2022-07-06 09:25:00 【星时代曹波涛】
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<script> //获得video摄像头区域 let video = document.getElementById("video"); function getMedia() {
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video.srcObject = MediaStream; video.play(); }).catch(function (PermissionDeniedError) {
console.log(PermissionDeniedError); }) } function takePhoto() {
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- Cost accounting [19]
- C语言必背代码大全
- Report on the market trend, technological innovation and market forecast of printing and decorative paper in China
- 学习记录:使用STM32外部输入中断
- Market trend report, technical innovation and market forecast of lip care products in China and Indonesia
- Accounting regulations and professional ethics [1]
- Research Report of pharmaceutical solvent industry - market status analysis and development prospect prediction
- Unpleasant error typeerror: cannot perform 'ROR_‘ with a dtyped [float64] array and scalar of type [bool]
- LeetCode#118. Yanghui triangle
- D - Function(HDU - 6546)女生赛
STM32 learning record: play with keys to control buzzer and led
LeetCode#19. Delete the penultimate node of the linked list
csapp shell lab
12306: mom, don't worry about me getting the ticket any more (1)
Learning record: STM32F103 clock system overview working principle
Scoring system based on 485 bus
学习记录:STM32F103 时钟系统概述工作原理
Learning record: understand systick system timer and write delay function
Intensive learning notes: Sutton book Chapter III exercise explanation (ex17~ex29)
洛谷P1102 A-B数对(二分,map,双指针)
学习记录:如何进行PWM 输出
China's earthwork equipment market trend report, technical dynamic innovation and market forecast
Cost accounting [14]
Perinatal Software Industry Research Report - market status analysis and development prospect forecast
Brief introduction to libevent
Printing quality inspection and verification system Industry Research Report - market status analysis and development prospect forecast
FSM and I2C experiment report
Crawler series (9): item+pipeline data storage
F - Birthday Cake(山东省赛)
Research Report on market supply and demand and strategy of China's land incineration plant industry
Learning record: STM32F103 clock system overview working principle
ArrayList set
Determine the Photo Position
0 - 1 problème de sac à dos (1)
JS --- all knowledge of JS objects and built-in objects (III)