文章目录 ZigBee拓扑结构 ZigBee 1 ZigBee地址分配方案 ZigBee 17 ZigBee管理机制 ZigBee 39 6LoWPAN和无线传感器网络 6LoWPAN 75 ZigBee拓扑结构 三种结构:星形、树形和网状拓扑结构。 星形拓扑是最容易实现的拓扑,但是由于ZigBe...
2022-07-07 13:26【madkeyboard】
2022-07-07 13:27【中集飞瞳】
前言 我们日常开发中,如何保证接口数据的安全性呢?个人觉得,接口数据安全的保证过程,主要体现在这几个方面:一个就是 数据传输 过程中的安全,还有就是数据到达服务端,如何 识别数据 ,最后一点就是 数据存储的安全性 。今天跟大家聊聊保证接口数据安全的10个方案。 a5b74da4fed9967d13...
2022-07-07 13:27【Java知音_】
关注我的大多技术人,今天跟大家说个事, 第二届稀土开发者 大会将于 7 月 22、23 日 正式召开,这次大会以「激发万有引力,掘金技术未来」为主题,汇聚万千开发者,只为带你在纷繁复杂的技术浪潮里,从实践驱动的案例总结背后,一窥技术的本源。 其中,尤雨溪,前端框架 Vue.js 和前端构建工具 Vi...
2022-07-07 13:27【stormzhangV】
阅读本文大概需要 1.68 分钟。 之前说我每天都输出很多内容,然后在直播的过程中,看到很多人会好奇,问我说你总是输出那么多内容,平时都是怎么积累的,又是怎么做笔记的? 我记得我说过,定期清理你的收藏夹,比如你经常看到不错的文章,你会收藏,但是时间久了,你都忘记了,也不记得你看过什么内容,这时候定期...
2022-07-07 13:27【stormzhangV】
阅读更多Three. JS introductory learning notes 07: external model import -c4d to JSON file for web pages -fbx import
Used in the last article obj Import , Turn into json I found that some materials cannot be loaded , I don't know why . such as blender Import obj Wh...
2022-07-07 15:48【Jiang Duoduo_ Mostly Harmless 】
阅读更多Three. JS introductory learning notes 10:three JS grid
Reference learning : https://www.ituring.com.cn/book/miniarticle/52525 https://www.ituring.com.cn/book/miniarticle/52525 One . Grid concept One o...
2022-07-07 15:48【Jiang Duoduo_ Mostly Harmless 】
阅读更多Three. JS introductory learning notes 08:orbitcontrols JS plug-in - mouse control model rotation, zoom in, zoom out, translation, etc
Learning reference https://blog.csdn.net/qq 30100043/article/details/79606355 https://blog.csdn.net/qq 30100043/article/details/79606355 One . intr...
2022-07-07 15:48【Jiang Duoduo_ Mostly Harmless 】
阅读更多Three. JS introductory learning notes 11:three JS group composite object
Reference learning http://www.yanhuangxueyuan.com/doc/Three.js/Group.html http://www.yanhuangxueyuan.com/doc/Three.js/Group.html https://blog.csdn....
2022-07-07 15:49【Jiang Duoduo_ Mostly Harmless 】
阅读更多Three. JS introductory learning notes 13: animation learning
Reference learning https://www.ituring.com.cn/book/miniarticle/53322 https://www.ituring.com.cn/book/miniarticle/53322 Playback settings Pause 、...
2022-07-07 15:49【Jiang Duoduo_ Mostly Harmless 】
阅读更多Three. JS introduction learning notes 12: the model moves along any trajectory line
Reference learning http://www.yanhuangxueyuan.com/doc/Three.js/curveRun.html http://www.yanhuangxueyuan.com/doc/Three.js/curveRun.html http://www.y...
2022-07-07 15:49【Jiang Duoduo_ Mostly Harmless 】
阅读更多Three. JS introductory learning notes 15: threejs frame animation module
Reference learning http://www.webgl3d.cn/Three.js/ http://www.webgl3d.cn/Three.js/ Edit keys and parse playback Threejs It provides a series of me...
2022-07-07 15:49【Jiang Duoduo_ Mostly Harmless 】
阅读更多Three. Introduction to JS learning notes 17: mouse control of 3D model rotation of JSON file
Reference learning https://blog.csdn.net/tuoxinquyu/article/details/72391797 https://blog.csdn.net/tuoxinquyu/article/details/72391797 One . Mouse...
2022-07-07 15:49【Jiang Duoduo_ Mostly Harmless 】
阅读更多C4D learning notes 1- animation - animation key frames
Study the tutorial : https://huke88.com/course/8794.html https://huke88.com/course/8794.html Three ways to open the timeline https://jingyan.baidu....
2022-07-07 15:49【Jiang Duoduo_ Mostly Harmless 】
阅读更多C4D learning notes 2- animation - timeline and time function
Study the course : https://huke88.com/course/8786.html https://huke88.com/course/8786.html Call up the timeline in two ways 1. Interface animate h...
2022-07-07 15:49【Jiang Duoduo_ Mostly Harmless 】
阅读更多C4D learning notes 3- animation - animation rendering process case
Study the tutorial : https://huke88.com/course/8787.html https://huke88.com/course/8787.html Save animation rendering settings 1. The industrial mo...
2022-07-07 15:49【Jiang Duoduo_ Mostly Harmless 】
阅读更多Three. JS introductory learning notes 18: how to export JSON files with Blender
Reference tutorial : https://www.jianshu.com/p/f7b45d9b957b https://www.jianshu.com/p/f7b45d9b957b Need to be in blender Install Export three.js Pl...
2022-07-07 15:49【Jiang Duoduo_ Mostly Harmless 】
2022-07-07 15:49【中集飛瞳】
阅读更多L'application à l'échelle de la normalisation mature des produits ai des compagnies maritimes, cimc, leader mondial de l'intelligence artificielle portuaire et maritime / intelligence artificielle des
Intelligence artificielle des compagnies maritimes AI Normalisation de la maturation des produits application à l'échelle , Global Harbour and Navig...
2022-07-07 15:49【Pupilles volantes】
阅读更多10 schemes to ensure interface data security
Preface In our daily development , How to ensure the security of interface data ? Personally feel , Interface data security assurance process , Ma...
2022-07-07 15:50【Java confidant_】
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One 、 Preface With the continuous implementation and promotion of the concept of Cloud Computing , At present, cloud platform has been widely us...
The boss of the company just talked to me many times about this problem , But I didn't pay attention when I used it , Just record it problem : Pict...
用RNN写诗 1. 背景 1 1 1.1 词向量 11 3 1.2 RNN 12 RNN 14 2. CharRNN 2 CharRNN 106 3. 用PyTorch实现CharRNN 3 PyTorchCharRNN 123 4. 结果分析 4 397 参考资料 405 1. 背景 自然语言处...
41~45 sql lab 41 And 40 It's the same , Using stack injection , Time blind note , We found that it was just the different way of wrapping 1. Resol...
8.1 概述 何为发射?它就是将符合一定条件的指令从发射队列issue queue中选出来,并送到FU中执行的过程。发射队列页可以叫做保留站reservation station。 发射队列会按照一定的规则,选择那些源操作数都已经准备好的指令,将其送到FU中执行,这个过程称为发射。 但是对于乱序执...
1、不切实际的期望– 100%自动化 最初的测试自动化失败是从不切实际的期望中获得的。在我的职业生涯中,我已经多次观察到它,一旦您获得了自动化的质量保证或工作人员,管理层就期望他们对所有内容进行自动化测试。尽管听起来很令人愉悦,但这是不可能的。您不能进行100%的自动化测试,因为在少数几个领域必须...
Reference learning : Three.js Getting started https://www.ituring.com.cn/book/miniarticle/53810 https://www.ituring.com.cn/book/miniarticle/53810 E...
近日,日本尼崎市工作人员因醉酒丢失包含46万日本公民的姓名、住址、交税金额等敏感个人信息的U盘一事引发关注。该市官员召开记者会公开道歉,却又不慎透露U盘密码位数和组成规则。 据日本媒体报道,装有日本兵库县尼崎市46万517位市民个人信息的U盘于21日不慎丢失,其中包含所有市民的姓名、住址、出生年月及...
*博文作者 wangzirui32 * 喜欢的可以 点赞 收藏 关注哦~~ *本文首发于CSDN,未经许可禁止转载 * hello,大家好,我是wangzirui32,今天我们来学习微信小程序基础API接口,开始学习吧 目录 1. wx.request 1 wxrequest 7 2. wx.d...
customized web Service profile 1. System mounting and installation web service 1web 4 2. establish web Directory files and added content of web pa...