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About snake equation (2)

2022-07-08 01:27:00 yangxue_ mifen

Reference source :(6 A private letter / 20 Bar message ) What is gradient descent method ? - You know (zhihu.com) ------------ Ma classmate

Every gradient vector The module length is listed , It can be seen that it is decreasing , Therefore, this method is called gradient descent method :


It's easy to understand , When finally tends to 0 From time to tome :

So the minimum value obtained by gradient descent method ( Or nearby ).

Step setting :

As mentioned above, you can pass the step   To control the distance of each movement , Let's take a look at the impact of asynchronous length on the final result .

The step size is too small

  If set   It's too small , iteration 20 After that, it is still far from the bottom of the valley , actually 100 You can't reach the bottom after times .


  Appropriate step size

  If set ,, Is a more appropriate step ,10 The minimum value is almost found once :

The step size is too big

If set  ,  At this time, it will vibrate back and forth ( The figure below looks like there are only two points , In fact, back and forth between these two points ):


  Sum up , Different steps As the number of iterations increases , Will result in optimized functions   Of Values vary :


  Find the right step , It's a craft job , The above picture can be drawn in the project , Manually adjust according to the image :

  It's almost linear ( The blue line ) May be smaller , It needs to be raised

  Go up ( Red thread ), Naturally Too big , Need to be lowered .

  At first, the decline was particularly rapid , Then there is little change ( Brown line ), May be more , Need to be lowered .



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