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7-11 mechanic mustadio (PTA program design)

2022-07-06 13:56:00 Programming Lindaiyu

stay MMORPG《 Final fantasy 14》 Copy of “ A place of pleasure, oubona monastery ” in ,BOSS Mechanic mstadio will accept the player's challenge .

You need to process this copy, one of the mechanisms :N×M The size of the map is split into N×M individual 1×1 Lattice of ,BOSS Will select several rows or / And several columns of release skills , Players cannot stand on a square that releases skills , Otherwise you will be hit and fail .

Given BOSS All row or column information for releasing skills , Please calculate how many grids are safe in the end .

Input format :

The first line of input is three integers N,M,Q (1≤N×M≤105,0≤Q≤1000), Indicates that the map is N That's ok M Column size and selected rows / Number of columns .

Next Q That's ok , Two numbers per line Ti​,Ci​, among Ti​=0 Express BOSS A whole row is selected ,Ti​=1 Indicates that an entire column is selected ,Ci​ Select the line number for / Column number . The numbers of rows and columns are from 1 Start .

Output format :

Output a number , Indicates the number of safety grids .

sample input :

5 5 3
0 2
0 4
1 3

sample output :


Code (Python): 

n,m,q=map(int,input().split())  # The first line of input is three integers  N,M,Q , Indicates that the map is  N  That's ok  M  Column size and selected rows / Number of columns .
list1=[]  # Store map 
list2=[]  # The number of rows or columns storing the data to be deleted , That is, input the number in the sample except the first line 
for i in range(n):  # Initialize the 2D list , That is, build a map , Make its values all 1
    h=[]            # This is actually equivalent to list1 There is n Elements , Each element has m Elements , Composition n*m The map of 
    for j in range(m):
for i in range(q):  # Input of two-dimensional array , I will store the number in the input sample in the form of a two-dimensional list except the first line 
    list2.append([int(n) for n in s.split()])  # Notice the square brackets inside 
for i in range(q):  # To delete 
    x=list2[i][1]-1 # See which row or column you want to delete , Because the rows or columns in the question are from 1 At the beginning , And in the list is from 0 At the beginning , So we need to reduce 1
    if list2[i][0]==0:  # Delete a whole line 
        for j in range(m):  # When deleting rows, see how many columns ,m Column 
            list1[x][j]=0  # Use to place 0 Said to delete 
    if list2[i][0]==1: # Delete an entire column 
        for j in range(n): # See how many rows there are when deleting columns ,n That's ok 
            list1[j][x]=0 # Use to place 0 Said to delete 
count=0  # Number of safety grids 
for i in range(n):  # Traverse the map , Look, how many are there 1, That is, there are several safety grids 
    for j in range(m):
        if list1[i][j]==1:
print(count)  # Output the number of safety grids 

When I first saw this problem, I thought it was very difficult , Because it looks complicated . But I still tried it , It's not difficult to find , Is the most basic mathematical knowledge , There is no hard Algorithm . therefore , When you come across a seemingly difficult problem , And don't give up , Try to do it , To analyze , Maybe it's not very difficult , Or maybe it's really a little difficult , But how do you know if you will not try , What if you make it yourself ? So don't set limits on yourself , Try boldly , To challenge . 

The above program gives more detailed comments , For novice Xiaobai's reference . The idea of program design or code implementation is not optimal , You are welcome to correct your mistakes or give better ideas .

I am a rookie who wants to be Kunpeng , Everyone's encouragement is my driving force , Welcome to like collection comments !


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