance test scheme according to the application scenario and concurrency number . And you need to specify the test tool

3.1 A functional test : See test case table

3.2 Performance testing

3.3 System compatibility test

4. Test resources

4.1 Staffing

4.2 Test environment

4.3 bug management

5 Trial schedule : Mission     Time     Executive     workload          

5.2 Output document : test plan 、 Test report

6 Test acceptance criteria :1. Complete all type tests , There is no impact on users' business use bug ,bug The quantity is less than a certain quantity   , Functional business , Performance indicators meet the requirements

6.2 Product launch Standards : product checkelist

1. According to the interactive document 、 The requirements document completely implements the requirements ;

2.   Comply with the interaction design specification of the interaction draft 、 Meet visual requirements , Has passed the design review ;

3.  It is allowed to leave normal level defects that may affect the normal use of users , However, the project team shall be informed before release , It can only be released after being approved by the risk assessment

7. Risk statement

It mainly includes three aspects :1. Test scope risk ( Test omission , Requirements change )、2. Test schedule risk ( The estimate is not accurate , Tester changes , Other business work ,)、3. Product quality risk ( Code quality , Test personnel ability )

There are too many summaries, so much to share , If you need anything else, you can check the card below


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