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Multi purpose signal modulation generation system based on environmental optical signal detection and user-defined signal rules

2022-07-08 01:12:00 Tequila_ Wakila

dry IT many years , I feel I haven't learned any hard skills , Isn't this epidemic ? So I constantly perceive in basic technology 、 Exploration finally found a direction ( As the title ), Actually, it's fun , Many application scenarios , Put together a catalog , Start playing , Then gradually improve the content of each chapter .

The general idea is as follows :

1. Design background

This design can be mainly used for visual algorithm analysis 、 Research on Environmental Optics ( Including power measurement )、 Robot and autopilot Technology 、 Communication and other signal conversion ( Including authentication encryption and decryption )

2. Design reference

It covers a wide range , So I spent it 2000 Yuan to buy books , It roughly involves the following professional disciplines , This design principle mainly refers to materials 、 thermodynamics 、 optics 、 Electromagnetics 、 Principle of electronic circuit 、 mathematics 、 Calculator programming language 、 automation 、 Cryptography and other disciplines .

( Make complaints about it , Even postdoctors tm Not so extensive , this tm Need a team or several teams )

3.( Or write the directory first , The content is really too TM Enriched , I'm a researcher in chip algorithm phenomenon !!!! There is really no need to learn TM There are so many !!!!!!)

2.1 optics

2.1.1 Ambient light imaging

2.1.2 Monochromatic light filtering

2.1.3 Monochromatic light detection

2.1.4 Laser interference

Rated power Light pressure 、 Interference physical parameters of combined light source

2.1.5 Physical conversion of optical wavelength signal

2.1.6 Scattering and interference of ambient light

Reference principle : Interference is the superposition of two or more waves , It produces a combined disturbance , Is the sum of the components of the overlapping waves .

2.2 circuit

2.2.1 Optical wavelength heat ( Joules ) Power measurement

2.2.2 Optical wavelength photoelectric power measurement

2.2.3 Power catalog definition

2.2.4 Circuit interface ( agreement ) Definition

2.2.5 Physical design of circuit function ( or FPGA)

2.3 operating system

2.3.1 Interface 、 agreement 、 Operating system services

2.3.2 Special signal directory modulation

2.3.2 Parameter adaptation and mathematical adaptation objects

2.3.3 Catalogue of mathematical algorithms ( scene ) adapter

  1. Summary of structure

3.1 Optical structure design

3.2 Circuit structure design

  1. Application scenarios

4.1 Personal parameters ( authentication )

4.2 Enterprise fieldbus clock signal modulation

4.3 Digital file encryption and decryption parameters user-defined parameter label

4.4 Quality inspection based on machine vision principle

4.5 Custom ambient light clock signal modulation

4.6 Machine and automatic driving

4.7 Personal wear visual optics passive acquisition ( This is fun )

        This was originally F22 The design of the , The glass on the front of the pilot's Helmet Mask , There are two optical interior angles , On the one hand, it does not affect the driver's visual observation , On the other hand, it can reflect the driver's pupil distance through internal observation , Collect the low light reflected by the driver's vision through the passive multi angle glass , In combination with other monochromatic lasers , Signal modulation and generation .

If Huawei glasses are expensive enough ( Regardless of cost ) In fact, you can also do this !!!


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