High quality USB sound card / audio chip sss1700 | sss1700 design 96 kHz 24 bit sampling rate USB headset microphone scheme | sss1700 Chinese design scheme explanation
The high quality USB Sound card / Audio chip SSS1700 SSS1700 Design 96 KHz 2...
2022-07-08 01:09【qq1659747718】
阅读更多Capstone/cs5210 chip | cs5210 design scheme | cs5210 design data
1 CS5210 brief introduction Capstone CS5210 HDMI To VGA The converter combines HDMI Input interface and analog RGB DAC Output . Support internal LDO...
2022-07-08 01:10【qq1659747718】
阅读更多Cs5261type-c to HDMI alternative ag9310 | ag9310 alternative
CS5261 yes Capstone The latest one can replace AG9310 Solution chip of . The function and performance of the two are very similar CS5261 And AG9310 S...
2022-07-08 01:10【qq1659747718】
阅读更多Taiwan Xinchuang sss1700 latest Chinese specification | sss1700 latest Chinese specification | sss1700datasheet Chinese explanation
Taiwan Xinchuang SSS1700 The latest version of the Chinese manual SSS1700 The latest Chine...
2022-07-08 01:10【qq1659747718】
阅读更多Parade ps8625 | replace ps8625 | EDP to LVDS screen adapter or screen drive board
Parade PS8625 replace PS8625 EDP turn LVDS Panel to panel wiring or panel drive board scheme ...
2022-07-08 01:10【qq1659747718】
阅读更多Kuntai ch7511b scheme design | ch7511b design EDP to LVDS data | pin to pin replaces ch7511b circuit design
Quintiles CH7511B The project design CH7511B Design EDP turn LVDS Information pin to pin replace CH7511B Cir...
2022-07-08 01:10【qq1659747718】
阅读更多Introduction to the types and repair methods of chip Eco
Classify according to the category of repair content , It can be divided into functions ECO and Timing ECO . function ECO It is to modify the logic ...
2022-07-08 01:11【NanDigits】
阅读更多Use "recombined netlist" to automatically activate eco "APR netlist"
NanDigits Of GOF ECO Support with “ Recombined netlist ” It's automatic ECO“APR Net watch ” The process of . Here's the picture , In this process , T...
2022-07-08 01:11【NanDigits】
阅读更多Ag9310 same function alternative | cs5261 replaces ag9310type-c to HDMI single switch screen alternative | low BOM replaces ag9310 design
AG9310 Same function alternative CS5261 replace AG9310Type C turn HDMI Single switch screen scheme low BOM replace AG9310 Design Capstone CS5261 I...
2022-07-08 01:11【qq1659747718】
阅读更多General configuration title
General configuration General configuration refers to the configuration that can be used by any chart . title :title (1) Writing style textStyle...
2022-07-08 01:11【Just love life】
阅读更多Generic configuration legend
legend: legend , Used to filter series , Need and series In combination with legend Medium data Is an array legend Medium data The value of needs an...
2022-07-08 01:11【Just love life】
阅读更多General configuration tooltip
tooltip: Prompt box components , It is used to configure the display box when the mouse slides over or clicks the chart Trigger type :tigger item( P...
2022-07-08 01:11【Just love life】
阅读更多General configuration toolbox
toolbox:ECharts Toolbar provided toolbox Configure in option Subelement Show toolbar buttons feature Built in export picture saveAsImage, Data vie...
2022-07-08 01:11【Just love life】
阅读更多Common configurations in rectangular coordinate system
Common configuration in rectangular coordinate system Diagram of rectangular coordinate system : Histogram 、 Broken line diagram 、 Scatter plot g...
2022-07-08 01:11【Just love life】
阅读更多Common effects of line chart
Common effect Mark : Maximum minimum value Average Mark the interval markPoint 、markLine、markArea https://img blog.csdnimg.cn/799eb03870a74...
2022-07-08 01:11【Just love life】
阅读更多Basic realization of line graph
Implementation steps ECharts The most basic code structure : introduce js file ,DOM Containers , Initialize object , Set up option x Axis data : ...
2022-07-08 01:11【Just love life】
阅读更多Basic realization of line chart (II)
11.7 In the version updated on the th ,y Axis is not displayed by default , Just add the following https://img blog.csdnimg.cn/71ce18da44e14a22bc5606...
2022-07-08 01:11【Just love life】
阅读更多Basic implementation of pie chart
https://img blog.csdnimg.cn/64fbfa2fd2624fbbb0095b5380dc4d41.png?x oss process=image/watermark,type ZHJvaWRzYW5zZmFsbGJhY2s,shadow 50,text Q1NETiBA55...
2022-07-08 01:11【Just love life】
阅读更多Smart agricultural technology framework
Adopt the open source scaffold project of teacher Xiaowei Code cloud address :https://gitee.com/zhang.w/boot backend Back end Jdk 1.8 The core f...
2022-07-08 01:11【Just love life】
阅读更多Overall introduction of the project
The project depends on the environment 1.Redis (1)Redis Environment building (2)Redis Follow SpringBoot Integrate (3)RedisPlus 2. Message queue ...
2022-07-08 01:12【Just love life】
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Catalog RedisOM brief introduction JDK 11 install Use summary /upload/images/article/2022/07/472dc16f1ee30c360b5b683b0d8bda9d.jpg RedisOM bri...
https://img blog.csdnimg.cn/68a97ec7c3e046f69ca6af34d2fec11a.png 堆叠etcd集群:一个集群里面有3个master,每个master里面都有etcd这个pod,这个pod通常通过kubelet自管理。 kubelet会去读取一个con...
CS5261 yes Capstone The latest one can replace AG9310 Solution chip of . The function and performance of the two are very similar CS5261 And AG9310 S...
China Star Hotel data One 、 Data brief Star hotels are made by the state ( provincial level ) The accommodation facilities with catering and rel...
文章 1.准备数据集 1 3 2.利用DataLoader加载数据集 2DataLoader 23 3.创建神经网络模型 3 30 4.创建损失函数 4 68 5.定义优化器 5 74 6.设置训练网络的一些参数 6 81 7.模型训练 7 92 8.模型测试 8 121 9.训练测试过程可视化 ...
article One 、 not used Dropout Under normal circumstances Dropout 2 Two 、 Use Dropout Dropout 27 Complete code 49 1. not used Dropout Complete...
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来源 cointelegraph 作者 Tatiana Revoredo 编译 [email protected] 6月10日,Twitter的联合创始人杰克·多尔西(Jack Dorsey)的子公司TBD宣布推出 Web5 平台。 TBD通过16页PPT阐释了Web5的概念定义、关键内容和...