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Day06 class variables instance variables local variables constant variables naming conventions

2022-07-05 07:36:00 33 year old Java enthusiast


Variable is the most basic storage unit in a program ,

Its elements include :

  1. Variable name
  2. Variable type
  3. Scope

Notes on declaring variables :

  1. Variable types must be declared , It can be a basic type , It can also be a reference type
  2. There must be a variable name , The identifier of variable name must be legal ,$ _ Start with upper and lower case letters . Cannot contain keywords .
  3. Declared variables must have values .
  4. Variable declarations are complete statements , So every statement needs ; ending
  5. Within the same function , Variable names are unique .
public class demo{
    public static void main(String[] args){
        byte a1 =127;  // perhaps -128
        short a2 =32767; // perhaps -32768
        char c1 ='a'  // According to the character , Single quotation marks 
        int a3 = 2147483647;  // perhaps -2147483648
        long a4 = 9223372036854775807L;// perhaps -9223372036854775808. Pay attention to add L Follow int distinguish 
        float a5 = 3.14F; // Pay attention to add F Follow double distinguish 
        double a6 = 3.14;//
public class demo_day3 {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        //int a,b,c; // Although it can be written like this , But not recommended 
        int a=1;
        String name  =" Kaiwei ";

Three variable forms : Class variables , Instance variables , local variable

  1. Class variables . On the method , It can be used directly in the method
  2. Instance variables . On the method , Class must be introduced , Can be used
  3. local variable . In the method , Direct declaration can be quoted
//  Three variables  ,  Class variables , Instance variables , local variable 
public class demo_day3 {
    static double salary = 20;// Class variables , You can reference directly in the method 
    String name = "kaiwei" ;// Instance variables , You must reference variables before you can use them. Understand 
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        int a1 = 20;// Reference local variables 
        demo_day3 Baby =new demo_day3();// Reference instance variable , I'm not familiar with it for the time being. Just know how to write it 
        System.out.println(salary);// Reference class variables 

The default value of uninitialized variables

The number will return 0

The string returns null

Boolean values will return false


Understood as a special variable , After setting the value , It is not allowed to be changed while the program is running

final double HIGHT = 300
public class demo_day3 {
    static final double HIGHT = 400;  // Declare class variables   One high is 400 The constant 
   // final static double HIGHT =400; // The meaning is the same as above ,static It's a modifier , It doesn't matter before or after 
   public static void main(String[] args) {


Variable naming conventions

All constants , Variable , Class name Must see the name to know the meaning . Replace with English words

  1. Class member variable : First character lowercase and hump principle .monthSalary For example, monthly salary
  2. local variable : First character lowercase and hump principle .
  3. Constant : Capital letters and underscores .MAX_VALUE
  4. Class name : Capital letters and hump principle .Hello
  5. Method name : Lowercase and hump principle .run(),runRun()


Constants are all uppercase .

Class names begin with uppercase

Members of the class Follow Method name local variable equally The first letter Hump principle


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