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Statistics 8th Edition Jia Junping Chapter 7 Summary of knowledge points and answers to exercises after class

2022-07-06 14:30:00 No two or three things

One . Examination site induction

The basic principle of parameter estimation

1 confidence interval
(1) The confidence level is 95% The meaning of confidence interval : All intervals constructed in some way have 95% The interval contains the true value of the population parameter .(2) The higher the confidence is ( That is, the higher the reliability of the estimation ), Then the confidence interval is correspondingly wider ( That is, the lower the accuracy of estimation ).
(3) Characteristics of confidence interval : The confidence interval is affected by the sample , It's random , The true value of the population parameter is fixed . A specific confidence interval “ Always include ” or “ Absolutely does not include ” The true value of the parameter , non-existent “ What is the probability of including the overall parameters ” The problem of .

2 Criteria for evaluating estimators
(1) unbiasedness : The expected value of the estimator sampling distribution is equal to the estimated population parameter , namely E(θ)=θ.
(2) effectiveness : The variance of the estimator should be as small as possible .
(3) Uniformity : As the sample size increases , The value of the estimator is getting closer and closer to the parameters of the estimated population .

Interval estimation of a population parameter

Two 、 After class exercises and answers

1 Use the following information , Construct the confidence interval of the overall mean .
(1) The population is normally distributed , And known σ=500,n=15,x=8900, The confidence level is 95%.
(2) The population does not obey the normal distribution , And known σ=500,n=35,x=8900, The confidence level is 95%.
(3) The population does not obey the normal distribution ,σ Unknown ,n=35,x=8900,s=500, The confidence level is 90%.
(4) The population does not obey the normal distribution ,σ Unknown ,n=35,x=8900,s=500, The confidence level is 99%.

Explain :(1) Because the population obeys the normal distribution ,σ=500,n=15,x=8900,α=0.05,z0.05/2=1.96. So the overall average μ Of 95% The confidence interval of is :

namely (8646.97,9153.03).
(2) The known population does not obey the normal distribution , but n=35 Large sample , So we use z statistic , Overall mean μ Of 95% The confidence interval of is :

namely (8734.35,9065.65).
(3) The known population does not obey the normal distribution ,σ Unknown , But because of n=35 Large sample , So you can use z statistic , Overall mean μ Of 90% The confidence interval of is :

namely (8760.97,9039.03).
(4) The known population does not obey the normal distribution ,σ Unknown , But because of n=35 Large sample , So you can use z statistic , Overall mean μ Of 99% The confidence interval of is :

namely (8681.95,9118.05).

2 In order to understand the time students spend online every day , In the whole school 7500 Students were randomly selected by repeated sampling 36 people , Investigate their time online every day , Get the table 7-3 The data of ( Company : Hours ).

Find the confidence interval of the average online time of college students , The confidence levels are 90%,95% and 99%.

Explain : It is known that :n=36, When α by 0.1,0.05,0.01 when , Corresponding z Values, respectively :z0.1/2=1.645,z0.05/2=1.96,z0.01/2=2.58
According to the sample data :

(1) because n=36 Large sample , So the average online time 90% The confidence interval of is :

namely (2.88,3.76).
(2) Average online time 95% The confidence interval of is :

namely (2.79,3.85).
(3) Average online time 99% The confidence interval of is :

namely (2.63,4.01).

3 The bagged food produced by an enterprise is packaged by an automatic packaging machine , The standard weight of each bag is 100g, Now we are randomly selected from a batch of products produced on a certain day according to repeated sampling 50 Check the package , The measured weight of each package is shown in the table .

The weight of food package is known from normal distribution , requirement :
(1) Determine the average weight of this kind of food 95% The confidence interval of .
(2) If the specified food weight is less than 100g It is unqualified , To determine the qualification rate of this batch of food 95% The confidence interval of .

Explain :(1) It is known that : The population is normally distributed , but σ Unknown ,n=50 Large sample ,α=0.05,z0.05/2=1.96. According to the grouped sample data :x=(97×2+99×3+…+105×4)/50=101.32

The average weight of this kind of food 95% The confidence interval of is :

namely (100.87,101.77).
(2) According to the sample data , The sample qualification rate is p=45/50=0.9. The qualified rate of this kind of food 95% The confidence interval of is :

namely (0.82,0.98).

4 Suppose the population follows a normal distribution , Use the table 7-5 To construct the overall mean μ Of 99% The confidence interval of .

Explain : It is known that : The population is normally distributed , but σ Unknown ,n=25 For small samples ,α=0.01,t0.01/2(25-1)=2.797. According to the sample data :x=16.128,s=0.871. Then the overall mean value μ Of 99% The confidence interval of is :

namely (15.64,16.62).

5 Use the following sample data to build the overall proportion π The confidence interval of .
(1)n=44,p=0.51, The confidence level is 99%.
(2)n=300,p=0.82, The confidence level is 95%.
(3)n=1150,p=0.48, The confidence level is 90%.

Explain :(1) It is known that :n=44,p=0.51,α=0.01,z0.01/2=2.58. The overall ratio π Of 99% The confidence interval of is :

namely (0.32,0.70).
(2) It is known that :n=300,p=0.82,α=0.05,z0.05/2=1.96. The overall ratio π Of 95% The confidence interval of is :

namely (0.78,0.86).
(3) It is known that :n=1150,p=0.48,α=0.1,z0.1/2=1.645. The overall ratio π Of 90% The confidence interval of is :

namely (0.46,0.50).

6 In a household appliance market survey , Randomly selected 200 Households , Investigate whether they own a certain brand of TV . Among them, households with TVs of this brand account for 23%. Find the confidence interval of the overall proportion , The confidence levels are 90% and 95%. Explain : It is known that :n=200,p=0.23,α by 0.1 and 0.05 when , Corresponding z0.1/2=1.645,z0.05/2=1.96.
(1) The overall ratio π Of 90% The confidence interval of is :

namely (0.18,0.28).
(2) The overall ratio π Of 95% The confidence interval of is :

namely (0.17,0.29).

7 A bank administrator wants to estimate the average monthly deposit of each customer in the bank . He assumes that the standard deviation of all customers' monthly deposits is 1000 element , The required estimation error is 200 Within yuan . The confidence level is 99%, How large a sample should be selected ? Explain : It is known that :σ=1000, Estimation error E=200,α=0.01,z0.01/2=2.58. Therefore, the sample size to be taken is :

Therefore, we should extract 167 Samples .

8 There are residents in a residential area 500 Household , The community manager is going to adopt a new water supply facility , Want to know whether residents approve . The method of repeated sampling was adopted to randomly select 50 Household , Among them is 32 Household approval ,18 Hu objected .
(1) Find the confidence interval of the proportion of households in favor of the Reform (α=0.05).
(2) If the community manager predicts that the proportion of approval can reach 80%, The estimation error does not exceed 10%. How many households should be sampled for investigation (α=0.05)?

Explain :(1) It is known that :n=50,p=32/50=0.64,α=0.05,z0.05/2=1.96. Overall, the proportion of households in favor of this reform 95% The confidence interval of is :

namely (0.51,0.77).
(2) It is known that :π=0.80,α=0.05,z0.05/2=1.96. The sample size to be taken is :

That is, the sample size to be taken is 62 Household .

9 According to the following sample results , Calculate the overall standard deviation σ Of 90% The confidence interval of .

Explain :(1) It is known that :x=21,s=2,n=50,α=0.1, Look up the table :χ20.1/2(50-1)=66.3387,χ21-0.1/2(50-1)=33.9303. Total variance σ2 The confidence interval of is :

namely 2.95≤σ2≤5.78. The confidence interval of the standard deviation is :1.72≤σ≤2.40.

(2) It is known that :x=1.3,s=0.02,n=15,α=0.1, Look up the table :χ20.1/2(15-1)=23.6848,χ21-0.1/2(15-1)=6.5706. Total variance σ2 The confidence interval of is :

The confidence interval of the standard deviation is :0.015≤σ≤0.029.
(3) It is known that :x=167,s=31,n=22,α=0.1, Look up the table :χ20.1/2(22-1)=32.6706,χ21-0.1/2(22-1)=11.5913. Total variance σ2 The confidence interval of is :

The confidence interval of the standard deviation is :24.85≤σ≤41.73.

10 Customers often need to wait for a period of time when they go to the bank to transact business , The length of waiting time is related to many factors . such as , The speed at which bank clerks handle business , The way customers wait in line . So , A bank is going to take two queuing methods to test , The first way to queue is : All customers enter a waiting queue ; The second way of queuing is : Customers are waiting in three rows at three business windows . To compare which queuing method makes the waiting time of customers shorter , Banks are randomly selected 10 Famous customers , The time they have to wait while doing business ( Company : minute ), As shown in the table .

requirement :
(1) Build the standard deviation of the waiting time of the first queuing method 95% The confidence interval of .
(2) Build the standard deviation of the waiting time of the second queuing method 95% The confidence interval of .
(3) according to (1) and (2) Result , Which way of queuing do you think is better ?

Explain :(1) It is known that :n=10,α=0.05, Look up the table χ0.05/22(10-1)=19.0228,χ1-0.05/22(10-1)=2.7004. According to the way 1 The sample data calculated :s2=0.2272. Total variance σ2 The confidence interval of is :

The confidence interval of the standard deviation is :0.33≤σ≤0.87.
(2) According to the way 2 The sample data calculated :s2=3.3183. Total variance σ2 The confidence interval of is :

The confidence interval of the standard deviation is :1.25≤σ≤3.33.
(3) The first way of queuing is better , Because its dispersion is less than that of the second queuing method .

11 Take two independent random samples from two normal populations , Their mean and standard deviation are shown in the table .

(1) set up n1=n2=100, seek (μ1-μ2)95% The confidence interval of .
(2) set up n1=n2=10,σ12=σ22, seek (μ1-μ2)95% The confidence interval of .

(3) set up n1=n2=10,σ12≠σ22, seek (μ1-μ2)95% The confidence interval of .
(4) set up n1=10,n2=20,σ12=σ22, seek (μ1-μ2)95% The confidence interval of .
(5) set up n1=10,n2=20,σ12≠σ22, seek (μ1-μ2)95% The confidence interval of .

Explain :(1) Because both samples are independent large samples ,σ12 and σ22 Unknown . When α=0.05 when ,z0.05/2=1.96, be μ1-μ2 Of 95% The confidence interval of is :

namely (0.824,3.176).
(2) Because both samples are independent small samples from normal population , When σ12 and σ22 Unknown but σ12=σ22 when , We need to use the variance of two samples s12 and s22 And to estimate . Combined estimator of population variance sp2 by :

When α=0.05 when ,t0.05/2(10+10-2)=2.101, be μ1-μ2 Of 95% The confidence interval of is :

namely (-1.986,5.986).
(3) Because both samples are independent small samples from normal population ,σ12 and σ22 Unknown and σ12≠σ22,n1=n2=n. When α=0.05 when ,t0.05/2(10+10-2)=2.101, be μ1-μ2 Of 95% The confidence interval of is :

namely (-1.986,5.986).
(4) Because both samples are independent small samples from normal population ,σ12 and σ22 Unknown but σ12=σ22,n1≠n2. We need to use the variance of two samples s12 and s22 To estimate . Combined estimator of population variance sp2 by :

When α=0.05 when ,t0.05/2(10+20-2)=2.048. therefore ,μ1-μ2 Of 95% The confidence interval of is :

namely (-1.431,5.431).

(5) Because both samples are independent small samples from normal population ,σ12 and σ22 Unknown and σ12≠σ22,n1≠n2. therefore ,μ1-μ2 Of 95% The confidence interval of is :

The degrees of freedom are calculated as follows :

When α=0.05 when ,t0.05/2(20)=2.086.μ1-μ2 Of 95% The confidence interval of is :

namely (—1.364,5.364).

12 surface 7-8 By 4 A random sample consisting of observations .

(1) Calculation A And B The difference between each pair of observations , Then use the difference to calculate d and sd.
(2) set up μ1 and μ2 They are the overall A And overall B The average of , structure μd=μ1-μ2 Of 95% The confidence interval of .

Explain :(1) The calculation process is shown in table 7-9 Shown .


(2) When α=0.05 when ,t0.05/2(4-1)=3.182. The difference between the two samples μd=μ1-μ2 Of 95% The confidence interval of is :

namely (-2.43,5.93).

13 A talent evaluation organization randomly selected 10 Managers of small businesses use two methods to test their self-confidence , The self-confidence test scores obtained are shown in the table 7-10 Shown .

requirement : Build the difference between the average self-confidence scores of the two methods μd=μ1-μ2 Of 95% The confidence interval of .

Explain : According to the sample data :d=[(78-71)+(63-44)+…+(55-39)]/10=110/10=11

When α=0.05 when ,t0.05/2(10-1)=2.262. The difference between the average self-confidence scores of the two methods μd=μ1-μ2 Of 95% The confidence interval of is :

namely (6.33,15.67).

14 Take one from each of the two populations n1=n2=250 Independent random samples , From the whole 1 The sample proportion of is p1=40%, From the whole 2 The sample proportion of is p2=30%. requirement :
(1) structure π1-π2 Of 90% The confidence interval of .

(2) structure π1-π2 Of 95% The confidence interval of .

Explain :(1) It is known that :n1=n2=250,p1=40%,p2=30%,α=0.1,z0.1/2=1.645.π1-π2 Of 90% The confidence interval of is :

namely (3.02%,16.98%).
(2)α=0.05,z0.05/2=1.96.π1-π2 Of 90% The confidence interval of is :

namely (1.68%,18.32%).

15 The variance of production process is an important measure of process quality . When the variance is large , The process needs to be improved to reduce variance . surface 7-11 It's the weight of tea bags produced by two machines ( Company :g) The data of .

requirement : Construct two population variance ratios (σ12/σ22)95% The confidence interval of . Explain : According to the sample data :s12=0.058375,s22=0.005846. When α=0.05 when , from Exce1 Of “FINV” The function calculates :F0.025(21-1,21-1)=2.46,F1-α/2(n1-1,n2-1)=F0.975(21-1,21-1)=0.41. The variance ratio of two populations σ12/σ22 Of 95% The confidence interval of is :

That is, the variance ratio of two populations σ12/σ22 Of 95% The confidence interval of is :4.06≤σ12/σ22≤24.35.

16 According to previous production data , The scrap rate of a product is 2%. If the confidence interval is 95%, The estimation error does not exceed 4%, How many samples should be taken ? Explain : It is known that :π=2%,E=4%, When α=0.05 when ,z0.05/2=1.96. The sample size to be taken is :

Therefore, the sample size should be at least 48 The sample of .


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