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Meta learning Brief
2022-07-02 07:57:00 【MezereonXP】
Meta Learning sketch
Let's review , Traditional machine learning or deep learning process :
- Identify training and test data sets
- Determine the model structure
- Initialize model parameters ( Usually some commonly used random distribution )
- Initialize optimizer types and parameters
- Training , Until it converges
Meta Learning The goal is to learn some steps 2,3,4 Parameters of , We call it Meta knowledge (meta- knowledge)
It might as well be formalized
Suppose the data set is D = { ( x 1 , y 1 ) , . . . , ( x N , y N ) } D = \{(x_1,y_1),...,(x_N,y_N)\} D={ (x1,y1),...,(xN,yN)} among x i x_i xi It's input , y i y_i yi Is the output tag
Our goal is to get a prediction model y ^ = f ( x ; θ ) \hat{y} = f(x;\theta) y^=f(x;θ) , among θ \theta θ Represent the parameters of the model , x x x For input at the same time y ^ \hat{y} y^ Is the output of the prediction
The form of optimization is :
θ ∗ = arg min θ L ( D ; θ , ω ) \theta^*=\arg \min_{\theta} \mathcal{L}(D;\theta,\omega) θ∗=argθminL(D;θ,ω)
Among them ω \omega ω Meta knowledge , Include :
- Optimizer type
- Model structure
- Initial distribution of model parameters
- …
We will compare the existing data sets D D D Divide tasks , Cut into multiple task sets , Each task set includes a training set and a test set , In the form of :
D s o u r c e = { ( D s o u r c e t r a i n , D s o u r c e v a l ) ( i ) } i = 1 M D_{source} = \{(D^{train}_{source},D^{val}_{source})^{(i)}\}_{i=1}^{M} Dsource={ (Dsourcetrain,Dsourceval)(i)}i=1M
The optimization objective is :
ω ∗ = arg max ω log p ( ω ∣ D s o u r c e ) \omega^* = \arg \max_{\omega} \log p(\omega|D_{source}) ω∗=argωmaxlogp(ω∣Dsource)
That is, in the multiple task sets we segment , Find a set of configurations ( That is, meta knowledge ), Make it optimal for these tasks .
This step is generally called Meta training (meta-training)
find ω ∗ \omega^* ω∗ after , It can be applied to a target task data set D t a r g e t = { ( D t a r g e t t r a i n , D t a r g e t v a l ) } D_{target} = \{(D_{target}^{train}, D_{target}^{val})\} Dtarget={ (Dtargettrain,Dtargetval)}
Carry out traditional training on this , That is to find an optimal model parameter θ ∗ \theta^* θ∗
θ ∗ = arg max θ log p ( θ ∣ ω ∗ , D t a r g e t t r a i n ) \theta^* = \arg\max_{\theta}\log p(\theta|\omega^*, D_{target}^{train}) θ∗=argθmaxlogp(θ∣ω∗,Dtargettrain)
This step is called Meta test (meta-testing)
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